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MBP-19BBAI04 Scat No.

B. B. A. (Sem. I) Examination
February - 2021
Fundamentals of Management
(New Course)

Time : 2t Hours] [Total Marks: 70

Instructions : (1) Give the answer of any 4 questions.

(2) All questions carry equal marks. i.e. 17.5.

1 What do you mean by Management ? Explain features of modem


2 Discuss whether management is an art or science.

3 What do you mean by planning? Explain planning process in detail.

4 Explain internal and external planning premises.

5 Explain different forms of organisation structure.

6 What do you mean by staffing ? Explain functions of staffing.

7 What do you mean by directing ? Explain importance of directing.

8 What do you man by controlling'? Explain importance of controlling.

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MBP-19BBAI04 ] [ 3270/99-30 ]

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