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Nguyen Tran Minh Thu

Class: GBH1110

Student ID: GBH211282

University of Greenwich (Viet Nam)

I. Abstract
Food has always been a key topic for many authors and scholars around the world due to the
importance of food in numerous aspects of daily life. Food-borne diseases are getting a lot of
attention in Vietnam because they are so common, especially in big industrial zones and schools
where there is a lot of contaminated and harmful food. As a result, the government in Vietnam is
taking note of this crucial issue and taking action. Several perspectives on food insecurity in
Vietnam will be analyzed in this research using data and information from the Vietnamese
Ministry of Health as well as some pertinent studies and media. The current situation of the
aforementioned problem and its underlying causes will be looked at first, then the government's
remarkably effective measures, followed by an assessment and a conclusion. In my opinion, the
Vietnamese government has put into place workable solutions to ensure food safety and hygiene,
which have in some cases proven successful. However, both the government and the public must
actively work to put these solutions into real life.

Keywords: Food safety , Vietnam, government intervention.

Table of Contents
I. Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 1
II. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2
III. Rationale of reseach ........................................................................................................ 2
1. Current problem .............................................................................................................. 2

2. Possible causes ................................................................................................................ 2

3. Government solutions ...................................................................................................... 3
4. Evaluation ....................................................................................................................... 3
V. Conclution .......................................................................................................................... 3
VI. References ....................................................................................................................... 3
II. Introduction
As society moves toward industrialization and modernization, people's lives get better, yet food
insecurity in Vietnam is getting worse and becoming a severe problem that hasn't been totally
fixed. Numerous articles and studies have been written about the effects of food safety on
people, including one by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health and others. The current situation of
food safety in Vietnam, its negative effects, and government involvement will all be covered in
this article. In my opinion, the government's rules on food safety are not strict enough to prevent
this problem; more steps should be made to deter hygienic violations of Vietnamese food safety.

III. Rationale of reseach

This study is important since it addresses the difficulties related to Vietnam's food safety issue.
Additionally, it assesses government interventions and offers suggestions for supporting

IV. The critical analyze and in-depth evaluation

1. Current problem
Violations of food safety and cleanliness have a detrimental impact on both the environment and
human health. A number of instances of widespread consumption of tainted food have only been
looked into and uncovered in the first five months of 2019. For instance, in March 2019, the
public was outraged after hundreds of pupils in Thuan Thanh, Bac Ninh, tested positive for the
rice fluke disease and were believed to have consumed contaminated food for a prolonged period
of time at school (nld, 2019). More than 969 persons experienced food poisoning in the first
quarter of 2016, according to Ministry of Health figures, of whom 669 required hospitalization
and two passed away. About 250–500 instances of food poisoning occur each year, leading to
7,000–10,000 hospitalizations and 100–200 fatalities. Statistical data from the Vietnam Cancer
Association released on March 26, 2016 indicate. One of the nations in the world with the
highest incidence of cancer is Vietnam. It accounts for 35% of the cause filthy food. The
aforementioned fact demonstrates that, as a result of the spread of contaminated food throughout
the market, the situation with food safety and hygiene violations is at a very dangerous red alert
level (eurofins, 2022).

2. Possible causes
With the information provided above, it is obvious that contaminated food is ruining Vietnam's
health.The question is, what is causing this serious issue? Personally, I think that The primary
culprits are the processing facilities that do not keep up with necessary processing procedures
and don't have a license to adhere to food safety requirements. Addittionaly, the above issues are
brought on by a lack of control on authority management levels and food quality. In the
meanwhile, there is still duplication and inadequacy in the management, inspection, and
prevention of contaminated food by relevant agencies. Sanctions are still insufficient to serve as
a deterrent infractions of food safety, which contribute to the growth of the dirty food problem.

3. Government solutions
Building a system of quality control and safety of vegetables, tubers, and fruits from cultivation
and purchase at wholesale markets to supermarkets, trade centers, and safe vegetable stores is
necessary in addition to propaganda measures for businesses and individuals that produce
unhygienic fruits and vegetables. As for customers, there is no need to invest time and effort on
the nation's products, and even bringing out the smart treasure will not be of any use.

Due to the significance of specific examples related to human health, the Vietnamese
government has been updating the law on food cleanliness and safety in order to alleviate food
insecurity. The City People's Committee of Hanoi published Plan No. 93/KH-UBND on how to
conduct "Action Month for Food Safety" in 2021 (quanlinhanhuoc, 2022). Enhancing evaluation
processes and enforcing penalties for violations of food safety regulations, such as those set forth
in the Government's Decree No. 115/2018/ND-CP of September 4, 2018, which establishes
administrative violations of food safety. The Food Safety Law from 2010 is the most legal
document to ensure successful execution, and it is one of a number of legal documents that the
government has released to ensure food safety and cleanliness (Nuong, 2019).

4. Evaluation
Due to state-enacted laws, the situation of food insecurity in Vietnam has significantly improved;
however, additional effective measures are still needed. Since humans are a nation's most
valuable resource, improving the state's management of food safety is essential at this time to
protect public health. Personally, I believe the state need to adopt regulations that include even
the production of contaminated food. Last but not least, in order to achieve a future without dirty
food, each person must be aware of the need to safeguard both their own health and that of the

V. Conclution
The main focus of the aforementioned report was on the challenges that Vietnam's food industry
is currently facing. A number of factors were considered, including the number of cases of food
poisoning, as well as the causes, treatments, and effects. The Vietnamese government's specific
initiatives and policies are also discussed. There are still some gaps in the law governing food
safety, but the government is working hard to close them.

VI. References
eurofins, 2022. eurofins. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 31 october 2022].

nld, 2019. nguoilaodong. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 30 october 2022].

quanlinhanhuoc, 2022. quanlinhanuoc. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 30 october 2022].

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