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Created by Alpha Hundread


The origins of Morphlings are completely shrouded in mystery, and no two
Morphlings origin stories are exactly the same. In spite of all this however, one thing
remains consistent: Morphlings are no ordinary humanoids and their appearences are
evidence of that fact.

Morphling Heritages Rarity

You select a heritage at 1st level to reflect abilities passed down to you
from your ancestors or common among those of your ancestry in the
environment where you were born or grew up. You have only one Hit Points
heritage and can’t change it later. A heritage is not the same as a culture
or ethnicity, though some cultures or ethnicities might have more or fewer
members from a particular heritage. Size
Medium or Small
Pudding Morphling
You have a sticky outermembrane which you can use to cling onto the Speed
ground below you better than other humanoids as well as steeper 20 feet
surfaces. You gain a +4 to DCs against the Shove action as well as other
effects that would otherwise remove you from your space. Ability Boosts

Magmatic Morphling Charisma

You are a being made of lava and absorb nutrients through heat instead
of acid. All ancestry feats with the acid trait gain the fire trait instead and Ability Flaw
do fire damage. In addition You gain fire resistance equal to half your Dexterity
level (minimum 1) and Environmental heat effects are one step less
extreme for you. However, unless you wear protective gear or take shelter, Languages
environmental cold effects are one step more extreme for you. Common

Additional languages equal to your

Cunning Morphling Intelligence modifier (if it's
Your body is very transparent, even for Morphlings and this unique positive). Choose from the list of
feature has taught you how to better sneak up on your foes. You are common languages and any other
trained in Stealth and Deception, if you would automatically become languages to which you have
trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for access (such as the languages
example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. prevalent in your region).

Luminous Morphling Traits

Your bright, shining body can be used to light the way for allies. You can Humanoid

cast Light as an occult innate spell, at-will, but it loses its range and the Morphling

target is always yourself. Ooze

Rime Morphling Darkvision

Your frigid body treads the line between liquid and solid, and makes you You can see in darkness and dim
more reistant to the cold. All ancestry feats with the acid trait are replaced light just as well as you can see in
with the cold trait and do cold damage. In addition You gain cold bright light, though your vision in
resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1) and Environmental cold darkness is in black and white.
effects are one step less extreme for you. However, you also gain a  

weakness to fire equal to one third of your level (minimum 1).  

Fleshwarped Morphling  

Rather than a liquid of any kind, you are an amalgamation of an object  

either animate or inanimate, this appearence has a way of unsettling  

others when they see you. When you Demoralize a creature, you have the  

choice to have it lose the auditory trait and gain the visual trait, either

way, you don't take a penalty when you attempt to Demoralize a creature

that doesn't understand your language. In addition, you gain a +1


circumstance bonus to saves against diseases and poisons.  

Versatile Morphling  


You are better able to forego your muscle memory and morph your body  

into whatever shapes you please to better fit a specific situation. You gain  

the Versatile Psuedolimbs acnestry feat for free.  

Created by Alpha Hundread



The following feats are available to Morphling   MORPHLING  
As you morph from humanoid to a more amorphus
1st Level form, you may end up losing your vision and have to
detect creatures through air movement and vibration
like a true ooze. You've learned to rely on these
vibrations and air movements where you can't trust
As you splat on the ground, you bounce back your own eyes. You gain motion sense as an imprecise
magnificently as if you hadn't fallen at all. When you sense up to 30 feet.
fall, calculate the damage as if you had fallen half the
distance, you do not fall prone when you hit the
ground.   MORPHLING  

