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TIME 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM (3 HOURS)

SECTION A : 1. Answer ALLquestions ln the OMR sheet.
2. Use 28 pencil only.
SECTION B 1. Answer ALL questions in the Answer Booklet.
2. Begin EACH answer on a new page in the Answer
Booklet given.
3. Indicate clearly answers that are cancelled, if any.

4. Where applicable, show clearly steps taken in arriving at

the solutions and indicate ALL assumptions, if any.
5. DO NOT open this Question Booklet until instructed.
i. There are FOURTEEN (14) pages in this Question Booklet including the
cover page.
ii. DOUBLE-SIDED Question Booklet.
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
· FAH0023/FBH0023

[60 MARKS]
. ,.. · . :
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Answer AL.L questions on the OMR sheefprovided. ·

1. What is the function of morality in daily lives of individuals or gr(?UP.S of a society?

A. Social law
B. Social belief
C. Social ethics
D. Social instrument

2. The word 'ethic' is derived from the Greek word 'ethos'. Ethics can be defined as
the philosophy of _ _ _ _ _ __

A. society
B. morality
C. education
D. study socjal cla$se$

3. Professions such as lawyers and doctors have their own ______ to

safeguard and showtheir own professionalism.

A. ethics
B. value
C. moral
D. philosophy

FAH0023/FB H0023

4. "Malaysians can have free primarY education". What type of statement is this?

A. Ethical
B. Deontic
C. Normative
D. Non-normative

5. "Students should nofsmoke". Whattype of statement is this?

A. Aretaic
8. Deontic
C. Normative
D. Descriptive

6. Value in character building has several functions. Whlc;h statement below is NOT
the function of value?

A. A reference and guide to solving moral conflict

8. The freedom of expression of individual or ~ociety
C. Enable an individual to be a moral agentor moral critic
D. Places a restriction on the behaviour of an individual or society

7. What makes descriptive statement different from normative statement?

A. It defines morality as subjective

8. It looks at morals in terms of social significance
C. It does not evaluate individual actions as right or wrong
D. It makes descriptive ethics different from normative ethics


8. Identify a normative value statement from the following sentences.

A. Vincent is an artist
. .. ·::. ·.

B. Vincent works in Creative Art College,

C. Vincent specialised in water colour paintings.
D. Vincent is a hardworking and responsible lecturer.

9. Determine a non-moral judgement fromthe following sentences:

A. Do not destroy public properties.

B. Yououghttq hqldJhe violin this way.
:.· ·. . . : .

C. Treat you want to·be.treated.

D. You ought to respect yourself and others.

. ...

10. One who believes that there is only one set of ~tandards by which all should
without·deviation is - - - - - - -

A. Absolutist
8. Teleology'~
C. UtilliaHanist
D. Deontologist

11. "More students are encouraged to up STEM subjects to industrialise

Malaysia". Identify the value implied in this statement.

A. Relative value
B. Absolute value
C. Objective value
D. Subjective value


12; When an individual can display reluctance to hurt or kill another person, and
willingness to save someone in danger he is said· to have

A. intrinsic
8. relative
C. extrinsic
D. subjective

13. Identify the theory that stresses people should act for their own self-interests.

A. Egoism
B. Virtue Ethics
C. Utilitarianism
D. Social Morality

14. Utilitarianism dictates that actions are morally good when they

A. promote general happiness

B. are performed by a virtuous person
C. promote the actor's interest and well beil"lg
D. reflect the following of a just principle, regardless of the consequences

15. Determine from the following the strengths of teleological ethical theories.

A. They ignore the consequences of actions.

B. They often complement with our personal needs.
C. They fit with much of our ordinary moral reasoning.
D. They focus on the naturn of actions and the rnles from which they follow.


16. Which of the following are the strengths of deontological ethical theories?

A. They focus on the derived benefits.

B. They fit with very mi1e of our or<:Jinary morafreasoning.
C. They pay close attention to the consequences of actions.
D. They focus on the nature of actions and the rules from which they follow.

17. Deontological thepries define right actiqq .in terms of----~"'--'

A. God's will
B. moral rules
C. the virtuous agent
D. their consequences

18. Which ofJhe foHoyving. is NOT an aspect of a Muslim.

A. Aqidah (faith)
B. lbadah (devotion)
C. Qiyarnah (judgment day)
D. Akhlak (moral behaviour)

19. H~dith reports - ~ - ~ - -

A. Allah's creation of the universe

B. what Prophet Muhammad said and did
C. were compiled in one authoritative collection
D. were not collected by those closest to Prophet Muhammad


