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The Assessment "Practice of Student Service Delivery System" (In Case of Wollo
University Dessie Campus College of Business And Economics).

A senior Essay Paper Submitted to The Department of Management in The Partial

Fulfillment of The Requirements For Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Degree in

Prepared By: Gashaw Gorems

Id No: 460/04

Advisor:- Mengistu Guliti (MBA)


Dessie, Ethiopia

First and for most I would like to thank, praise and glory to the alimighty GOD. This is the
learning teaching process will not possible without him to over all activities of me.

Secondly I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my respected advisor
instructor Chalachew for few months. And instructor Mengistu for his special advice, comment
and offering use full hints throughout in the course of writing this research paper.

Thirdly I would like to express my heart full thanks to my parents especially my brother Asebe
Gorems for his financial and moral help throughout my study at this level.

Lastly, but not I would like my heartfull thanks also give special gratitude for unique
contribution of students of wollo university college of business and economics for their
voluntary response. I would like to say thank you for all in the name of God.
Contents Page No
ACKNOWLEDGMENT …………………………………..………………...….. I
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………..……...... II
LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………..………...…. IV
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………..…………….……..….. V
1. Introduction…………………………………..………………...…………………... 1
1.1 Background of the study …………………………………..………………...….... 1
1.1.1 Back ground of the organization…………………………..………………...….. 2
1.2 Statement of the problem…………………………………..………………...…… 2
1.3 Research objective …………………………………..………………...…………. 3
1.3.1 General objective …………………………………..………………...…………. 3
1.3.2 Specific objectives …………………………………..………………...………... 3
1.4 Methodology of the study…………………………………..………………...….. 4
1.4.1 Design of research…………………………………..………………...………… 4
1.4.2 source of data and collection methods …………………………………..……. 4
1.4.3 Sampling, sampling design and sampling technique…………………………… 4
1.4.4 Method of data analysis …………………………………..………………...….. 5
1.4.5 Ethical Considerations …………………………………..………………...…… 5
1.5 Significance of the study…………………………………..………………...…… 5
1.6 Scope of the study…………………………………..………………...…………... 5
1.7 Limitation of the study …………………………………..………………...……... 6
1.8 Organization of the Paper…………………………………..………………...…… 6
2. Review of related literature…………………………………..………………...…... 7
2.1 Introduction…………………………………..………………...…………………. 7
2.2 Definition of Service…………………………………..………………...………... 7
2.3 Distinguishing feature of service …………………………………..……………. 8
2.4 Ways of measuring service…………………………………..………………...…. 8
2.5 Service quality …………………………………..………………...……………… 9
2.5.1 Definition of quality …………………………………..………………...……… 9
2.6 Organizing and implementing of service quality ………………………………… 9
2.7 Difficulties in insuring service quality …………………………………..………. 10
2.8 The role in delivering service quality …………………………………..………… 11
2.9 Service in Wollo University …………………………………..…………………. 11
3.1 Background of the Respondents…………………………………..………………. 13
3.2 Improvement of service …………………………………..………………...…….. 16
3.3 Interview results …………………………………..……………...……………... 23
4.1 Conclusion …………………………………..………………...………………….. 24
4.2 Recommendation…………………………………..………………...……………. 25
Appendix-A Questionnaire…………………………………..………………...……... 27
Appendix “B” Interview …………………………………..………………...……….. 30
REFERENCE …………………………………..………………...…………………... 31

Contents Page No

Table 3.1 Respondents general back ground....................................................................... 13

Table 3.2 Service in Wollo University to students …………………………………. 14

Table 3.3 From Question number five of your answer place five reasons? ………… 14

Table 3.4 How do you judge service provision? ……………………………………………………………. 15

Table 3.5 Based on question number five stures of service (poor or very poor)?……. 15

Table 3.6 Service improvements…………………………..………………………….. 16

Table 3.7 better achievement of service ………………………………...……………. 17

Table 3.8 consideration to establishment of year ?…………………………………. 17

Table 3.9 service not provided?………………...…………………..……………….. 18

Table 3.10 Evaluation of service provision?……………….…..………………...…… 18

Table 3.11 dissatisfactory service ? ……………………………………………...….. 19

Table 3.12 progress in service provision? ………………………….………...…….. 20

Table 3.13 challenge service provision ? ………………………………………..…… 20

Table 3.14 problem in service provision ……………………………………………... 21

Table 3.15 Factors for the problem …………………………………………………..... 21

Table 3.16 What is the interaction between the university with students ……….……….. 22

