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SAFETY TOPIC________________________________________________
_______________________________________________SHIFT D A N
PRESENTED BY____________________________DATE______________
DAY 1 Adhering to the stipulated speed limit when driving on and off the mine site
DAY 2 Follow the laid down safe procedures when executing your task/work-Avoid taking short cuts
DAY 3 Ensure Pre-Shift checks on mobile equipment are done
DAY 4 Make sure you are aware of any high risk activity when in control of the mobile equipment
DAY 5 Ensure clear visibility in your drive way or operating area
DAY 6 Make sure you report any dangerous working place noticed
DAY 7 Do not be fatigued, take enough rest when operating mobile equipment

DAY 1 Do not operate defective equipment/ Machinery
DAY 2 Do not approach any machinery unless you are aware of the dangers involved
DAY 3 Always adhere to signage around opearing areas and machinery installations
DAY 4 Always lock out machinery before doing any checks
DAY 5 Do not park machienery in un desgnated places
DAY 6 Do not leave the machine engine running un attended
DAY 7 Make sure you test the service brakes and park brakes on all machinery before use

DAY 1 Ensuere your operating area/surface is free from obstacles
DAY 2 Ensure good house keeping is observed
DAY 3 Adhere to all covid rules
DAY 4 Do not use mobile hand held phones while operating the machine
DAY 5 Report any unsafe act
DAY 6 Do not engange in horse play when operating any mibile equipment
DAY 7 See, Think and act
WED 1 Maintain good house keeping
THUR 2 Follow the laid down safe procedures when executing your task/work-Avoid taking short cuts
FRI 3 Report all unsafe acts
SAT 4 Keep yourself fit for the job
SUN 5 Be aware of the moving machinery


MON 6 Manitain order. (A place for everything, everything in its place)
TUE 7 Be mindful of the dangers of every machinery
WED 8 Observe every safety sign on the plant
THU 9 Use the correct PPE for the job
FRI 10 Be aware of the chemiccal hazards
SAT 11 Observe speed limit in the plant
SUN 12 Do not use any defective machinery


MON 13 Pick a litter you see around
TUE 14 Tell one about safety
WED 15 See, Think and act
TUR 16 Be sober and unaffected by fatigue
FRI 17 Do not cross any barrigade
SAT 18 Report any unsafe act to your supervisor
SUN 19 Be responsible for your own safety and that of others


MON 20 Be responsible in the use of ablutions, keep them clean
TUE 21 What can I do to suppress dust?
WED 22 Use the right tool for the job
TUR 23 Be mindful of the blind spot when reversing
FRI 24 Observe all traffic rules when on the plant
SAT 25 Remember to fasten up when working at height
SUN 26 Do not temper with any electrical appliance without authority


MON 27 Do not spill oil in undesignated place
TUE 28 Do not temper with any safety device
WED 29 Adhere to all covid rules
TUR 30 Report all emergences to your supervisor
FRI 1 Maintain good house keeping
Follow the laid down safe procedures when executing your task/work-Avoid taking short
SAT 2 cuts
SUN 3 Report all unsafe acts
MON 4 Do the right thing by keeping your sorounding clean
Be mindful of the dangers of every machinery
WED 6 Ensure every moving machine has a safety guard
THU 7 Safety is everyone's responsibility
FRI 8 Do not temper with any safety devise
SAT 9 Never put chemicals in food containers
SUN 10 Know who to contact in an emergency


MON 11 PPE is your responsibility, look after it
TUE 12 Tell one about safety
WED 13 Ensure effective communication when executing tasks
TUR 14 Do a RISK ASSESSMENT for every task
FRI 15 Be aware of the hazards around you
SAT 16 What is a 'HAZARD'
SUN 17 Be a brother's keeper


MON 18 How clean is your office, workshop or sorrounding?
TUE 19 I take responsibility in keeping the Ablution clean. Do you?
WED 20 Use the right tool for the job
TUR 21 Look out for the moving machinery
FRI 22 Do not handle any chemical if you have no knowledeg about it.
SAT 23 Dust can be harmful to your body, protect yourslf.
SUN 24 Do not operate any machinery without authority


MON 25 Pick a litter you see around
TUE 26 Maintain the 3 point contact when climbing up/down
WED 27 Adhere to all covid rules
TUR 28 Know where the fire extinguisher is
FRI 29 Observe safety rules at your place of work
SAT 30 Be sober every time
SUN 31 Remember fatigue can be a hazard
MON 1 Be mindful of your sorrounding
TUE 2 Risk assess the task before commencing
WED 3 See, think and act
THU 4 Drink water only from domestic and safe sources
FRI 5 Report all near misses
SAT 6 Do not operate machinery without authority
SUN 7 Tell one about safety
MON 8 Manitain order. (A place for everything, everything in its place)
TUE 9 Be fit for work unaffected by fatigue
WED 10 Know who to contact and what to do in an emergency;
THU 11 Use the Right tool for the right job
FRI 12 Dust is hamful to your health, cover your mouth and nose
SAT 13 Understand whether a Permit to Work is required before commencing a task
SUN 14 Reassess the risks before commencing a new task


MON 15 Pick a litter you see around
TUE 16 Tell one about safety - Be a brother's keeper
WED 17 See, Think and act
TUR 18 Be sober and unaffected by fatigue
FRI 19 A sober mind is a stable mind, be lert
SAT 20 Report any unsafe act to your supervisor
SUN 21 Observe all signage around the plant