Whether through simple anatomy, shock absorption,

or acidic composition, you are resistant to specific
kinds of damage. Choose precision, acid, or electricity.
You can suppress the acidic compounds in your body You gain a resistance to the chosen damage equal to
and make them weak enough for you to store items in half your level (minimum 1). You cannot choose acid if
your body. You can hold up to 1 bulk of items within you already have a resistance from your heritage.
your body as long as the objects are no larger or taller
than you. You can store and retreive items from your Special You can take this feat multiple times choosing
body as an interact action and you can expel them in a different resistance each time.
an adjacent space as an interact action as well. The SPIT UP FEAT 1
expulsion of an object is not strong enough to do
damage to any creature nor the object itself.
You can withdraw a small part of your body and
LIQUID CONTORTIONIST FEAT 1 launch it at your foes. You gain a Spit unarmed strike
MORPHLING that is part of the Sling group and does 1d4 Acid
You body can squash and stretch as needed, making it damage and has a ranged increment of 20 feet.
much easier for you to enter tight spaces. For the sake STICKY PSUEDOLIMBS FEAT 1
of Squeezing you treat yourself as one size smaller.
you also are unaffected by difficult terrain due to
squeezing You can adapt you limbs to stick to walls and hold
people in place. You gain a +2 Circumstance bonus to
MELT DOWN FEAT 1 your Atheltics DC against escape checks. In addition,
MORPHLING you gain the Combat Climber feat as a bouns feat. You
You can relax your whole body to appear as an inert can usually climb without using your hands leaving
puddle of liquid. You become Trained in either Stealth them free and if you roll a success on an Athletics
or Deception, if you are trained in both of these skills, check to climb, you get a critical success instead.
you become trained in a skill of your choice. You gain STRETCH OUT FEAT 1
the Melt action.

MELT You can stretch your body beyond its normal limits.
CONCENTRATE MORPHLING   When you use this action, your reach increases by 5
You appear as an inert puddle of liquid, You can use feet until the end of your turn.
this action to Impersonate a mysterious puddle of STRONG PSUEDOLIMBS FEAT 1
liquid, or to Hide without any cover or concealment.
You can roll for these checks as part of this action, if
someone sees you using this action, you cannot Hide Your physical strength rivals those in peak physical
from them and they automatically know you are not a form. You can choose to have your fist strike's damage
puddle of liquid. If you succeed, onlookers still see increase to 1d6 but it loses the nonlethal and agile
you, but mistake you for an inanimate liquid, though traits.
others may be curious to look. TOOL-FREE THIEVERY FEAT 1
While melted, all of your eqipment falls into your   MORPHLING  

space occupied by you and you cannot act other than Prereqiuisites Versatile Morphling Heritage, Trained in
to reform as an action. When you reform, you reequip Thievery
all of your equipment you dropped as part of the Melt You can turn your limbs into tools as they are needed.
action, including anything you were holding in your You can attempt Thievery Checks without Thieves'
hands. Tools even if a Thievery check would require them. At
5th Level, you gain a +1 Status bonus to Thievery
checks perfomed this way.
Whlie Oozes aren't intelligent enough to communicate
with normal humanoids, that doesn't mean there isn't   MORPHLING  

something to learn from them. Oozes hunt prey often You can morph and twist your limbs to suit any
by hiding in plain sight and waiting for the right situation. Your fist strike gains the Versatile P and
moment to strike, once the time comes, they grab their Versatile S traits. You must have a free hand if you
prey on hold on to them so they can't escape, and you choose to have your fist strike do piercing or slashing
try to take after this example. You are trained in damage.
Athletics and Stealth. If you would automatically
become trained in one of those skills (from your
background or class, for example), you become trained
in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in
Morphling Lore.
Created by Alpha Hundread





Prerequisites Sticky Psuedolimbs
You can use your sticky body to traverse surfaces not
Frequency Once per day

