Teks Ukk Destinasi

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Destinasi MLG (Mahakam Lampion Garden)

As the name suggests, Mahakam Lantern Garden is one of the attractions in Samarinda which features
dozens of decorative lights as its main attraction. Not only that, there are also some exciting rides that
are rarely found in amusement parks in general. MLG is very suitable to be used as the choice of the
best family tourist destination.

The charm of the beauty of the lantern light will be felt when it is dark. Therefore, you should not be
surprised if this modern destination in Samarinda will be crowded after sunset. There are tens to
hundreds of people who usually crowd the Jalan Slamet Riyadi area. It will even get crowded on
weekends or holidays.

If normally, visitors can only enjoy the enjoyment of the Mahakam River by boat or take pictures of
the surroundings, then this lantern garden offers a very different atmosphere. You will be invited to
feel the fresh atmosphere around the Mahakam River, while feeling the hubbub at night among the
rows of cute decorative lights.

Inaugurated on 20 November 2015, this tourist destination named Mahakam Lantern Garden is one of
the newest. This tourist attraction was also initiated by the group that is also responsible for the
success of the Jawa Timur Park in Batu. In a fairly short period of time, this recreation area
immediately gained a place

B. Destinasi Islamic Center Samarinda

Samarinda Islamic Center Mosque, also known as Baitul Muttaqien Mosque, is a mosque located
in the subdistrict of Teluk Lerong Ulu, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, which is one of the
largest mosques in Southeast Asia. It situates at the foreground of Mahakam River, and it has
seven minarets and a huge dome.
The mosque has a building area of 43,500 square meters, supporting building area of 7,115 square
meters and the basement floor area of 10,235 square meters. The ground floor of the mosque has area
of 10,270 square meters and the main floor has area of 8,185 square meters. The mezzanine floor area
(balcony) is 5,290 square meters. This location was formerly a sawmill area owned by PT Inhutani I
which was then granted to the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan.
The mosque has seven minarets, and the main tower reaches 99 meters, which is a reference to the
Asmaul Husna, or the 99 names of Allah. The main tower consists of building with 15 floors and each
floor has height of an average of 6 meters. Meanwhile, stairs from the ground floor to the main floor
of the mosque amount to 33 steps. This amount is deliberately equated with one-third the number
of Islamic prayer beads. In addition to the main tower, this building also has six minarets on the side
of the mosque. Four of them are located in each corner of the mosque and reaches 70-meter-high, and
two of them are at the gate and reaches 57-meter-high. The six towers also mean Six Pillars of Islam.

C. Jembatan Mahakam IV / Jembatan Kembar

Mahakam IV bridge was built in 2015. This bridge was built to overcome the problem of vehicle
overcapacity on the Mahakam Bridge and the length of the Mahakam bridge is 220 meters, 16.9
meters wide, and the vertical clearance height is 22 meters.
D. Jembatan Mahkota 2 / Jembatan Achmad Amins
Achmad Amins Bridge, (previously: Mahkota II Bridge) is a bridge that connects Sungai Kapih,
Sambutan sub-district with Simpang Pasir village, Palaran in Samarinda city, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia. The bridge which has a length of about 1,428 meters is the longest bridge in East
The Mahkota II Bridge construction project started in 2002 and was stopped or stalled because no
more funding was disbursed from the APBN, along with the plan to relocate the Samarinda Port and
the completion of the Palaran container port.[3] If the bridge construction continues, it will disrupt the
Mahakam River shipping traffic. The financing for the Mahkota II Bridge construction project was
diverted to build the Mahakam Ulu Bridge which would not interfere with shipping to the Samarinda
Port. The construction of this bridge has resumed and is targeted to be completed by the end of 2016
and can be used on January 21, 2017.
With various considerations and the safety test process, the Mahkota II Bridge can finally be opened
to the public as part of a three-week trial starting June 21, 2017. Initially, this bridge was only
operated from 06.00 WITA until 18.00 WITA because at that time the lights were on. not installed
yet. In addition, only two-wheeled vehicles and minibuses can pass. There was an issue that the
Crown II Bridge was cracked. For this reason, the Technical Team of the Samarinda Public Works
and Public Housing (PUPR) Office immediately took quick steps to check the condition of the bridge
and ensured that the bridge was safe to cross. The team stated that there were no cracks but only a
cement overlap between the old and new concrete joints. Looks cracked because it became a water
path. So, it grows moss and looks like cracks when photographed from under the bridge.

E. Pabrik Tahu Pak Kasimin Di Kelurahan Selili, Samarinda

Pak Kasimin's Tofu Factory is one of the factories that produces raw and fried tofu. The factory,
which is located in Selili Village, Samarinda, has been operating since 30 years ago with a daily
production target of 150 kg of tofu. This fairly large production target has caused various complaints
by workers, one of which is complaints of musculoskeletal disorders during the tofu production
process. There are three main work stations that will be evaluated for their working posture, namely
the soybean pulp screening station, tofu printing work station and tofu frying station. In addition to
non-ergonomic work postures, there are also non-ergonomic working conditions, such as exposure to
heat felt by workers, minimal lighting and noise generated from production machines. Therefore, this
study aims to propose improvements to the work posture and working environment conditions at Pak
Kasimin's Tofu Factory by using several methods. The methods applied in this research are the
application of the IDEAS Framework (Identify, Design, Evaluate, Adapt and Sustain) as the main
research framework, the BRIEF Survey method to evaluate work postures, the RWL (Recommended
Weight Limit) method to evaluate the lifting work process and Ergonomic Checkpoints that used as
an assessment of the work environment. Based on the identification results using the Nordic Body
Map questionnaire, it was found that 2 work postures need to be improved, namely the work posture
at the soybean porridge screening work station and the tofu printing. In addition, it can also be
identified the conditions of the work environment that are not ergonomic at the tofu factory, namely
exposure to heat felt by workers. The results of the evaluation conducted using the BRIEF Survey
found that the working posture of soybean pulp screening and preparation of firewood needed to be
improved. In the soybean slurry screening activity, recommendations were given, namely the design
of an ergonomic soybean porridge filter to minimize complaints of musculoskeletal disorders, while
in the firewood preparation activity recommendations were given, namely setting worker rotation and
training on how to lift objects correctly and ergonomically. Based on the results of the evaluation of
working environmental conditions using Ergonomic Checkpoints, recommendations are given to
reduce the heat exposure felt by workers, namely by protecting workers from overheating by
providing and ensuring workers use personal protective equipment such as aprons, hand gloves and
safety boots. Another way that can be done is to keep away or isolate the heat source and always have
a fire extinguisher ready if needed in an emergency.

F. Sungai Mahakam
Mahakam is the name of the largest river in the province of East Kalimantan which empties into the
Makassar Strait. The river with a length of about 920 km crosses the West Kutai Regency in the
upstream part, to the Kutai Kartanegara Regency and Samarinda City in the downstream. In the river
lives an endangered species of freshwater fish mammal, namely the Mahakam Pesut.
The Mahakam River has played an important role in the life of the surrounding community as a
source of water, fishery potential and as a transportation infrastructure.
As the provincial capital of East Kalimantan, the Mahakam River also divides the city of Samarinda.
There are several villages in Samarinda that the Mahakam River passes through, namely Loa Buah,
Loa Janan Ilir, Loa Bakung, Karang Asam Ulu, Lerong Ulu Bay, Lerong Ilir Bay, Morning Market,
Karang Mumus, Selili, Mosque Village, Upper Island, Kapih River. , Rawa Makmur, Bukuan[2]

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