MON 22 Maintain a good hygiene - Ensure your PPE is clean at all times
TUE 23 Covid is real observe the 5 Golden rules
WED 24 Do not use defective tools
TUR 25 Beware of the moving machinery
FRI 26 Do not expose your body to any harmful chemical
SAT 27 Do not go close to any mobile machinery when in motion
SUN 28 Always be in an appropriate attire when entering the plant. No open shoes and shorts


MON 29 Do not spill liter in the bin or throw liter around the bin
TUE 30 Be mindful of barrigaded areas
WED 1 Be mindful of your sorrounding/ "Sakamana incende yobe"
THU 2 Observe every signage on around the plant. "Chenceta ifilangilio fyonse mu nchende"
FRI 3 Be concerned with your neighbour's actions "Sakamana ifilecita umunobe"
SAT 4 Loose clothing can be a sorce of danger. "ifyakuikobaika kuti fyaba entulo ya busanso"
SUN 5 Report all incidences, near misses and accidents "soseni ilyo lyonse mwasanga ubwafya"

Observe the five Golden rules of covid 19 (Mask up in public,Maintain physical

distance;Wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizer; Avoid crowded places and stay at
MON 6 home; Seek medical attention early if symptomatic.
TUE 7 Do not mix alcohol and work. (Tamufwile ukunwo bwalwa ilyo muli pa ncito)
WED 8 Promote the team work spirit (kuselesheni umupashi wakubombela pamo)
THU 9 Use the Right tool for the right job "Bomfyeni icibombelo icalinga ne ncito mulebomba"
Use the 3 point contact when climbing the ladder (konkeni ifipope fitatu ilyo mulenina
FRI 10 umutanto)
SAT 11 Keep yourself safe at all times. "Beni abaicingilila inshita yonse"
SUN 12 Be mindful of chemical hazards. (Chenjeleni ne miti ibomfiwa mu kampani)


MON 13 Maintain good hygine. "isungeni ubusaka"
TUE 14
Be mindful of the mobile equipment around the plant. (Chenjeleni ne fimbayabamaya
fisangwa mu kampani)
WED 15 See, Think and act (Lolesha, Utontonkanye elyo ubombe)
TUR 16 Do not deface any safety sign (Mwilufyanya icipampa ca bucingililo)
FRI 17
Know what to do and where to go in an emergency (Ishibeni ifyakucita no kwakubutukila
mu nshita ya busanso)
SAT 18 Do not engange in "Horse play" (Mwibika amasange pa ncito)
SUN 19 Tell one about the covid vaccine (Ebako umo pa nyeleti ya corona)


Keep your sorrounding clean and safe at all times (Cingilileni incende mulebombelapo no
MON 20 busaka inshita yonse)
TUE 21 HIV is real, go for a test. (Ubulwele bwa H.I.V eko bucili, mone ukutila mwapimisha)
WED 22 Do not use defective tools. (Mwibomfya ifibombelo ifyaonaika)
TUR 23
Follow all security protocols when accessing the plant. (Konkeni ifipope ifya ba sopo
mutende pa nshita muleisa mu kampani)
FRI 24
Ensure your PPE is good enough to protect you. (Moneni ukuti Ifyakufwala fyakumucingilia
na filinga ukumucingilila)
SAT 25
Do not go close to any mobile machinery when in motion. (Talukeni ku fimbayambaya
SUN 26 Never put chemicals in food containers (Mwibika imiti yakubomfya umo mubike fyakulya)


Manage the bin properly, do not over fill. (Bomfyeni I'gungulu bwino, mwileka shisule
MON 27 ukucila mu cipimo)
TUE 28 Be mindful of barrigaded areas (Talukeni mu nchende isha bindwa)
WED 29 Ensure floaters are in place when working near the ponds and dams (Moneni ukutila
ifyakufwala pa menshi fyasangwa lyonse ilyo mulebombela mupepi no mumana)

Use the designated washing places for hand wash. (Bomfyeni incende shalashikwa
THU 30 mukusamba ku minwe)
FRI 31 Keep the toilets clean all the time. (Sungeni bwino ifumbusu inshita yonse)
Alcohol impares your thinking capacity"Umwanganshi kuti wapilibula imitontonkanishishe
yobe" world over alcohol accounts for most of accidents be it at home or at work. If under the
SAT 1 influence of alcohol or drug intoxication, your judgement is impared.
(i)Do not take alcohol when
reporting for work (iii) Alcohol can lead to accidents

SUN 2 Do an act of safety (Citapo cimo pa lwakuicingilila)

(i) Correct any unsafe act you come across,
(ii) Ensure everything is safe for you and others

Good house keeping leads to productivity "Ukusunge ncende ubusaka kutwala ku mibombele
isuma" Trips andd falls incidents are normaly caused by poor house keeping in work areas.
World over, trips and falls injuries account for the 80% for both First aid or lost time injuries in
MON 3 industries. Therefore house keeping is all the time.
(i) Ensure you clean the place where you
are working (ii) See to it
that no one litres around (iii) above all, pick any litre you come across