This research was conducted at Wollo University to deal the assessment of service delivery
system and students practice the main objective of this study was to analysis the assessment of
student service delivery system and its challenges. The specific objective was with regard to
cafeteria, health and dormitory. To assess the obstacles associated with customer service
delivery and how to improve it. The methodology of the researcher used descriptive research
because for to assess the current service provision (dormitory, Cafeteria and Health). In wollo
university. The source of data would use secondary and primary source of data the primary data
were gathered through questionnaire and interviews and the secondary data were manuals of the
university. The researcher use stratified simple random sampling because to give equal chance.
The major finding of the researcher was there was no satisfactory service in the university.
Especially in Cafeteria, Health and dormitory. This has been by surveying quality and practice
of university service provision using questionnaire and interview technique of 100 students from
each department of study or year of study first year, second year and third years and interview to
the dean of students. The researcher gives some recommendation for the collected data and
information gain from dean of students. The university should try to have clear understood the
students feeling for their survival so as to gain the university productive. Because student is the
product for the university.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

In today technological era there is several organizations operating their day to day activity either
profit oriented or establish for benefit of society as a whole there organization are classify on the
bases of activity like revenue loss profit and expenses. (etal, petermudie , 2006, pp:21)

Service marketing be coming increasing global when firms see the domestic markets reaching
saturation they often try to recreate their domestic success in overseas markets (Palmer 2001, pp

 Citizens of the western world are living in increasingly service based economies.
 The service sector is nothing new, as evidenced by biblical references to innkeepers and
many lenders among others. But today most products that we buy include some element
of service in them. We can readily indentify activities such as delivery insurance and
maintenance benefits.

Although there has been a big growth in interest in the service sector in recent year.

There are many definition of what constitutes a service. Modern definitions of services focus on
the fact that a service in itself produces no tangible output although it may be instrumental in
producing some tangible output. Contemporary. Definitions of services (etal, kottler, (1999)

Institutions like university, colleges generally establish to give educational and training services
for the society. These organizations are found by government and provide necessary finance
educational materials like book, laboratory equipment and others Palmer, 2001 pp:25. In
Ethiopia there are 33 public universities throughout the country. This study is expected to assess
the problem related with the existing delivery system as well as mechanism how the existing
service would be improved in case of Wollo University.
1.1.1 Back ground of the organization
Wollo university is one of the 33 university which is currently establish by government with the
objective of expending quality of higher education in the country. The underpinning stone of the
university is laid in April 2005 by genet Zewde, the minister of education.

The university is cited in the Amhara regional state south wollo administrate zone, about 400
kms north of A.A (the capital). It consists of two campus in two towns (Dessie and kombolcha)
campus which are 26 kilometer a part.

Dessie campus which is the mother university to Kombolcha campus, located 4.5 km towards the
north west at the suburbs of the town, is established in 72 hectares of land. In this campus, five
colleges are found namely college of agriculture, CBE CHS,CSSH and CNS(which is going to
be part of the collages in Dessie campus in 2005). Besides one institute is existing this is institute
of teacher education and pedagogical science.

Along with this, in the 2004 E.C two schools of studies were separated from their colleges. This
schools are school of law and school of veterinary medicine.

Wollo University in the lost year in 2005 E.C 1800 number of students will be graduated in the
university both in the regular and continuing programs.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The world in which we live is a full of competition in money directions and is changing through
time. The need and wants of human being is also changing and diversifying as a time passes on
How ever,

The resources required to satisfy these need and wants are very limited the out put can be
classified as goods and services.

Services are intangible products that cannot be physically seen as goods that make them difficult
to measure their quality. However the quality of service in a given organization is can be
measured by satisfaction level of end user’s.

The negative deviation of services being delivered from the exaction of end users, will create
The major problem in todays competitive world is loss of customers because of their shifting
and changing needs being unfulfilling by the existing organization. In Ethiopia among the
service giving organization universities are the major one which are intended to give services
like education training and other services with the expansion of higher education in the country.
Especially in the last few years full filling the requirement quality standard and improved the
system of delivery on the minister of education in the country/Ethiopia.

In this regard looking the academic aspects bring comprehensive change unless the other side of
university administration which is a student’s service provision is also delivered properly. Wollo
university being one of the newly established university in the country also deliver services like
food dormitory, health and other services which are vital for smooth running of learning.

Therefore, the researcher interest to conduct on the selected title to solve the problem related
with service delivery system and the researcher would address the following questions.

 What is the quality of service provided by wollo university?

 Which service area should potentially being improved?
 Is there any difference of customer participation on service quality?
 What is the level of service quality?

1.3 Research objective

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of the study was to assess the service delivery system and practice of
student’s provided by wollo university (in the case of Dessie campus college of business and

1.3.2 Specific objectives

Specific objectives of the study are the following

 To assess the obstacles associated with customer service delivery.