normally possible by any humanoid. You gain a climb

Prerequisites Luminous Morphling Heritage
speed equal to half your land speed.
You can use the glittering lights of your body to dazzle
and blind your foes. Creatures within a 30-foot 9th Level
emanation must make a Fortitude Save versus the
higher of your Class or Spell DC.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. You rush toward a target and grab hold of them as if
Success The creature is dazzled for 1 round. you were going to engulf them. You stride twice, at
Failure The creature is stunned 1, and blinded for 1 any point during the stride you can attempt a grapple
round and dazzled for 1 minute. check against a creature within your reach. If you
Critical Failure The creature is stunned for 1 round and succeed, you stop striding, if you fail (but not critically
blinded for 1 minute fail), you can continue the striding and attempt to
CRITICAL CORROSION FEAT 5 grapple a different target. Your Multiple attack penalty
applies as normal but does not increase until this
activity is finished.
Your affinity for acid enhances the effects it has on
others. If you make a strike or cast a spell that does PSUEDOLIMB MASTERY FEAT 9
acid damage, you gain a circumstance bonus to the   MORPHLING  
damage roll equal to half the level of the item or Prerequisites Extra Psuedolimbs
weapon doing the acid damage (+1 if there is no item Full ability to make and use pusedolimbs at your
level or if the level is 1 or lower) or the spell's level if whim, means you're never turely without a free hand.
you cast a spell. This bonus also applies to any Your unarmed strikes all gain the Disarm, Grapple,
unarmed fist strike you make. In addition, when you Shove, and Trip traits; You can attempt theivery
critically hit a creature or a creature critically fails a checks without a free hand, however, you cannot hold
save against an acid effect you made (including items without a free hand so any object you steal or
unarmed attacks), the creature takes 1d4 persistent palm drops to the ground next to you, unless you have
acid damage the Liquid Container feat, in which case, any objects
you take without a free hand will get stored within
Special If you are a Rime Morphling, the creature
takes a -10 circumstance penalty to all its speeds your body. If your body cannot hold the object, it falls
down to the ground next to you as normal.
instead of doing any persistant damage.

Prerequisites Expert in Stealth or Deception

You can connect with oozes (and other amporhous
Requirements You are Undetected by a creature aberrations, at the GM's discretion) on a rudimentary
within your reach.
level. You can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression
Trigger Initiative has been rolled. on oozes and to make very simple Requests of them.
In most instances, oozes will give you time to make
You are adept at using the hunting methods of true
your case.
oozes. Make a strike or grapple against the creature. If
you were Melted before making this strike, you can LIQUID CANNON FEAT 9
Reform as part of this action before making the attack.   ATTACK MORPHLING

EXTRA PSUEDOLIMBS FEAT 5 Prerequisites Liquid Container

MORPHLING You can launch items stored within your body to
attack enemies with. Choose one item stored within
You can use your amorphous form to make other
your body, you use that item as ammunition for this
psuedolimbs that you can use for very basic tasks. You
unarmed attack. It has a ranged increment of 30 feet,
can perform simple interact actions without a free
and does 5d6 bludgeoning damage (depending on the
hand such as opening an unlocked door. This does not
object, this can so piercing or slashing damage at the
include actions that require fingers.
GM's discretion). This attack is in the Sling group. The
RAPID EXPULSION FEAT 5 damage of this attack increases by 1d6 every two
Frequency Once per day OPEN WIDE! FEAT 9
You condense yourself into a ball and then, in a burst   MORPHLING  
of energy, shoot off in all directions like shrapnel.
Frequency Once per day

Creatures within a 15-foot emanation must make a

Trigger You are targeted by a ranged attack but it
Basic Reflex Save against Your innate Spellacsing DC
has yet not been rolled.
or take 4d6 Acid damage, (If you did not previously
You can open up holes in your body, that can cause
have an Innate Spellcasting DC you gain one when you
projectiles to go right through you. You gain a +4
gain this feat) You must also make a Basic Fortitude
save against this damage with a result of one degree Status bonus to AC against the Triggering attack.
of success better than you rolled. This damage POWERFUL SUCTION FEAT 9
increases to 6d6 at level 9, 8d6 at level 13, and 10d6
at level 17.
Prequisites Pudding Morphling Heritage, Sticky
ACID MORPHLING You can use suction to cling onto not vertical surfaces,
but inverted surfaces as well. If you have both hands
Like true Oozes, you drain the life of your prey while
free you can climb on a ceiling, though it counts as
keeping a strong hold on them. When you succeed on
difficult terrain.
a Grapple check or Grab a target, you deal 1d6 Acid
damage, you deal 2d6 Acid damage if you critically



Frequency Once per day

Sometimes you leave a trail of slime behind you as you
walk. You stride, each space you occupy during this
movement is coating in a slippery slime. This functions
as if you covered that space with grease from the
Grease spell.
Created by Alpha Hundread