Seek medical attention whenever you feel the following: (Butukileni ku cipatala ilyo lyonse
TUE 4 mwakwata ifili pe samba:
(i) Headache - Umutwe ubukali (ii) Flue -Icifine (iii) Chest pains or
coughing (iv) Fever -Impepo
Be mindful of the killers on the plant - Cenjeleni kufingaleto busanso mu ncende
WED 5 shakubombelamo; (i) Moving machinery (ii) Conveyor belts (iii) Falling objects (iv) Electricity
(v) Some poisonous chemicals and (vi) acids

Observe the five Golden rules of covid 19

THU 6 (Mask up in public,Maintain physical distance;Wash hands frequently or use
hand sanitizer; Avoid crowded places and stay at home if need be; Seek medical attention early if

FRI 7 Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery in any working area. (Mwifwala ifyakuikobaika pa mu
bili ilyo muli pa ncito) Loose clothing has accounted for several fatalities in the industry
especially people working close or around moving machinery. e.g Unbuttoned top of the work
suit, Loose trousers almost falling, mutton cloth round the neck, neck chains, arm bands etc.
Do not temper with electrical appliances if it is not your area - (Mwiesha ukwikata
ku malaiti nga tamubomba na malaiti). We all know that electricity has proven to be one
of the major killers in the industry and at house hold level. Therefore:

(i) Report any electrical faulty to the authorised electrical personel or your supervisor
SAT 8 (ii) Do not make any ilegal connection on the plant
(iii) Get approval
from the electrical Engineer/Foreman for any connection
(iii) Do not work with machinery whose switches are faulty.
Know what to do in case of fire "Ishibeni ifyakucita nga kwaba umulilo"
Fires can be devastating. People can die, machinery be totally
destroyed and production stopped for weeks on end. However, they can be prevented
by acting properly and making sure that equipment and materials are in good order and
correctly used and stored. The immediate response is
SUN 9 also, important as many fires can be quickly and safely dealt with if the right things are
done straight away. Therefore;
(i) Know how to use the fire
extinguisher and their types
(ii) Know the classes of fire
(iii) Know where
WEEK 3 to find the fire extinguishers

Report all incidents/accidents -(Soseni ilyo lyonse kwaba ubusanso nangu ifingaleto busanso)
Studies all over the world have shown that there is a clear link between the number of minor
MON 10 incidents recorded at the place of work and the number of really big accidents…
(i) Encourage everyone
to report all incidents/accidents
(ii) Do not ignore any incident however small
(iii) Every wound must be treated in good time, therefore do not ignore even if it is small
Bad attitude is a recipe for accidents. "Imbela yabipa ilalenga amasanso"
TUE 11 (1) Have a positive attitude whenever you are at
WED 12
When you test positive to covid, stay away from all public interactions. (Ilyo lyonse
mwasangwa na kashishi ka kolona, mutaluke ku ncende sha cintu bwingi)
(i)The virus is transmitable so stay away (ii)
Get clearance from the hospital to show that you are negative
Identify all hazards in your work place - Sopeni fyonse ifingaleto busanso apo mulebombela. A
hazard is anything that has potential to cause harm, therfore you are required to:
THU 13 (i) Be on the look out and identify any
hazardous staff in your area (ii)let every
team member take part in the hazard identification
FRI 14 Effective communuication enhances team work. (Ukulanshyanya kulensha incito bwino)
(i) Involve everyone in the job (ii) Listen to every team member's contribution
SAT 15 Ensure adequate lighting in your working areas . (Moneni ukuti umo mulebombela muli ulubuto
(i) Report to electrical department any faulty bulbs and other faulty electrical
SUN 16 Horse play is also unsafe act. (Ukucena ni mbela yabipa pa ncito) Any messing around, using
tools or equipment not as intended can be refered to horse play. You are therefore;
(i) not allowed to use unplatable language
while on duty. (ii) not allowed
to display gestures that are injurous to others.
(iii) not allowed to play around with tools or equipment other than the intended
Use your PPE responsibly. "Bomfyeni ifyakubombelamo fyenu bwino bwino"
Personal hyegene can be measured by how we keep our bodies clean
MON 17 (i) Keep your PPE clean at all times (ii) patch
the torn parts or have it replaced if you are due
Manual handling (Ifyakwimya namaboko)
TUE 18 (i) Strand reasonably close to the load Feet Hip width apart with one foot
slightly forward pointing in the direction you are going (ii) Bend your knees while keeping your
back straight (iii) Do not strain your back when lifting
Working in the noise area (Ukubombela mu ncende umuli icongo) exposure to noise can cause
WED 19 permanent hearing loss.
(i) Wear your hearing protection as prescribed by the law e.g ear
plugs, ear muffs

Use of alcohol and drugs (Ubwalwa ne miti iikola) Do not

THU 20 (i) Do not get drunk the night before coming to work the following
morning alcohol takes time to get out of the system (ii) If you are prescribed drugs that affect
your safety at work, inform your supervisor.