 To identify the customers level of satisfaction towards any direction from their
 To identify the quality level of service provided by wollo university.
 To identify the potential causes of problems in customer service delivery system.
 To assess the satisfaction level of the customers in the service provided.
 To recommend possible areas on which university will focus for improvement.

1.4 Methodology of the study

1.4.1 Design of research

The researcher use descriptive type of research method because it would help to understand and
interpret for the current situation of service delivery system in wollo university Dessie campus
for students or due to the quality nature of this study investigation was done. This part of
research was incorporating the sources of data analysis procedure.

1.4.2 source of data and collection methods

The researcher was used both the primary and secondary source of data. The primary data were
gathered through questionnaires and interview. The modes of questionnaires were mostly closed
ended in order to generate the information or data and the mode of interview was structured

Secondary data has been obtained from books and manuals of the university.

1.4.3 Sampling, sampling design and sampling technique

According to the manuals of registrar office of business and economics there are 1424 students at
college of business and economics and has five departments these department are Management,
Accounting, Economics, Cooperative and Marketing. To determine the sampling procedure the
researcher was used stratified random sampling. It divides the whole population in to sub
department or strata and then select samples by using simple random sampling from each
department based on years of study from the total population the researcher was take 100
respondents or 7% from the total population. This sample technique was used for the reason that
it was give equal chance for all to be included in the sample; proper sampling can produce the
same or more accurate results than census studies, Reduce the possibilities of bias , the
researcher was made the size of each class proportional to the size of the population. Source
(parkashi 2005 pp,122) That is


nk= sample size in each department

n= total sampling size

N= total population

Nk= Number of population in each department

1.4.4 Method of data analysis

Once the data source analysis collected using the primary and secondary data source, the
response of the respondent are analyzed by using both quantitative and qualitative analysis
techniques the techniques for quantitative data analysis are table and percentage and the
qualitative data analysis used for statement, questioner and interviews.

1.4.5 Ethical Considerations

The researcher becomes the subject of this study she/he was notice the objectives method and
anticipate benefits of the study to get necessary information from target population and the study
was keep strictly confidence and voluntarily participation.

1.5 Significance of the study

The study has been conducted on assessment of service delivery system and the end of this study
has the following importance.

- Integrate the administrative service provision and academic learning for comprehensive
important of service quality.
- Employees are also expressed to get relevant information on the existing service qualities
and its delivery systems.
- It will also service as a secondary source for those to conduct a research on similar topics.

1.6 Scope of the study

This study was concerned with the current practice of student’s service provision in Wollo
University. Dessie Campus College of business and economics.

It mainly focuses on area of how the universities deliver service and ways of improving these

The study will also concern with dormitory health and cafeteria services. Depending on their
year of study from first year to third year.
1.7 Limitation of the study
While contacting the study the researcher was face the following problems. Lacks of experience
as it is doing for the first time, lack of finance, lack of time and recent literature related with
service delivery in Wollo University.

1.8 Organization of the Paper

The study structures of the paper comprise four independent chapters which includes
introduction of the study literature review data analysis conclusion and recommendation. The
first part contains background of the study, back ground of the organization, and statement of the
problem, objective of the study, limitation of the study scope of the study and methodology. The
second chapter includes on overview of service delivery systems. The third chapter deals with
data presentation and analysis. The last chapter includes conclusion and recommendation.

2. Review of related literature

2.1 Introduction
Most organization provided service of some sort or on other. It is a necessary first to consider
the nature of service and related concepts. From the very nature organizations are established
either to produce goods or deliver service to the society service giving organizations are like
college, university, hospital, bank and others which are establish to support the society in
conducting them a day to day activities. But the nature of service which is provided by each
organization in quite different depending on the activity they undertake and objective for which
they are established organizations like universities and college are non profit oriented, while
banks, hospitals and telecommunications are profit oriented (PALMER 2001,PP25)

Generally, service can be provided by different organizations, so in literature review these issues
related to the service will be discussed in details. (Mudie,2006,pp 2,3)

2.2 Definition of Service

A variety of definitions were provide, to by different authoress depending on their conceptual
understanding of the word service.

