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Emotions, Thoughts & Words

LIT 1 Poetry

Name: Bridget Mae Atay_Unit 2

PRETEST Comment Box
1. Poetry does serve as an editor; it improves the hideous. Poetry captures our feelings and
transforms them into beautiful things.

2. Poetry is a kind of literature that uses words to express the author's sentiments and
emotions. The poet finds words and creates poems as a result of his or her personal

3. Poetry uses rhythmic word arrangement to convey ideas and stories to the reader. Without
even recognizing it, we create something beautiful through the intensity of our emotions.
When a tale is told in an uninteresting manner, it serves no purpose.

4. Yes, poetry is something to keep in mind. Our emotions and sentiments push us to write.
As a result, it reminds us of the past while also allowing us to recollect it.

LEARNING ACTIVITY Similitude & Dissimilitude

Similitude Dissimilitude
1. Tanaga and haiku are examples of A haiku is a three-line poem with its origins in
classical short poems. To put it another Japanese culture. Five syllables make up the
way, tanaga is only the Philippines' first line, seven syllables make up the second
version on Japanese haiku. line, and five syllables again make up the third
line (5-7-5). The majority of haikus focus on
natural subjects including weather, creatures
and plants, and seasonal changes. Haikus can
be contemplative and somber, mood less, or
lighthearted and enjoyable.

The Tanaga is an indigenous form of Filipino

poetry that is frequently utilized in Tagalog.
The poem has four lines, each of which has
seven syllables. Unlike Haiku, it has an AABB
rhyme scheme. The artwork serves as an
example of ideas, idioms, emotions, and
lifestyles. There are numerous figures of
speech in it.
2. Similar literary techniques like A highly musical kind of verse known as lyric
repetition, alliteration, imagery, and poetry expresses strong feelings and emotions.
irony are used in both forms of poetry. Compared to narrative poetry, it is shorter.
There are several types of lyric poetry, such as
sonnets, odes, and elegies.

Jose Rizal Memorial State University

Emotions, Thoughts & Words
LIT 1 Poetry

Poetry that tells a tale through its lines is

referred to as narrative poetry. Lyric poetry is
usually shorter than narrative poetry. The three
traditional types of narrative poetry are
ballads, epics, and Arthurian romances.
3. They both have 14 lines. Form and rhyme are the main areas where
there are disparities. A Petrarchan sonnet, with
the first 8 lines (or a "octave") having the
rhyme scheme ABBA ABBA and the final 6
lines (or a sestet), which may vary, typically
having CDECDE or CDC CDC.

A Shakespearean sonnet, on the other hand,

broken down into three quatrains (4 lines each)
and one couplet (2 lines). The quatrains' rhyme
pattern is ABAB CDCD EFEF, with the
penultimate couplet being GG.

1 Read and Collect
Faith is a Powerful Force
by Emile Pinet

Faith is a powerful force,

requiring absolute trust.
It allows you to believe
you're loved and never alone.

Suffering persecution,
some have little more than faith.
And yet, it's unshakable,
in times of adversity.

Praying perpetuates hope,

opening your heart to God.
And when you first feel His love,
everything quickly changes.

Your beliefs can imbue life

with a strong sense of purpose.
Existence should never feel
empty and unfulfilling.

The love between you and God

Jose Rizal Memorial State University

Emotions, Thoughts & Words
LIT 1 Poetry

is oft rooted in blind faith.

And yet, that faith sustains you,
though some say, He’s but a myth.

Having confidence in God is the key to pleasing Him. Because they lack the kind of relationship
with God that enables them to have faith in God's ability to act, many people find that their prayers
go unanswered. God cannot be controlled by faith. It isn't a power that makes God oblige to our
requests when He otherwise wouldn't. Faith in God is the kind of confidence and faith that causes
you to give your entire soul to Christ as your Saviour. Actions always follow a living faith. We
communicate openly about our true beliefs, and we live by them.

by Joanna Fuchs

Sometimes life hands us

burdens we can't change,
but we try anyway,
using up a lot of energy
and experiencing a lot of pain
in the process.
Accept things you can't change.
Accept, accept, accept.
Then take that time and energy
you've been wasting
and focus it on something
that will bring you pleasure.
You deserve it.

The message of this free verse poem is to accept things for what they are and not try to
change them. A timely reminder to keep trying and concentrate on the things that make
you happy no matter what happens along the way. What we have labored for, we merit.
Let's just learn to accept things because it affects people's life greatly.

Dancing on the wind,
happy feet above the earth.
Life is a playground.

Life is like a playground; even when you trip and fall, you can get back up and carry on
with the fun adventure. There are other days when you quit playing because it is exhausting
but you realize that's just the way life is. You simply follow the flow and always go with
your heart. Although it could be demanding at first, it might also be rewarding. Let your
difficulties float like water and blow in the breeze.

Jose Rizal Memorial State University

Emotions, Thoughts & Words
LIT 1 Poetry

Life (Sonnet)
by Paul Hansford

Living your life the way you want to go

is not that easy. Things don't turn out right,
never go just the way you wish they might.
Plan as you will, you never really know.

Some people seem to have that lucky streak,

enjoying what they really don't deserve.
Or is it luck? Perhaps they have more nerve,
enabling them to achieve what we still seek.

Don't you just wish sometimes you had the key

that let you do what you would like to do,
and find some luck intended just for you?
really to be where you would like to be?

Don't waste your time writing some master plan.

Spit in fate's eye, and grab life while you can.

There are a lot of judgments in life. Because it's not your will, you frequently accomplish
what other people want rather than what you truly want. Make your choice without thinking
about other people's opinions. Not for others, but for your own life, you live. Create a will
and live the life you desired. Allow people to judge you without caring what they think.
Stop spending your time listening to folks who only have negative things to say.

Can't Help Falling in Love
by Elvis Presley

Wise men say

Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand

Jose Rizal Memorial State University

Emotions, Thoughts & Words
LIT 1 Poetry

Take my whole life, too

For I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you

The lyrics of the song describe the singer's feelings for a woman with whom he is madly in love.
Take his hand and ride with him to the never-ending sunsets, Elvis sings, since they are meant to
be together. This brings us the thought that we can’t really help ourselves to be falling in love,
even when it means to bring us in danger.

2 Your Definition
Poetry is a collection of feelings,
A flurry of teachings,
A collection of tales,
And plenty of ideas.

Jose Rizal Memorial State University

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