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Modal auiliaries English grammar

O-1 Fill in the hlanks with suitable modal auriliaries
Iplay withh your teamn today?(request)
One obey one's clders.(obligation)
cat a t
of vegetables and fruits.(advice)
the drawing contest this time.(deternmination)
Ou mind passing me the salt?(request)
I leave by eight tonight"'(perm1ssion)
play the violin.(ability)
We isit Pahalgam this ycar(possibility)
ou ask your mother to let you eome with us.(pernission)
10 take my brother to the park every evening.(past Habit)
Q2 Fill in the blanks
Vou live long!
you read when you were five?
My father speak and write five languages.
ou write on both sides of the paper.
We thought it rain.
He said he aiways come when called.
you ride your bicycle up to that hill1?
ran fast so that I| catch the train.
9 He tried to solve the sum but he not.
Do not put offtill tomorrow what you do toda
O-3 Fill in the blanks
vou do n.e a favour?
When seeyou again?
We go to the pictures today?
His caughter b e sixteen next month
The wounu noi heal in spite of allthe treatment he nad
that I wererich!
Had you worked hard. you have passed the examination.
As you sOW, So you reapP.
Those who live in glass houses not throw stones at others.
10 Ifyou see him, give him-mny regards.
11 The door painting
12 smoking but Igave it up last year.
13 You conie and have dinner with me.

He has lost your book and he _iot tell you.

15 You have written to him yesterday
16 he wait any longer?
He pay you the loan he owes you.
speak rudely to your father?
18 you
19 be a clerk, but now I am an officer.
What cannot be cured be endured.
21 you please, stop ialking?
22 You go orly when you have finished your Wok
23 vou rullier have tea or coffee?
24 Ury againi!' you wish
25 You not hurry, there is plenty of time
26 like you to do as I tell you.
if only they keep quite for a moment.
28 God bless you!
29 You be mad to do this.
30 learn English, and none shall stop me.

Kinnary Pairkh Page 1

preter not to give any explanation.
32 One obey one's parents.
33 ou 20 home whenever you like.
B4 My Father says we buy soile sweets.
God gineou courage to face it!
ou like o have lunch now?
ou please tell me n here the Cnema lHouse is"
an. it is so suluy.
The doctor said that the paticn recover.(1not very sure)
40 ou insist on being given your share.
God bless you!
ou have given me a helping hand. It was your moral duty.
_try to get you a job. I promise.
Arun is not a weak student. He is also not a very good student.He
The student politely said to the teacher, ". _I have a word with you?"
45 You go now.(pernission)
46 vou please close the door?(A polite request in the forin of a question)
17 t rain soon.(it is likely to happen)
48 You see a doctor at once.(It is an advice)
We hurry. We are very late.
50 I'm afraidi tell you that .It is a secret.
O-4 Restructure tlhe fellowing sentences using'may, n:ight,must,ough? to,wish ,only"'.
Candidates are required to answer at least five out of ten
He was not careful enovgh.
Perhaps he was hurt.
Please make a little less noise.
Please be quiet.(request)
(you can
makeifless ifyou to)
0-5 Fill in the blanks supplying therappropriate modals.
You have watered the flowers, for it is going to rain.
f we had aken tie other road we have arrived earlier.
i n ank tloses at two but manager? allow yo to getin.(remote pcssioility)
you please send mè an application form?(request)
Ad John vas the only persc. who visited us yesteray. It be he who left the main gate
open (probability)
6 You ead his latest bouk,
She speak three languages whenshe wastwelve.
8 see quite clearly whatthe children are doing in the garden.
9 He be at least sixty.
10 Your job_ _b. very demanding, but at least it is not boring.
Q-6 Fill in the blanks.
Usha run a kunured yards in ten seconds.
his soul rest iu peace!
The baby is crying, lhe_be hungry.
you tell me the way to the post -office,please?
You keep your scóoter locked.
Ibring you a cup of coffee?
When I as a boy, I _ walk forty n:iles in a day.
8 I have come to ask if Ran use your bicycle tomorrow
9 yo have another eup of tea?
19 All of us _die.
11 Drivers know that they stop when they come to the main road.(obligation)
12 Ifyou have a bad throat, you Smoke(prohibition)

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