Service is a tertiary level of economic activity participated in a give country. Service can be
described as the way in which we deal with customer each time they have a service encounter.
This encounter is the direct interaction between the organization and one of its customers and
can acquire in one of many ways. (Mudie,2006,pp 10)

For example Wollo University. customers who wish to deliver service from his activity provider
can do so in one of many ways. He/she can go to service area and can request service from his
provides and going in to a branch and use any system to relate the universities. Each of these is
an interaction with the organization the way in which the customers deals with during that
interactions is important to the customers and the way he or she feels about service. Each time
customers come in to contact with the organization or members of its staff, they judge the
service they receive and from all opinion of the organization and overall level of service
There are a number of approach an organization can take when looking at the level of service its
should offer but any decisions should receive around the to meet those customers expectations
and needs. The most modern definition was provided by (etail , Armstrong (1999) pp 4,5)

2.3 Distinguishing feature of service

Service has number of distinctive characteristics that different them from goods and have
implications for the manners in which they are marketed. This characteristics are often
described as intangibility, inseparability, variability, portability and inability to the own service.
(Adrian palmer 2005, pp18,20,22)

Intangibility:- the intangibility of service can be described in a way that they cannot be
assessed using any of the physical seines. Service are products that cannot be touched. Handled,
looked at and tested physically. It is abstraction which cannot be directly examined before it’s

Inseparability:- service are inseparable in a sense that their feature consumption and
production take place when producer and consumer meet at a mutually convenient time and
place in order that the producer can directly pass an service benefit to the consumer variability:-
service provided by the same person for different be seen peoples cannot be unique in their
structure especially when it’s one to one basis with the absence of easy method of monitoring
and controlling.

Perish ability:- the perish ability of service is the result of their difficult to the stored for future

Ownership:- because of their intangibility and portability nature services are difficult to own
like goods.

2.4 Ways of measuring service

Service can be measured through variable techniques. According to day is Mark M. service
provided by a given organization can be measured through, quality, deliverability and flexibility.

Quality:- service that is delivered by an organization can be explained interims of their quality
towards the end users.
Even through quality has no exact definitions it can be explained depending on the interest and
satisfaction level of customers. (Gronroos 1982 , pp;43).

Deliverability:- delivery is the ability of an organization to provide consistent and fast service
simple provision of service does not amount to say that an organization is successful with out the
analysis of time provision system most of the time profit and market share are directly related the
speed with which a company can deliver service to the end user.

Flexibility:- flexibility is the ability of an organization to deliver a wide variety of service. This
technique of measuring service is mostly applied in university and colleges.

2.5 Service quality

2.5.1 Definition of quality

Quality is extremely difficult to define in few words. Most of the definitions are targeted at the
fulfillment of end users requirement. (Crosby, 1984, pp:261) Quality is confirming to
requirement. The other definition of quality is that, it is all about fitness for use. Juran 1982,pp
261 Quality of service can be better managed by establishing requirements and specification in
line with need of end users. From these concepts one can understand that the quality is defined
directly or indirectly by end users and acquires when organizations supply services for their

2.6 Organizing and implementing of service quality

If the organization is deliver service quality to a level that will enable it to retain and develop
customers. It must have an understanding of the interaction between itself. The first step is
therefore to identify key elements of service quality as perceived by customers taking in to
account those customers needs and preference. The next step is to measure how the current
service offered measures up to these customers’ requirements. This wills that shows the business
where there are service quality gap.

Identifying service quality gaps enables the customers service managers to put together a service
quality plans.

These plans should include such things.

 Well designed support system

 High quality training
 Careful selection
 Ensuring the service offer full meet the needs of customers
 Introducing systems and producers that both customers and employees focused.
 Maintaining a suitable delivery equipment
 Maximizing the use of technology to increase speed, effecting and accuracy of service
delivery. (Mudie 2006, pp; 41)

Service qualities are not attained through chance and they are not one time action. Most time
quality management issues are tied with knowledge and the availability of finance. According to
kotter to kotter assisted by (palmer, Adrian 1995, pp 294) organization should have standards
and requirements to achieve the desired quality of service.

2.7 Difficulties in insuring service quality

 Sometimes there is gap between the level of service customers received and what they
would ideally like to have. If this is that case it will led to customer dissatisfaction.
 We can start to understand way such gap may exists if we look at the service quality
model developed palmer a drain have identified those gaps are
 Difference in consumers expectation and management perception, exists because there is
difference between the levels of service that the customer expects to receive and the
organization understanding of the service it believes customer expects to receive.
 Difference in service quality specification and management perception this could be
because of the management is un successful at translating for the organization and its
staff to adhere to
 Difference in service quality specification and service delivery exists because delivery
service either preor past contract has failed to meet the standards set. (Palmer adrain,
2001, pp 28)
 Difference between service delivery and external communication, this should exist if the
level of service were not properly communicated to the customer.
 Difference between perceived service and excepted service, this exist if the customer
perception of the service that is being provided falls short of what he or she had hoped
for. As it is generally known that problems and constraints are faced in meeting
organization’s plans and strategies. (Mudie,2006,pp:178)

2.8 The role in delivering service quality

Once customers need and expectations have been identified analyzed and turned in to the
appropriate service systems and standards. Making sure that the branch delivery excellent service
depends on ensuring the following.