Working at height. Nearly 50% of all fatalities in construction are falls from height therefore
(i) Ensure barriers are secured and not removed for the safety
FRI 21 of all (ii) Ensure you know how to use a
safety harness should you have to use it (iii) If
in doubt; stop and get advise (iv) Ensure the ladder has a firm footing and well supported
(v) Where need be use
standard scaffolds
Chemical handling " () Uncontrolled exposure to chemicals can have adverse health effects to
workers. Many chemicals used in the industry can cause skin problems which can lead to cancer
SAT 22 in extreme cases and other body ailments. Therefore,
(i) Ensure Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) is in place when handling chemicals (ii)
Use appropriate PPE (iii) Use proper disposal method according to the MSDS guide

SUN 23 Tell one about the covid-19 (Ebako umo pa kashishi ka Corona)

Hand protection from common injuries -(Ukucingilile minwe ukukana icena)

MON 24 (i) Use gloves whenever you are handling material
(ii) Be alert when using hand tools
Proper lifting technics of large objects () Wrong lifting mechanism can have an adverse effect on
TUE 25 a person lifting in form of Backache, Fractured spine, sprained wrists etc.
(i) Use the correct lifting methods (ii) Use lifting
equipment where necessary

WED 26 Look out for the safety signs on the plant. (Mone ifyakumulangilila mu ncende mulebombela)
Understand the different types of signs and what they mean. (i) Blue - Mandatory (ii) Red -
Prohibitive (iii) Yellow -Caution (iv) permited

Signage rules. (Ifilangililo) Workers performing specific tasks accessible to the public must erect
TUR 27 signage to maintain safety. Therefore;
(i) Understand what each signage mean (ii) Do not ignore any erected signage
(iii) Ensure signage is in place before commencing your task
Handling cutting tools. Improper handling of cutting tools can lead to minor and majors injuries;
FRI 28 (i) Know how
to use relevant blades safely to reduce accidental injuries
(ii) Know how to keep cutting tools when not in use (iii) Unplug electrical tools when not
in use (iv) Know the correct PPE to use when using cutting tools

Disposing of cut sharp materials (Ifyakuposa ifyatwa ifya putulwa) Sharp objetcs must be
SAT 29 disposed off safely to prevent others from cutting and stabbing thenselves.
(i) Know how to dispose off such materials (ii)
Only dispose sharp materials in disgnated areas

Importance of having enough rest as a shift worker (Ico cabela icikankala ukutusha) Fatigue
SUN 30 has proven to be one of the risk factors and causer of many accidents in the industry in that a
fatigued mind is a dormant mind in decision making. As an employee you are required to:
(i) Take enough sleep when
on night duty (ii) take time to rest after shift (iii)
Ensure to observe the fatigue management program set out in your section

Managing bins in the section your responsiblity.

MON 31 (Ukubomfya in'gungulu bwino mulimo wenu
(i) Do not overfill the Bins (ii) Ensure that you empty the bins regulary (iii)
Do not overfill the bins

Good house keeping leads to productivity (Ukusunge ncende ubusaka kutw

TUE 1 isuma) Remember that a clean environment has always contributed to a safe
especially. Therefore you must;
(i) A place for everything and everything in its place (iii) Order must a
of the day

WED 2 Do an act of safety (Citapo cimo pa lwakuicingilila)

(i) Correct any unsafe act you come across,
(ii) Ensure everything is saf

Always withdraw from unsafe and/or unhealthy workplaces or conditions;

muli ilyo lyonse mwasanga ati kuti pafumo busanso" Certain working conditi
THU 3 environments may deem to be unsafe especially if there are unsecured hang
naked electrical wires, un secured working platform etc. You must therefore
quickly assess the safety of your working environment and report to your sup
situation is unsafe
not wait for the situation to worsen before you make a decision
Do not carry out any task if you are not trained and proven competent: (W
umulimo uwo tawasambilishiwa nokwishiba bwino bwino.
Ensure you are trained and competent (ii) Seek approval before commencing

SAT 5 Be mindful of the killers on the plant - Cenjeleni kufingaleto busanso mu nce
shakubombelamo; (i) Moving machinery (ii) Conveyor belts (iii) Falling object
(v) Some poisonous chemicals and (vi) acids

Observe the five Golden rules of covid 19

SUN 6 (Mask up in public,Maintain physical distance;Wash hand
hand sanitizer; Avoid crowded places and stay at home if need be; Seek medi

Remember it is an offence to use headsets on the plant. (Ibukisheni ukuti ca

utwakumfwilako twamaphone mu matwi ilyo lyonse muli pa ncito)
music may produce a safety hazard by masking environmental sounds that n
MON 7 especially on the plant and other construction sites and can lead to;
moving equipment
machinery sounds and vehicle traffic
(iii)Other safety warning signals that may arise in case of emergency.
Be fit for work and unaffected by fatigue, drugs and alcohol;- (Be
bwino pakwisa ku ncito ababulo kunaka nelyo ukunwa ifikola ). Alcoho
to financial losses in the company through absentism, fatigue, compes
occupational injuries. you are therefore expected:
(i) To be sober and in the right state of mind
TUE 8 are at work (ii) Do not take any int
substance or drugs when reporting for work
(iii) Seek medical help if you are not well

Report to secdurity any intruder around your working areas "Ishib

WED 9 wa muitende lyonse ilyo mwasanga umuntu uibelele apo mulbombela"

Wear and use personal protective equipment (PPE) that is appropriate for t
good condition; -(Fwaleni ifyakubombelamo ifyalinga ne ncito intu mulebo
THU 10 Personal protective equipment, or PPE, protects its user against any physical
that the workplace environment may present. It is important because it exist
measure for industries that are known to be more hazardous, like manufactu
(i) Ennsure that you wear your appropriate PPE for the job
(ii) Keep your PPE well and clean all the time
Bad attitude is a recipe for accidents. "Imbela yabipa ilalenga amas
FRI 11 (1) Have a positive attitude whe
SAT 12
It is an offence not to report an incident/accident. (Ukukana sosa ubusanso
Every employee has a statutory obligation to stop an activity whenever th
accident/incident and notify supervisor and HSE official, and give full informa
to the accidents/incidents involving damage to the company vehicle/Propert

