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Class No.: G-18 Date:  October 25, 2021

Name: REOMA, Shalvy Mae Module 3 – 2nd Quarter – SY20212022
Grade and Section: 10 - St. Albert the Great Teacher: Ms. Erika Landicho

I. Title: I, You and We: Respecting Similarities and Differences

II. Objectives:
At the end of the module, you are expected to:
1. recognize the different duties of your family members that strengthen harmonious
2. demonstrate ways of showing respect and strengthening relationship with others in
spite of differences in beliefs, culture, and values; and
3. value the importance of respecting similarities and differences with others.

III. Material/s:
1. Notebook or Paper
2. Pencil/ Pen
3. Coloring materials


V. Concept:

In this module, you will realize that living in harmony with others requires showing respect
in spite of similarities and differences. Our golden rule “Do not do unto others, what you
do not want them to do unto you” was repeatedly taught to strengthen its impact and be a
seamless part of you. This principle is a powerful reminder for you to treat others better
just like how you wanted to be treated.

As you go through life, you will be confronted with the challenges of interacting and
working with other people with similar and different views, beliefs, culture,s and values
from you. Understanding and respecting individual differences will help you recognize the
importance of diversity and strengthen your interpersonal relationships.

VI. Activity:

A. Let’s try these!

Learning the value of respect starts at home. Your family is composed of different
members performing similar or different roles and responsibilities. You may differ in
opinions, beliefs, characteristics, and abilities but being united, you can overcome any
challenges and difficulties.

1. Copy the table on a clean sheet of paper.

2. List down the duties that each of your family members performs, including
3. Ask them about the importance of their role in strengthening your family’s
relationship amidst the different challenges and difficulties that you encounter

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(examples: misunderstandings, financial problems, dealing with the COVID-
19 pandemic, etc.).
4. If possible, do this activity during your rest time so that you are all gathered in
one place.
5. An example is provided to serve as your guide.

TIME FRAME: 20 Minutes

Family Members Duties Performed Role in Strengthening Family


Father He provides support to our Being the source of strength

family – financially, and reminding the family
emotionally, socially, morally members to trust each other.
and spiritually.

Mother Doing all the house By serving as light to the

chores, taking care of us family, gives unconditional
unconditionally. love, guidance, and

Grandparents They provided families They serve as the main

with love, encouragement, source of guidance,
patience, acting as role unconditional love and care.
models and teaching skills.

They give a piece of

Cousins advice and help each other They provide companionship
out, also to have the most and social support.
possible fun and hang out,
talk about each other's

Note: You can include the other household members (grandmother, grandfather,
aunt, uncle, cousins). Add rows and necessary spaces when needed.

1. What did you discover about yourself and your family while doing the activity?
2. How does having similar or different duties unite your family?
3. What is the importance of recognizing and respecting the roles of family


1. Based on the activity, I’d noticed that we family has many differences but we won’t be
different in a matter that we loved and care for each other.
2. Whether its similar or different as long as we do our tasks and duties willingly, it can surely
unite the family. Also, with the help of being respected in individual’s opinion rather decisions.
3. The importance of it is you will easily find what is your family member more comfortable and
respecting them will make them happy and great. As your family member by showing, you
respect of their roles may help them do their part willingly.
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B. Let’s Explore this!

Within every group of people, there are similarities and differences among individuals.
Some of these are obvious while others are not. It is important to recognize and
respect your similarities and differences from the people around you in order to
strengthen your relationship with them.

Copy the Diversity Card on a clean sheet of paper. Complete the card by writing the
names of the people around you (family members, relatives, friends, or neighbors) who
fit in each description. You may personally identify them based on your knowledge
about them or by asking if one of the descriptions is true to them. As much as possible,
identify different individuals for each description.

TIME FRAME: 20 Minutes

Respectful to Can dance Loves to cook Has 2 or A school

elders more children achiever

Me Cousin Parents Tita & Tito Me

Plays musical Can sing Youngest Has curly hair Speaks other
instrument Child languages

Friend Me Cousin None Bisaya

Hates vegetables Left-handed DIVERSITY Plays computer Born in another

CARD games country
Cousin Cousin No No

Can do sports A community Loves movies Can draw Comes from a

worker rich family

Me Mother’s Friend Romance Tito Cousin

Religion is Loves to read With physical Affected by Can swim

different from you books difficulties the pandemic

None Friend None In school No

1. How was your experience while completing the activity?
2. Who among the people around you have significant similarities with and
differences from you? Explain briefly its impact in your relationship with them.
3. How do you strengthen your relationship with the people around you in spite
of your differences?