 All of the branch staff working as team. This is demonstrated by a caring management
and by committed and involved staff.
 Getting the right people for the job, dealing with customers all day and performing this
role of consistently high standard takes a certain types of person.
 Make sure that the staffs have all the rights tools they need to do the job. This means they
must have all the knowledge and the technology.
 The management should insure that the branch staffs are very cereal as to what rule is
what is expected of them. They should know how their performance is to be measured
and how it will be rewarded.
 Staff also need to be occur another rule in dealing with customers and how this interact
with their responsibilities to the organization in insure that any conflict is avoided.
 Insuring that the delivery of service matches the specifications dependent on the
performance of these staff, which must be both able and willing to deliver the required
level of service. (Pirrie, 2006 pp; 18,19)
 The successful deliver of service strategy therefore depends on the development of
adequate personal policies for staff recruitment, training, motivation, reward and

2. 9 Service in Wollo University

As key stack holders students should be placed at the center of universities.

This is manifested in fulfilling their basic need and enhancing their personal, social cultural and
academic development of students encounter three transitions offers they complete preparatory
school. First joining higher education, second through their stay in university and finally from
higher education to the university and finally from higher education to the work place. There for,
considerable supports for student during depending on this transaction the support include
delivery of timely information regarding their health provision of necessary facilities around
dormitory areas and sufficient nutrition providing timely and accurate information.

This chapter deals with the analysis and representation of data. After questionnaire has been
distributed to the targeted population and collected back the researcher has been analyzed of data
by the use of table and percentage.
The questionnaire where distributed to 100 sample size out of 1424 population and all of them
where voluntary to fill up questionnaire and back all of the questionnaires. The result of
questionnaire and interview are processed and analyzed by using descriptive data analysis

3.1 Background of the Respondents

Table 3.1 description about respondents by Gender year of study department of study and

Year of study Department of Gender

study Male Female Total
First Year Management 7 4 11
Accounting 6 5 11
Economics 4 2 6
Cooperative 2 2 4
Marketing 2 2 4
Second Year Management 6 4 10
Accounting 4 3 7
Economics 4 2 6
Cooperative 2 22 4
Marketing 3 2 5
Third year Management 5 4 9
Accounting 4 3 7
Economics 6 2 8
Cooperative 2 2 4
Marketing 1 3 4
Percentage% 58 42 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

In Table demographic analysis indicates that 58(58%) of the respondents are male, and 42(42%)
of the respondents are female.

This implies/indicated that the majority of the respondents are male. Because from the manual
document of business and economic college majority of the students were male.
Table 3.2 Service in Wollo University to students

Which part of student’s service has strong effect on student during their stay in the university?

Response Number of Percentage

Cafeteria 56 56
Dormitory 18 18
Health 26 26
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

As indicated in table 3.2 (56%) of respondent were responded that the service of cafeteria has
strong effects 18(18%) of them were said that the service dormitory and 26(26%) of them were
said that the service of health were strong effect. This implies that the service of cafeteria in
Wollo University has relatively good service that satisfies the interest of students. So the service
of cafeteria must be improved more for the good performance of students.

Table 3.3 From Question number five of your answer place five reasons?

Response Number of Percentage

Quality 74 74
Delivery time 26 26
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

As the above table 3.3 show 74(74%) of the respondent suggested that quality is the major
effects were as 26 (26%) of the respondent delivery time there suggestion Delivery time is the
major effect on student services. This implies that quality must be improved more.

Table 3.4 how do you judge the student service provision in Wollo University or status of
student service?

Response Number of Percentage

Very good 6 6
Good 25 25
Medium 27 27
Poor 32 32
Very poor 10 10
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

As shown in the above table 6(6%) of the respondents were said that the status of service is
very good 25(25%) them were said it was good, 27(27%) of the respondent were said it was
medium, 32(32%) of them were stated it was very poor.

This indicates that the service in wollo university is unsatisfactory in average and needs farther
improvement. The researcher concludes that the service of cafeteria needs continues
improvement for students.

Table 3.5 If your answer is poor or very poor for question number of can you state the reasons?

Response Number of Percentage

Shortage of Finance 16 16
Poor Delivery time 30 30
Poor administrative staff 42 42
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

As shown in the above table 16(16%) of the respondents were said that shortage of finance,
30(30%) of them were said that poor delivery time, 42(42%) of them were said that poor
administrative staff, and 12(12%) of the respondent were stated other reasons. This implies
that there is poor administrative staff with regard to service provision in Wollo University.
3.2 Improvement of service
Improvement of service means reorienting the existing defects of service that not satisfy the
customer. In other word, improvement of service means bringing change on service to satisfy
unsatisfied need of customer and increase the productivity , but in case of non profit the service
provide to only satisfy the needs and wants of customers.

Table 3.6 Service improvement to students

Which area of student’s service provision should be improving more?