Do not enter restricted areas unless you have permission. - Mwilaingila

ishacingililwa ukwabulo kusuminishiwa.
An area (land, sea, or air) in which there are special restric
SUN 13
employed to prevent or minimize exposure to hazards, hence:-
(i) Only cross conveyors and roadways at designate
(ii)Do not go near the po
without permission

MON 14 Effective communuication enhances team work. (Ukulanshyanya kulensha i

Do not handle, use, transport,
(i) Involve destroyinand
everyone the store
job (ii)chemicals
Listen to unless you are
every team mem t
TUE 15 the written authority to do so;. (Wilabomfya imiti, ukusunga nelyo ukusenda
amafunde yapelwa palwamisungile.)
(i) Report to electrical departmen
and other faulty electrical appliances
WED 16 Horse play is also unsafe act. (Ukucena ni mbela yabipa pa ncito) Any messin
tools or equipment not as intended can be refered to horse play. You are ther
(i) not allowed to use unpla
while on duty.
to display gestures that are injurous to others.
(iii) not allowed to play around with tools or equipment other th
Always isolate and test for dead when working on electrical appliances.
"Moneni ukutila mwasokola pa maliti ilyo lyonse mulebombela pa cibomfya a
(i) Follow the isolation porocedure when working on an electrical apparatu
THU 17 (ii) Only competent personnel must handle electricity

Do not approach any machinery unless you are aware of the relevant dang
operator has seen you. (Mwipalama kuli machine nga tamwishibe ubusan
FRI 18 namutekenya tamumwene).
(i) Standa at a safe distance and signal to the operator before you appr
(iii) Do not asume that the operator has seen you unless he acknow
Working in the noise area (Ukubombela mu ncende umuli icongo) exposure
SAT 19 permanent hearing loss.
(i) Wear your hearing protection as prescribed
plugs, ear muffs

SUN 20 Always park vehicles in disgnated places (Lyonse mushe ba motoka benu um

Working at height. Nearly 50% of all fatalities in construction are falls from h
MON 21 Ensure barriers are secured and not removed for the safety of all
(ii) Ensure you know how to use a safety harness shoul
(iii) If in doubt; stop and get
the ladder has a firm footing and well supported
(v) Where need be use standard scaffolds
Know who to contact in emergency " (Ishibeni abakweba mu snhita yamapa
TUE 22 In case of emergency you are expected to call emergency numbers displa
Follow the 5 Golden rules of Covid-19 (konkeni ifipope fisano bapela pa kas
Mask up in public,Maintain physical distance;Wash hands frequently or use h
Avoid crowded places and stay at home if need be; Seek medical attention e
WED 23 symptomatic.)

Hand protection from common injuries -(Ukucingilile minwe ukukana icena)

THU 24 (i) Use gloves whenever you are handling material
(ii) Be alert when using hand to
Proper lifting technics of large objects () Wrong lifting mechanism can have
FRI 25 a person lifting in form of Backache, Fractured spine, sprained wrists etc.
(i) Use the correct lifting methods
equipment where necessary

SAT 26 Always check your area all round before operating any machinery.
(Chenceta no kushinguluke ncede yobe ilyo lyonse taulaensha icimbayambay
Signage rules. (Ifilangililo) Workers performing specific tasks accessible to the
SUN 27 signage to maintain safety. Therefore;
(i) Understand what each signage mean (ii) Do not ignore an
(iii) Ensure signage is in place before commencing your task
Week 5
Keep yourself at your best eachtime you are coming for work (Isungeni bwin
meleisa kuncito)
MON 28 (i) Take enough rest
(ii) Eat the right food for your task
(iii) Be at ease when coming for work, do not panic
(iv) Alwyas display your Identification card at the

ncende ubusaka kutwala ku mibombele

ys contributed to a safe production

place (iii) Order must always be the order

come across,
nsure everything is safe for you and others

kplaces or conditions; "Fumeni pa ncende

Certain working conditions and
re are unsecured hanging materials, live
c. You must therefore:
(i) Ensure that you
and report to your supervisor/HSE if the
(ii) Do
a decision
roven competent: (Wiesha ukubomba
al before commencing any task

galeto busanso mu ncende

belts (iii) Falling objects (iv) Electricity

al distance;Wash hands frequently or use

if need be; Seek medical attention early if
nt. (Ibukisheni ukuti calibindwa ukubika
uli pa ncito) Listening to
nmental sounds that need to be heard,
d can lead to;
(i)distract attention to
(ii) masking heavy
of emergency.
s and alcohol;- (Beni abaisunga
nwa ifikola ). Alcohol abuse can lead
sm, fatigue, compesations due to

he right state of mind each time you

i) Do not take any intoxication

f you are not well

working areas "Ishibisheni bakasopa

ele apo mulbombela"

hat is appropriate for the task and in

a ne ncito intu mulebomba)
er against any physical harm or hazards
ortant because it exists as a preventative
ardous, like manufacturing and mining.

