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1. Climbing the 2 towers (torri degli Asinelli)
2. Piazza Maggiore – there are other places around (Sala Borsa, Piazza del Nettuno, Basilica di San
Petronio, Palazzo d’Accursio).
TIP: you can see Piazza Maggiore from above by going up to the Muncipio (Bologna’s city hall)
3. Piazza Santo Stefano – there is a wonderful church, it is called “le 7 chiese” because seven churches
were built one inside the other throughout hundreds of years.
4. Santuario di San Luca
5. Ai 300 scalini
6. San Michele in Bosco: it is close to the Santuario di San Luca, so it is quite far too.
7. Corte Isolani – a very old palace with a lot of galleries and restaurants inside. There is a legend related
to that place: there are 3 arrows on the ceiling at the entrance, but no one has been able to spot all of
them! It is close to Piazza Santo Stefano.
8. Via Indipendenza: it is the “shopping street”, the main street from the train station to the city center.
9. Galleria Cavour: close to Piazza Maggiore, it is a gallery with luxury shops (like “Galleria Vittorio
Emanuele in Milan or Via Condotti in Rome)

1. Via Zamboni (where most of the University of Bologna buildings are located)
2. Via del Pratello – the “communist” neighborhood, very nice atmosphere
3. Via degli Orefici/Via Clavature/Via Pescherie Vecchie: those little streets are very close to Piazza
Maggiore, and all of them are full of great places to eat typical and local products (like “taglieri” of
mortadella, prosciutto, and cheese)
4. Via Farini: it is a street full of beautiful paitings on the ceiling, just behind Piazza Maggiore
5. Finestrella di Via Piella: a tiny window from which you can see a river, cute spot!

1. All the restaurants in Bologna are amazing, the most famous is “L’Osteria dell’Orsa”.
2. Also “Bottega Portici” is very popular among tourists, they can eat one of the best “tortellini” in town!
3. There is also: “La prosciutteria”, “Ca’ Pelletti” “Sfogliarina”. For a quick slice of pizza, “Pizza Altero” is
the way to go.

1. MamBO – modern art
2. Palazzo Poggi, located in Via Zamboni
3. Museo Civico, inside Bologna’s city hall’s building

Piazza Maggiore from Above Corte Isolani


Via Farini
Piazza Santo Stefano

Via Piella

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