Response Number of Percentage

Cafeteria 60 60
Dormitory 8 8
Health 27 27
Other 5 5
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

As per about table 60(60%) of the respondent were said that we needs the improvement of
cafeteria 8 (8%) of them were we need the improvement of dormitory, 27(27%) of the
respondent were said that we need the improvement of. Health and the remaining 5(5%) of
them were said that it is better to improve the service of other. From this the researcher
concludes that service that more requires improvement was cafeteria. So, the service of
cafeteria needs more improvement.

Table 3.7 what activities to you recommend to the university to look for better achievement of

Response Number of respondents Percentage

Face to face communication 65 65
student is the university president
Face to face communication only is 30 30
the dean of students
Other activity 5 5
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

As we can see from the above table 65(65%) of the respondent said that face to face
communication with the university president 30(30%) of the respondent said that face to face
communication with the dean of students and the remaining 5(5%) them were said that other

This implies that face to face communication with the university president is one ways of better
achievement for the university service provision.

The researcher concludes that the university president is must communicated with the student
with regard to service in the university for the good performance of the university student’s.

Table 3.8 Taking its establishment of year in to consideration to you think that university is
providing sufficient service?

Response Number of Percentage

Yes 35 35
No 60 60
I Don’t know 5 5
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

According to the above table 35(35%) of the respondent were said that ‘’yes’’ they provide
sufficient service 60(60%) of them were said that no and 5(5%) of them were said that I don’t

This implies that majority of the respondents were disagreed the service provide to them. The
researcher concludes that the university needs radical change with regard to service provision
specifically cafeteria, health and dormitory.
Table 3.9 if your answer in no for question number 11 please state service not provided?

Response Number of respondents Percentage

Cafeteria 53 53
Dormitory 10 10
Health 35 35
Other 2 2
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

In the above table 53(53%) of the respondent were said that cafeteria is not provided sufficient
service to the student, 10(10%) were said that dormitory is not provided sufficient service to
them, 35(35%) of the respondent were said that health is not provided sufficient service to
them and 2(2%) of the respondent were said that there is other service that not provided. This
implies that cafeteria is not provided sufficient service. The researcher concludes that cafeteria
must be needs radical change.

Table 3.10 how do you evaluate the university student’s service provision compared to the
number of students?

Response Number of respondents Percentage

Very satisfactory 7 7
Satisfactory 35 35
I don’t know 11 11
dissatisfactory 43 43
Very dissatisfactory 4 4
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

From the above table we see that 7(7%) of the respondents give their response were said that
there was very satisfactory 35(35%) them were said that there was satisfactory 11(11%) of
them were said that I don’t know, 43(43%) of them were responded that dissatisfactory and the
rest of 4(4%) of them were stated that there was very dissatisfactory service in wollo university.
This implies that the service which provide to student was indicates there is problem that
requires further change.
In generally, the researcher conclude that the status of wollo university regarding to service
provide to student’s was very bad and needs great effort to improve the unsatisfactory service
of students.

Table 3.11 If your answer is dissatisfactory or very dissatisfactory please state the factor that
make dissatisfied?

Response Number of respondents Percentage

By Quality of service 71 71
By delivery time 12 12
other 17 17
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

As we can see from the table above the major proportion of the respondent give their response
71(71%) is that there is quality problem and the other respondent that is 12(12%) are give their
response there is delivery time problem. Finally, the remaining respondents give their response
there is other problems as the researcher understand from the analysis there is quality problem
with regard to service in Wollo University that requires further changes.

Table 3.12 Have you observe any progress in general service provision in wollo university
Dessie Campus?

Response Number of respondents Percentage

Yes 25 25
No 67 67
I don’t know 5 5
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.
As we can see from the above table 28(28%) of the respondents were answered there was
improvement, 67(67%) of them were said that there was no improvement on service and the
remaining 5(5%) of them were said that have no idea about it. This implies that the institution
needs improvement the service of students (there is no progress with regard to service).

Table 3.13 If your Answer is no what is the challenge in the university?

Response Number of respondents Percentage

Lack of Information 16 16
Lack of Administrative staff 7 7
Lack of Finance 73 73
Other 4 4
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

As we can see from the above table 16(16%) of the respondent were said that lack of
Information, 7(7%) of the respondent said that lack of administrative staff experience, 73(73%)
were said that lack of finance and the remaining 4(4%) of them were said that other. This
implies that there is financial problem with regard to service in Wollo University. The researcher
concludes that financial problem is solved by funding from ministry of education.

Table 3.14 Have you ever face problem and cries in student service provision that focus in to
negative attitude towards service given by university?