20. Identify what is NOT in the Five Pillars of Islam.

A. Jihad
8. D_eclaration of faith
C. Prayer five times daily
D. Fasting during the month of Ramadan

21. Choose the four priricipal aims of human life in Hindui$m.

I. Duka
II. Caste
111. Artha
IV. Kama
V. Dharma
VI. Moksha

A. I, II, Ill and IV

8. I, II, IV and VI
C. II, Ill, IV an.dV
D. 111, IV, V and VI

22. Bhagavad Gita in Hinduism refers to a _ _ _ _ __

A. holy river
8. holy ritual
C. holy scripture
D. form of dance


23. The principle of non-violence in Hinduism is _ _ _ __

A. astika
B. asteva
C. ahimsa
D. anumati

24. The earliest Buddhist literature which deal withJhe stories of the various births of
Buddha is - - - - -

A. Jataka
B. Sutta pitaka
C. Vinaya pitaka
D. Abhidhamma pitaka

25. The following are insights discovered by Siddharta Gautama EXCEPT

A. suffering
B. calmness
C. egolessness
D. impermanence

26. The essence of Buddhism is everyone can escape by

following _ _ __

A. poverty Nirvana
B. failure prayers
C. depression vllClllllll~

D. suffering Eightfold Path

FAH0023/FB 1-10023

27. Taoism is a religion of human - - - - - - - in this universe.

A. $elf-development
B. violent and hatred
C. harmony and union
D. unity and opposites

28. Which of the following in Taoism explain$ about the.universe?

A. Wuli
B. Fung- sui
C. Ying Yang
D. Dao Te Ching

29. _ _ _ _ _ _ is most closely associated with the philosophy of Confucianism.

A. Prayer
B. Filial piety
C. Vegetarian
D. Poetry and arts

30. According to the teachings of Confucius, the key to the successful organization
of society is that _ _ _ _ _ __

A. the evil in humans must be eliminated

B. ancestor worship should be discontinued
C. the ruler should be chosen democratically
D. individuals should know and do what is expected of them


31. Christianity understands God as _ _ _ _ _ __

A. personal spirit, Murnan and beyond

B. personal, beyond human and trinity
C. personal, beyond human, and immortal
D. personal, beyond human, trinity, and intrinsic

In Christi,mity
... .. .
ifisbelieved that Jesus
. .
is --------------
A. fully human and fully divine
B. · fully t)uman·~nd partly divin~
C. partly divine and partly human
D. fully divine and only appearing to be human

. . ..

33. Determine the first book bf the Christian Bible•

A. Marks.
B. Exodus
D. Matthew

34. Christian doctrine of the Trinity teaches that-~~..,........,..,--

A. there are three salvations to be close to God

B. God the Father created the Son and Holy Spirit
C. the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are each completely God
D. God is made up of three parts: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

FAH0023/FB H0023

35. In Sikhism, the term "Guru" is used in the following ways

EXCEPT _ _ _ __

A. a name for God

B. the title of the sacred text
C. the title of Nanak and his successors
D. a teacher in a religious school for Sikh children

36. Spiritual liberation in Sikhism refers to _ _ _ _ _ __

AJ complete union with God

B. infinite bliss in one of the seven heavens
C. freedom from evil inclinations and from guilt
D. a good rebirth into a Sikh family of high standing

37. "Amrit sanchar", an important Sikhism ritual, refers to _ _ _ _ __

A. baptism of a Sikh baby

B. khalsa initiation.ceremony
C. ceremonial cremation of the dead
D. first pilgrimage of a young Sikh to Amritsar

38. A personal aspect often taught by families or society until they become
internalised as a personal character is _ _ _ _ _ __

A. virtue
B. education
C. dressings
D. confidence


39. To be able to conduct oneself as morally correct is termed as _ _ _ _ __

A. ethics
B. moral values
C. moral response
D. moral performance

. .. ..:.: :

40. "The ends do nofju~tify the means" is clQsely associ~ted with -------....;.c,.-'-- view.

A. egoist
B. hedonist
C. teleological
D. deontological


[40 MARKS]

Answer ALL questions irtthe Answer provided.

1. (a) Provide an explanation with an example for Relative Value by describing

how Community A and Community B view aparticular issue differently.
[ 6 marks]

(b). "To teleologists, t.he moral value of an action depends upon the non-moral
value produced from the ~¢ti on."

Provide an explanation with an example for what the statement above

[6 marks]

(c) Joe and Alex are best friends. One day they went shopping together. Joe
picked up a set of earphones and then, to Alex's surprise, Joe rush out of
the store with the earphones in his pocket. A moment later, the store's
security officer stopped Alex and demanded that he tell him the name of
the boy who had walked out. The security officer told the storeowner that
he had seen the two boys together and was sure the one who left had
shoplifted. ·

Using Social Morality Theory, provide a suggestion for what Alex should
do. You should also describe the consequences of this action. Justify your
answer with clear moral reasoning.
[8 marks]


2. Describe a i~sue which ~as brought abpul a conflict Ensure that you
state whattype of conflict it is.
[8 marks]

b: Using the.Fraenkel Approachvalue analysis, provide a solutionto.resolve

the stateq conflict. in part 2 (a).
[12 mark]



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