1. Сhoose the correct alternative in the sentences below.: are coming / comes to my place

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1. Сhoose the correct alternative in the sentences below.

1) Olivia is running / runs because she is late for her first lesson.
2) Our teacher always is giving / gives us lots of homework.
3) What do you do / are you doing in your spare time? Have you got any hobbies?
4) Ann wasn’t happy with her new job at first but she begins / is beginning to enjoy
it now.
5) Mark is coming / comes to our workshop on Fridays.
6) Where are you? – I am preparing / prepare for my lessons in the study.
7) They sometimes fly / are flying to Spain but usually they are going / go by boat.
8) I never stay / am never staying in on Saturday evenings, but tonight my friends
are coming / comes to my place.
9) Tim is in Tokyo this week. He is staying / stays at Hilton.
10) What’s the noise? Someone plays / is playing the piano.
11) He always brings / is always bringing a monolingual dictionary to his English
class. I can’t get what’s it for!
12) In Canada most people are speaking / speaks two languages.
13) They build / are building many roads nowadays.

2. Fill in the sentences below using one of the following verbs in the correct
need / work / have / find / wait / live / take / finish / seem / snow / watch /
correct / consist / make / listen / stop
1) Steve lives and works in London but he ________ a holiday in Paris at the
2) The new contract ________ fine to me. However, could you just check it
through once more?
3) Ann _______ his report. She will bring it into the office when it is complete.
4) Mark _______ because he won the lottery last year.
5) I _______ public transport when I travel around Cuba. It’s cheaper.
6) Monica and Tim _______ for their father to take them to school.
7) Don’t go. Paul still _______ to talk to you.
8) Alice _______ with some friends until she _______ her own apartment.
9) Architects _______ plans of the buildings.
10) At this moment I _______ my pupils’ exercises.
11) Monica and Paul _______ to the BBC regularly.
12) Look! It _______ . We are going to have a white Christmas.
13) The referee usually _______ the game after 90 minutes.
14) I finished watching the series you recommended. Now I _______ another
15) Water_______ of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom oxygen.

3. Fill in the gaps with either Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1) Who_______ ( invent) the Internet ?
2) Mark _______ ( be ) very low since he _______ ( lose ) his job a week ago.
3) Veronica lives in Florida. She _______ ( live ) there for almost ten years.
4) Where ______ ( you / be born ) ?
5) _______ ( you / see ) any interesting films recently ?
6) Natali _______ ( learn ) a great deal already in this job.
7) Andrew _______ ( live ) in London for over six years now but he _______
(still / not / master ) the language.
8) Alice _______ ( speak ) Spanish when she _______ ( be ) a child but now she
_______ ( forget ) it all
9) Tom’s best friend _______ ( have ) a new car since they _______ ( last / see ).

10) Monica _______ ( study ) History when she _______ ( be ) at the University.

11) Look at that! Someone _______ ( leave ) the car door open!

12) Madonna _______( record ) many albums and will probably make many

13) I_______( work ) in China for two years. I_______ ( begin) work as soon as
I arrived.

14) I would love to visit Paris sometimes. Unfortunately, I_______( be / never )


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