Response Number of respondents Percentage

Yes 68 68
No 32 32
I don’t know 0 0
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

According to the above table 68(68%) of respondents were answered that yes there was
problem and crisis related to service in order to improve and 32(32%) of them were said that
there were no problem and cries and there was only peace in our university. This shows that
there was problem that needs improvement because by providing Sufficient service to students
solves the problems of service provision.

Table 3.15 If your answer is yes in question number 17 please state the problem?

Response Number of respondents Percentage

Behavior of cafeteria worker 57 57
Behavior of student 15 15
Behavior of ticker 12 12
Other 6 6
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.

As shown in the above table 57(57%) of the respondents said that behavior of cafeteria worker,
15(15%) were said that behaviors of students, 12(12%) were answered that behaviors of ticker
and 6(6%) were said that other problems that incur the problem of service provision in wollo

This implies that the behavior of worker is not good for the good performance of the university.
The researcher concluded that cafeteria worker needs awareness about service provision in the
university mean that needs more training about service provisions to the cafeteria workers.

Table 3.16 In this university what is the interaction between the university and students with
regard to service provision?

Response Number of respondents Percentage

Very High 12 12
High 25 25
Medium 35 35
Low 15 15
Very low 4 4
Total 100 100
Source from students complain from questioner of 2014 G.C.
As shown in the above table 12(12%) of the respondent suggest their idea that there is a very
high interaction between the university and student and the other 25(25%) of the respondent
give the suggestion that there is a high relationship or interaction between the university and
students and the other 32(32%) of the respondent give the suggestion that there is medium
interaction, 15(15%) of the respondent said that low and 4(4%) of the respondent gives the
suggestion that there is very low relationship or interaction. This indicates generally there is
best interaction between them. For question number ‘’20’’ In general the researcher conclude
that the status of wollo university regarding to service provide to student’s was very bad and
needs great effort to improve the unsatisfactory service of students. As the respondent said
that cafeteria and health must be improved more and it must be needs radical change with
regard to service specially cafeteria, health and dormitory because all this are basic needs for

3.3 Interview results

1. How do you see the general service provision of wollo university especially dormitory, health
and, Cafeterias with respect to number of students?

 From the dean of students view when compared to the number of students the system
of wollo university service delivery was moderate as compared to number of students
and years of establishment.
 Factures that not fully satisfied , with regarded to the three unit of service like cafeteria,

health and dormitory was

o High price of food item
o High price of medical equipment and
o High price of constriction materials

2. Do you believe that Wollo University is providing sufficient service to student especially in
cafeteria, health and dormitory? According to the Dean of students said that the existing
service provision to students was medium mean that Wollo University is providing sufficient
service to students. By considering the above three factors on under question number one.

3. As it is known that students are claiming that the university was not providing sufficient
service? What do you think about this problem? What do you think?

From the dean of students view it is a matter of perception means that Wollo University is
providing sufficient service to students by considering the factors.

4. What is the educational level of employee who are working in the university in case of:-

 Cafeteria:- uneducated means only by experience under grade 12, Diploma , certificate

and degree
 Health:- above degree

 Dormitory:- Diploma and Degree


4.1 Conclusion
As based on the analysis and interpretation of data the expected quality of service may not be
attained as a result of various gaps that may arise from unreliability of required inputs to meet
the need and wants of end users. The study has also shown these facts by collecting input from
students and dean of students. Financial problem is the major constraint that is identified by
the study which laid /set limitations for the fulfillment of university dream. Financial obstacles
are mainly seen in cafeteria service from which students get their diet by the daily 12 birr

 Most of the students of wollo university respondents are response disagree there is not
appropriate service in the university. The researcher can conclude students in the
university are not satisfied. By the service that provided by the university.
 In terms of level of satisfaction most of the students of Wollo University are not
 As the respondent said that cafeteria service was not provided sufficient service to
 Majority of the respondents believe that cafeteria, health, and dormitory was not
provided properly to students by quality as well as accessibility to students.
 Majority of the respondent said that face to face communications with the university
president are the main mechanism to solve the problem of service delivery system. So
the researcher concludes that university president must be continuo communicated
with the students.
 All most all of the respondent said that there is no progress in general service provision
in the university, so the researcher conclude that to come up this progress the university
must be contact research and collect data from students and making observation.
 Majority of the respondent believe that provision. Problem and cries in student service
 Some of the respondent responds that behaviors of cafeteria worker were not good. So
the researchers conclude that the university must be give continuous guidance and
trainings to cafeteria workers.
 Compared to the above response the interaction between the university and student’s
are medium. Mean that there is friendly relationship between students and the
 The study has examined service area which needs more improvement from the student
point of view. In connection to the service delivery system. They have rated the system
are low or not satisfied currently attending their education in wollo university Dessie
Campus College of business and economics.
 Finally the study has also identified the difference in perception of stockholder toward
the service delivery system. Student as the major stake holders in the university.
 Service delivery system are expecting low service quality , while the dean of student
knowing the current information price of food item, medical equipment and high price
of constriction materials expect the service quality of wollo university Dessie campus
satisfies the need and wants of students.