1. I feel happy because I know some things that my relatives rather friends they truly love to do.
2. My friends and family are both important and are similar to me in other ways, but the difference is that
my friends are there to encourage me, express their love for me, and laugh with me, which makes me
feel better even when we argue. While my family is always at my side, much like my friends, family is
special to me since we have lived together since I was born into this world, and they are precious to me
because they show me how they love, support, provide for my needs, and protect me.
3. Respect and understanding are key to strengthening relationships with those around me
despite differences. Differences will no longer be a barrier, but rather a means to develop one's

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C. You Can Do It!

Accepting and understanding the people around you amidst your similarities and
differences shows how you appreciate and value them in your lives. Making them feel
that you respect them will strengthen your relationship with them.

Copy the table on a clean sheet of paper. Think of five significant people around you
(family, friends, etc.) who made a positive impact in your life in spite of having different
views, interests, cultures, or values. Then, share ways of showing respect amidst
diversity that strengthen your relationship. An example is provided below to serve as
your guide.

TIME FRAME: 20 Minutes

Significant In what way/s In what ways How did he/she How do you
person (name are you are you make a positive show respect
and your similar? different? impact in your and strengthen
relationship) life? your
Ana, my best We both come She is quite shy She supports I make sure to
friend from big family. while I am an everything that I always listen to
We enjoy outgoing do, motivates me her and be with
singing and person. to do my best in her when she
dancing school. needs me.

Ian, my cousin We both enjoy He is quite He has a good I make sure to

playing sports friendly while I attitude and always respect
and online am a quite shy behavior that’s his opinion for
games. why I want to us to not think
play with him. about the
ng behavior
that led
sometimes to

1. How did you feel while doing the activity?
2. What is the importance of recognizing your similarities and differences in
strengthening your relationship with others?
3. How will you inspire others to respect individual differences?


1. I feel exciting because I want to share my cousin’s good behavior of him.

2. Recognizing our similarities and differences is important in strengthening our relationship with
my cousin because it allows us to accept each opinion of us in any aspect we do, and by letting
us to be stronger in the way we bond together.
3. Every individual has the right to be respected. We must accept them for who they are in order
for them to accept us for who we are. Our differences are what distinguishes us. Individual
differences are irrelevant.
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D. Share your Thoughts & Feelings

On a clean sheet of paper, make at least 3-5 paragraph essay guided by the following

1. How do you practice respect for people who are very different from you?
2. When was the last time you struggled to respect other people? Cite your personal
3. How do you react if others are not respecting you?


One of the most wonderful and amazing aspects of humanity is that we are all different
from one another; each person is unique in their own way. Rather than fearing such differences,
we must recognize and embrace them, and above all, be respectful of them.

We don't always understand why others say or do certain things, or even what they dress
because their culture or religion is so different from ours. This may seem unusual or ridiculous
to us, but we must keep in mind that we may appear strange or silly to them as well. Rather
than making fun of what they do that makes us curious, we should accept their differences and
try to understand why they do that kind of thing. The simplest approach to demonstrate respect
for people is to listen when they talk, to the things that interest them, and to the reasons for their
actions. We learn when we give importance to one another.

Respect for others is not something I have a problem with. It's a test when someone is
almost beyond respect, but I always remember that people are who they are for a reason, and
that reason may come from childhood trauma. I reply by remaining silent and then praying.
People aren't always easy to work with, but they deserve to be respected no matter what

While re-evaluating what you may or may not have done correctly, I would encourage
quietly leaving myself up to direct and honest conversation. If you haven't done anything, you
can reasonably think that you either don't have the appropriate information yet or that you
weren't in the wrong in the first place. Also, if you don't want to continue being careless and/or
fearful, DO SOMETHING to modify your unhelpful behaviors. Clearly, you have issues that need
to be addressed, or else this wouldn't have to be spoken or properly considered.

Somehow, I, as an individual, I'm always left at the end because I refuse to apologize
without first clarifying what I am apologizing for, even though I haven't done anything wrong
other than perhaps not knowing how to best assist people because of THEIR OWN
unwillingness to communicate properly and/or take action for themselves and/or others.

TIME FRAME: 20 Minutes


Baluca, M.E., Miranda, L.C., Valdez, J.M., Bercando, M.V., Castillo, R.R., Lozada, M.V.,
Vendiola, M.M., Padilla, K.S., Andaya, DR.,Victorino, M., Valdez, J., and Andres, M.
(2020) Homeroom Guidance Quarter 1. Department of Education.

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