ean all the time
abipa ilalenga amasanso"
positive attitude whenever you are at

kukana sosa ubusanso ubwacitika pa ncito

n activity whenever there is an

l, and give full information that pertains
mpany vehicle/Property.

sion. - Mwilaingila mu ncende

here are special restrictive measures

, hence:-
oadways at designated crossing points.
)Do not go near the ponds and dams

lanshyanya kulensha incito bwino)

en to unless you are
every team trainedcontribution
member's and have
usunga nelyo ukusenda nga tawaishiba
o electrical department any faulty bulbs
a pa ncito) Any messing around, using
orse play. You are therefore;
t allowed to use unplatable language
(ii) not allowed
or equipment other than the intended
ectrical appliances.
bombela pa cibomfya amalaiti.
an electrical apparatus

e of the relevant dangers and only if the

a tamwishibe ubusanso ingaleta nagula

erator before you approach.

n you unless he acknowledges to you.
muli icongo) exposure to noise can cause

otection as prescribed by the law e.g ear

he ba motoka benu umwasuminishiwa

ruction are falls from height therefore

afety of all
a safety harness should you have to use it
n doubt; stop and get advise (iv) Ensure

e standard scaffolds
eba mu snhita yamapamfyo)
gency numbers displayed on the notice
e fisano bapela pa kashishi ka Corona)
nds frequently or use hand sanitizer;
ek medical attention early if

minwe ukukana icena)

e handling material
ert when using hand tools
mechanism can have an adverse effect on
prained wrists etc.
orrect lifting methods (ii) Use lifting

y machinery.
aensha icimbayambaya)
tasks accessible to the public must erect

an (ii) Do not ignore any erected signage


or work (Isungeni bwino ilyo lyonse

or work, do not panic

ntification card at the entrance
1. Falitality prevention 2. Injuries prevention 3. Culture change 4. Enviromental Management.

Ensure your Five senses are working: (i) Sight (ii) hearing (iii) Smell (iv) taste and (V) feeling (Mono kuti ifiputulwa fyamubili
TUE 1 fyonse filebomba Amenso, Amatwi, Imyona, ululimi no mubili onse) The 5 senses have the ability to warn us of the pending
danger, therefore these must be in perfect condition.

Ensure your Five senses are working: (i) view clearly where the machine is approaching (ii) Listen carefully to the sound of
the approaching machine (iii) Be sensitive to smell any toxic substance (iv) be sensitive to the taste of any toxic substance
WED 2 (iv) Do not damage your taste buds by swallowing hamrful chemicals e.g (acids) and (v) Do not damage your skin by exposing
it to the toxic environment.

Do not endager your life by getting close to the mobile machine; "mwibika ubumi bwenu mukayofu pakupalama kuli
machine iilebomba" (i) Ensure to keep away from the moving machinery (ii) Do not
THU 3 stand on the blind spot of the operating cabin of the machine (iii) The machine doesn't know you hence it will crush you -
stay away

Do not carry out any task if you are not trained and proven competent: (Wiesha ukubomba umulimo uwo
tawasambilishiwa nokwishiba bwino bwino.
FRI 4 (i) Ensure you are trained and competent (ii) Seek approval before
commencing any task
Be mindful of the killers on the plant - Cenjeleni kufingaleto busanso mu ncende shakubombelamo; (i)
Moving machinery (ii) Conveyor belts (iii) Falling objects (iv) Electricity (v)
SAT 5 Some poisonous chemicals and (vi) Remember moving machinery always takes first slot, be careful

Exposure to loud sounds can damage the cells of your inner ear. Damage can occur with long-term exposure to loud noises,
or from a short blast of noise, such as from a gunshot. Heredity. Your genetic makeup may make you more susceptible to ear
damage from sound or deterioration from aging (Ukubomfya utwakumfwilako mu matwe mu plant kuti twabika ubumi
SUN 6 bwenu mukayofi)

Caught in Between. (Ukwikatwa mukati ka machine) Each year, workers suffer approximately 125,000 caught or crushed
injuries that occur when body parts get caught between two objects or entangled with machinery. These hazards are also
referred to as "pinch points". The physical forces applied to a body part caught in a pinch point can vary and cause injuries
ranging from bruises, cuts, amputated body parts, and even death. (i) Dress appropriately for
work with pants and sleeves that are not too long or too loose. Shirts should be fitted or tucked in.
MON 7 (ii) Do not wear any kind of jewellery.
(iii) Wear the appropriate, well-fitting
gloves for your job.

Caught in Between. (Ukwikatwa mukati ka machine) Each year, workers suffer approximately 125,000 caught or crushed
injuries that occur when body parts get caught between two objects or entangled with machinery. These hazards are also
referred to as
"pinch points". The physical forces applied to a body part caught in a pinch point can vary and cause injuries ranging from
bruises, cuts, amputated body parts, and even death.
(i) Dress appropriately for work with pants and sleeves that are not too long or too loose. Shirts should be fitted
TUE 8 or tucked in. (ii) Do not wear any kind of jewelry. (iii) Wear
the appropriate, well-fitting gloves for your job. (iv) Give your work your full attention
(v) Don't joke around, daydream, or try to multi-task on the job-most accidents occur when workers are