13th Level SPLIT BODY FEAT 13


Frequency Once per day

Trigger You take piercing or slashing damage that

Frequency Once per day

leaves you with at least half your maximum hit

Trigger A creature would critically hit you with an
Your anatomy allows you to think in more than one
You evade critical hits by simplifying your anatomy
part of your body, allowing you to be cut without
momentarily. The critical hit turns into a normal hit but
feeling pain. A small creature called a Split appears in
any effects activated by scoring a critical hit, still
a random space adjacent to you, if all adjacent spaces
apply (such as the critical specialization effect).
are occupied, it automatically shoves a creture out of
FREE FLOWING FORM FEAT 13 the way to make room for itself. It is smaller and
monochromatic but otherwise looks identically to you.

You have a full understanding of your body and can SPLIT CREATURE X
fully embrace your oozing nature. Once per day you   N SMALL MORPHLING MINION OOZE  
can cast 4th-Level Ooze Form but with additional Perception +X; motion sense 30 feet, no vision

benefits. Skills Athletics +X

All benefits to unarmed strikes you gained from your Str +X Dex +X Con +X Int -4 Wis +X Cha -2

ancestry, as well as all unarmed strikes in general, you Motion Sense Your Split can sense nearby creatures
retain while in this form, if you have any special through vibration and air movement.

actions or spells granted by your ancestry, you can Shared Intelligence Your Split has all of your
still use them and cast them (Polymorph and Morph ancestry feats, and proficienies, and any X in the
spells are still unable to be cast), if you hand any sheet is replaced with your modifier.
resistances or immunities before Polymorphing, you AC X - Item Bonus Fort +X Ref +X Will +X

retain them and you use the higher of the any two HP Triggering Damage Resistances Piercing Level/2,
resistances that are the same, and if your acid strikes Slashing Level/2
are replaced by a different damage type, that still Speed X feet

applies in Ooze form. Shared Offense Trigger The Split's next action is
to strike. Effect Choose one melee strike you have,
These benefits do not apply if these benefits were your Split strikes using that strike's modifier and
granted by a Versatile Heritage (This does not include damage but the damage type is always bludgeoning
Versatile Morphling). unless you have the Verstaile Psudeolimbs feat.

You can choose from the following forms based on 17th Level
your heritage

Pudding Morphling Black Pudding

Magmatic Morphling Ochre Jelly or Gray Ooze

Cunning Morphling Gray Ooze or Gelatinous Cube

With full control over your body, the extent of what
Luminous Morphling Ochre Jelly
you can morph yourself into is only limited to your
Rime Morphling Gray Ooze
imagination. Once per day, you can cast the
Fleshwarped Morphling Gelatinous Cube
Shapechange spell as an Occult Innate Spell.
Versatile Morphling Gray Ooze


Other Gray Ooze
MELTING TOUCH FEAT 13 Prerequisites At least one feat or heritage that grants
MORPHLING a resistance
The acid, heat, or cold, within your body has become You have a true ooze's fortitude, Choose one resistance
extremely prevalent and not affects both the inside that you have, that resistance is now an immunity.
and outside of your body.


Once per day you can cast 7th-Level Corrosive Body as
an Occult Innate Spell.

If you are a Magmatic Morphling or a Rime Morphling You can use your ablilty to morph and twist your body
you can instead cast Fiery Body.
to seal your wounds. Once per day, you can cast
If you are a Rime Morphling, Fiery Body is changed in Regenerate as a 7th level Occult Innate spell.
the following ways:


You gain an immunity to cold instead of fire, you gain
a weakness to fire instead of cold, you gain a   MORPHLING  

resistance to water instead of a weakness, all fire Prerequisites Free Flowing Form
damage within Fiery Body is replaced with cold You are no longer both humanoid and ooze, you are
damage, Produce Flame is replaced with Ray of Frost now an ooze that can transform into a humanoid. You
(The action reduction still applies), and you gain a land can cast 4th-Level Ooze Form at-will.
speed of 25 feet and a swim speed of 25 feet instead
of a fly speed of 40 feet.

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