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Caroline Twitchell

Melissa Helquist

English 2100

2 Dec, 2022

Course Reflection

The sharing of information is inevitable in any career one will pursue. It is a crucial

aspect of any job to communicate effectively to accomplish any project or task completely and

correctly. What we have learned in this class has increased our ability to share information and

instructions with clarity and with a professional tone. We have learned how to write instructions

and reports; to keep our eyes open to colors, fonts, and other features; and to format our writings

to the correct audience. These are just a few features and examples that are encompassed in

technical writing.

Technical communication will include at least one of these characteristics:

communicating specialized topics, by using technology, and by providing instructions. They will

be use to explain products, services, and policies; to share basic information, to train users to

develop skills, and to market products and services.

A common form of technical writing that we practiced in this class are instructions. We

come across written instructions nearly every day, and they are important to get right. They must

include usability, they must be easy and pleasant to use, and must have utility, providing the

features needed. Testing must be done before the instructions are ready to use by having those

within the target audience follow the instructions and leave feedback. I work at a chiropractic

office where I see written instructions on how to perform stretches used and given to clients
every day. In order to perform the stretches independently, the text must be clear and images

must be used to guide the user.

Reports are used for technical or workplace communication. Workplace communication

may also include memos, progress reports, emails, and announcements. Technical

communication would include instruction manuals, user guides, policies, and procedures. The

purpose is to provide important information in a concise and accurate way, using visuals and text

to reemphasize key information and data.

Technical writing is going to be a crucial part of my future educational and career goals. I

will be relying on them and creating them for the rest of my life. I rely on step-by-step

instructions on a university’s website to register for classes or to fix an error within my account. I

email teachers often about concerns or to update them on my progress and to request feedback.

Wherever I work I will need to rely on written instructions, project details, and expectations.

I will be attending Utah State University to continue my education and receive my

bachelor’s degree. While there I will be relying on technical communication to communicate

effectively with my teachers as they establish expectations and fellow students as we accomplish

projects. I will depend on my syllabus, emails, and school updates to remain confident and

effective. In my future career I will rely on these types of reports to communicate with leaders

and managers. It will ensure that I become familiar with company policies, procedures, and

embody the company vision. It will help me become successful in communication and in


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