4.2 Recommendation
Having believed that can be possible way to reduce the problem in Wollo University related to
students service delivery the following constrictive recommendations are forwarded.

 In order to better match the service delivery system used strategic concept that is
students focused in case of service delivery system. To implement this strategy,
commitment of lower level employees through continuous guidance and trainings
should be used.
 To manage the service quality a better way. The university should use various
techniques like feedback from students, conducting research and making observation.
 In relation to managing service quality, the university should use continuous process
than one day activity when conducting research and collecting feedback shared with
employees as well as employees will take them committed and aware of what is going
on the university.
 The achievement of objectives is easy through competent and satisfied employees.
These satisfactions of workers result for students through appropriate communication.
Systems, smooth and friendly relationship.
 The problem that is related with lack of finance is solved by finding from ministry of
 The problem that are related with increasing number of students can be solved by
diversifying the branch because having large number of students in small area is too
difficult to give appropriate service.
Wollo University

College of Business and Economics

Department of Management
Appendix-A Questionnaire
These questionnaires will be used to collect information from students for the purpose of
assessing student service delivery in Wollo University.

For the success of study your response is very much important. Therefore you are kindly
requested to filled this questionnaire and be in confidence. You don’t need to write your name
and address. You are expected to write only the accurate information in the space provided and
put mark in the given box. This questionnaire is prepared for educational purpose and the
researcher kept in secret. Thank you in advance for cooperation.

A. Personal Information
1. What is your year of study?
First year second year third year
2. Gender
Male Female
3. Department of study?
Management Accounting Economics
Cooperative Marketing
B. General Information
4. Which parts of the student’s service have strong effect on student during their stay in
the university?
Cafeteria Dormitory Health Other-----------------------
5. For question number five of your answer pleases give reasons?
Quality Delivery time Other-----------------------
6. How do you judge the student service provision in Wollo University?
Very good good medium poor very poor
7. If your answer is poor or very poor for question number 6 can you state the reason
Shortage of finance poor Delivery time poor administrative stave
other -------------------------

8. Which area of student’s service provision should be improve more?

Cafeteria Dormitory Health other --------------------------
9. What activities to you recommend to the university to look for better achievement of
service provision?
 Face to face communication student with the university president
 Face to face communication only with the dean of student’s
 Other activities --------------------------------------
10. Taking its establishment of year in to consideration do you think the university is
providing sufficient service?
Yes No I don’t know
11. If your answer is no for question number 11 please state service not provided?
Cafeteria dormitory health other ------------------------
12. How do you evaluate the university student’s service provision compared to the number
of students?
Very satisfactory Satisfactory I don’t know
dissatisfactory Very dissatisfactory
13. If your answer is dissatisfactory or very dissatisfactory please state the factor that make
By Quality of service By delivery time other ----------
14. Have you observe any progress in general service provision in wollo university Dessie

Yes No I don’t know

15. If your answer is no what is the challenge in the university?

Lack of Information Lack of finance
Lack of administrative staff experience other -------------------------
16. Have you ever face problem and cries in student service provision that forces in to
negative attitude towards service given by university?
Yes No I don’t know
17. If your answer is yes in question number 17 please state the problem?
Behaviors of cafeteria worker behaviors of ticker
Behaviors of student other ----------------------------------
18. In this university what is the interaction between the university and student s with
regard to service provision?
Very high High Medium Low Very low

19. If you have any general comment, please specify here

Appendix “B” Interview
This interview conducted to the dean of student’s of wollo university?

1. How do you see the general service provision of wollo university especially, dormitory,
health and cafeteria with respect to the number of students?
2. Do you believe that wollo university is providing sufficient service to student especially
cafeteria , health and dormitory?
3. As it is known that students are claiming that the university not providing sufficient
services especially in case of cafeteria, health and dormitory what do you think about this
4. What is the education level of employee who are currently working in the university in
case of cafeteria, health and dormitory?
 Adrian (2001) principles of service marketing 3rd edition MC Graw Hall of India.
 Adrian palmer (2005) princpier of service marketing 4th edition MC Grow Hill of
 Kotler and Gory Armstrong (2006) 11th edition Philip of US.
 Kotler (1999), principles of marketing 11th edition hall of India.
 Kotler Armstrong.G (1987) second edition marketing an introduction of Englewood.
 Gars Armstrong (2006) principle of marketing 5th edition hall of India.
 Butterworth (2006) service marketing management 3rd edition Elsevier of India.

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