Be fit for work and unaffected by fatigue, drugs and alcohol;- (Beni abaisunga bwino pakwisa ku ncito ababulo kunaka
nelyo ukunwa ifikola ). Alcohol abuse can lead to financial losses in the company through absentism, fatigue, compesations
due to occupational injuries. you are therefore expected: (i) To
WED 9 be sober and in the right state of mind each time you are at work (ii) Do not take any intoxication substance or drugs when
reporting for work (iii) Seek medical help if you are not well
Observe the radius of the swinging machinery e.g Trains & Excavators:
(i) Do not stand in the operating cirlce of the machin (ii) Understand the signage given to you
THU 10 (iii) observe the demarcated area

Caught in Between. (Ukwikatwa mukati ka machine) Each year, workers suffer approximately 125,000 caught or crushed
injuries that occur when body parts get caught between two objects or entangled with machinery. These hazards are also
referred to as
"pinch points". The physical forces applied to a body part caught in a pinch point can vary and cause injuries ranging from
bruises, cuts, amputated body parts, and even death.
(i) Dress appropriately for work with pants and sleeves that are not too long or too loose. Shirts should be fitted
FRI 11 or tucked in. (ii) Do not wear any kind of jewelry.
(iii) Wear the appropriate, well-fitting gloves for your job. (iv) Give your work your full attention
(v) Don't joke around, daydream, or try to multi-task on the job-most accidents occur when
workers are distracted.

No horse play on the machine. "kuli mashini tekwakucenena" Most accidents occur when workers are distracted. And
distraction can come in so many ways: (i)
SAT 12 Chating with collegues while the machine is left running unattended. (ii) Operator coming off the machine without switching
engine off (iii) Operator using a phone while on the machine

It is an offence not to report an incident/accident. (Ukukana sosa ubusanso ubwacitika pa ncito mulandu.) Every employee
has a statutory obligation to stop an activity whenever there is an accident/incident and notify supervisor and HSE official,
SUN 13 and give full information that pertains to the accidents/incidents involving damage to the company vehicle/Property.

Do not enter restricted areas unless you have permission. - (Mwilaingila mu ncende ishacingililwa ukwabulo
kusuminishiwa.Often employees get to certain places and begin carrying out tasks without catching the attention of the
person in charge. You are therefore not allowed to: (i) Get to
MON 14 the machine and start working on it without the attention of the operator
(ii) Do not start repair works on any machine without isolation

Promote effective communuication about machine safety. (Kusheni kulenshanya bwino pamibombele isuma ya ba mashini)
TUE 15 (i) Involve everyone in the job (ii) Listen to every team member's contribution.

WED 16 Read and follow safety signs posted on equipment;. (Belenga no kukonka ifishibisho fyakukonka ilyo lyonse uli pa machine)
(i) Do not temper with
any machine without being instructed (ii) If in doubt ask your supervisor

THU 17 Horse play is also unsafe act. (Ukucena ni mbela yabipa pa ncito) Any messing around, using tools or equipment not as
intended can be refered to horse play. You are therefore; (i)
not allowed to use unplatable language while on duty. (ii)
not allowed to display gestures that are injurous to others.
(iii) not allowed to play around with tools or equipment other than the intended purpose

Always isolate and test for dead when working on electrical appliances. "Moneni ukutila mwasokola pa maliti ilyo lyonse
mulebombela pa cibomfya amalaiti. (i) Follow the isolation porocedure when working on an electrical apparatus (ii) Only
FRI 18 competent personnel must handle electricity

Do not approach any machinery unless you are aware of the relevant dangers and only if the operator has seen you.
(Mwipalama kuli machine nga tamwishibe ubusanso ingaleta nagula namutekenya tamumwene). (i) Standa at a safe
SAT 19 distance and signal to the operator before you approach. (iii) Do not
asume that the operator has seen you unless he acknowledges to you.

Working in the noise area (Ukubombela mu ncende umuli icongo) exposure to noise can cause permanent hearing loss.
(i) Wear your hearing
SUN 20 protection as prescribed by the law e.g ear plugs, ear muffs

MON 21 Always park vehicles in disgnated places (Lyonse mushe ba motoka benu umwasuminishiwa ukusha)
Repairing and servicing equipment in dangerous positions: The primary sources of injury to operators and other personnel
working around heavy equipment are: (i)
Repairing and servicing equipment in dangerous positions (ii) Striking
TUE 22 individuals or other vehicles with the equipment, particularly its blade (iii)
Unexpected violent tipping of the equipment. (v) Where need be use standard scaffolds

Repairing and servicing equipment in dangerous positions: (I) Uncontrolled traffic within or through the work area. (II)
Unexpected violent shocks or jars to the machine. (III) Sudden movement of a power unit while it is being attached to earth
moving equipment. (IV) Limbs of trees or overhead obstructions
WED 23 (V) Leaving earth moving or other equipment in dangerous positions while unattended. (VI)
Failure of lifting mechanisms.

Care of machinery (Ukusunga ifibombelo bwino) Poor maintenance of machinery can lead to equipment wear out or injury
to the user. You must therefore: (i) ensure that all vital parts such as motors, chassis, blades, blade holders, tracks, drives,
hydraulic and pneumatic mechanisms, and transmissions should be thoroughly inspected each day. (ii) Before starting a job,
the operator should be given instructions regarding the work to be don. (iii) Before using the starting motor, the operator
THU 24 should check to make sure that all operating controls are in the neutral position.

Hand protection from common injuries -(Ukucingilile minwe ukukana icena) (i)
Use gloves whenever you are handling material (ii) Be
FRI 25 alert when using hand tools

Proper lifting technics of large objects Wrong lifting mechanism can have an adverse effect on a person lifting in form of
Backache, Fractured spine, sprained wrists etc. (i) Use the
SAT 26 correct lifting methods (ii) Use lifting equipment where necessary

Always check your area all round before operating any machinery. (Chenceta no kushinguluke ncede yobe ilyo lyonse
SUN 27 taulaensha icimbayambaya)

Week 5

Signage rules. (Ifilangililo) Workers performing specific tasks accessible to the public must erect signage to
MON 28 maintain safety. Therefore; (i)
Understand what each signage mean (ii) Do not ignore any erected signage (iii) Ensure signage is in place
before commencing your task.
Signage rules. (Ifilangililo) Workers performing specific tasks accessible to the public must erect signage to
maintain safety. Therefore; (i)
Understand what each signage mean (ii) Do not ignore any erected signage (iii) Ensure signage is in place
TUE 29 before commencing your task

Taking Shortcuts - (Ukukana konka ifyatantikwa) Everyone takes a shortcut at one time or another, But in many cases, a
shortcut can involve danger. If you have the habit of taking dangerous shortcuts, break it At work, it can be deadly
WED 30

Keep yourself at your best eachtime you are coming for work (Isungeni bwino ilyo lyonse meleisa kuncito)
(i) Take enough rest (ii) Eat the right food for
THU 31 your task (iii) Be at ease when coming for work, do not
panic (iv) Do not over speed on the road
1. Falitality prevention 2. Injuries prevention 3. Culture change 4. Envirom

Hazard "anything that has potential to cause harm"Icinto conse icilngaleta ubusanso.
look and listen to the place around you "kutikeni no kucenceta pancende muli lyonse" I
work and to look out for hazards. Hazards can come in different forms, you are therefo
FRI 1 Look at what others are doing…
Look at our tools…
Look and Listen to our machinery…
Listen to warnings and advice

Be environmental wise "Beni abaishiba incende mulipo bwino" Places of work change
always important to understand the area you are in and the work you are doing. Ensure
You can see clearly…
There is no dust around…
Look at our tools…
SAT. 2 The floor is not slipperly…
The place is not noisy....

Make proper use of walkways and ladders; "Bomfyeni bwino utushila twakwendamo n
work done in the plant means that you will have to climb steps and ladders, walk along
must be done high above the ground.
phone while climbing or descending on the ladder
SUN 3 Do not have loose clothing or any loose hanginging when using the ladder way
(iii) Use the pedestrian walkway when moving around the plant

Do not carry out any task if you are not trained and proven competent: (Wiesha ukub
tawasambilishiwa nokwishiba bwino bwino.
MON 4 (i) Ensure you are trained and compe
commencing any task
Be mindful of the killers on the plant - Cenjeleni kufingaleto busanso mu ncende shaku
Moving machinery (ii) Conveyor belts (iii) Falling objects (iv) Electricity
TUE 5 Some poisonous chemicals and (vi) Remember moving machinery always takes first slo

Be careful of falling objects " There is another hazard in this kind of environment and t
working above you and material or tools and equipment can fall onto you causing serio
work or walk underneath where others are working above you unless you are adequate

Electricity is also a hazard (Amalaiti nayo kuti yaleta ubusanso) Most work activities ar
electricity. Several accidents have happened as a result of failure to observe electricity s
THU 7 temper with electrical appliances if you are not covesant with them.
(iii) Seek approval and relevant work permit before commenc

Some ways that lead to accidents: "Inshila shimo ishilenga amasanso"

checking & fixing your environment
standard PPE and/or tools
or applying proper procedures

Look out for the Covid symptoms;- Ishibeni ifishibilo fya Covid
1. Fever or chills
2. Cough
3. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
4. Fatigue
5. Muscle or body aches
6. Headache
7. New loss of taste or smell
SAT 9 8. Sore throat
9. Congestion or runny nose
10. Nausea or vomiting
11. Diarrhea

Observe the radius of the swinging machinery e.g Trains & Excavators:
(i) Do not stand in the operating cirlce of the machin (ii) Understand the signage given t
SUN 10 (iii) observe the demarcated area

Week 3
Stay health by knowing your H.I.V status. (Ikaleni abomi pakwishiba nga tamwakwata
for a test at the health centre
your partner in your H.I.V status
not married or use a condom every time you have sex
MON 11 who have H.I.V
productive worker'

No horse play on the machine. "kuli mashini tekwakucenena" Most accidents occur wh
distraction can come in so many ways:
TUE 12 Chating with collegues while the machine is left running unattended. (ii) Operator comin
engine off (iii) Operator using a phone while on the machine

Alcohol impares your reasonong capacity. (Ubwalwa bulalenga umuntu ukukana tonto
report for work under the influence of alcohol. Remember its zero tolereance for one
WED 13

Order in a work place. - (Ukubika ifintu bwino umo mulebombela).

place is in order when there are no unnecessary things about and all necessary things a
for everything and everything in its place.
things laying around
THU 14 work
nicely parked in their designated places

Promote effective communuication in your workplace. (Kusheni ukulanshanya bwino

FRI 15 everyone in the job (ii) Listen to every team member's contribution.

SAT 16 Read and follow safety signs posted on equipment;. (Belenga no kukonka ifishibisho fy
any machine without being instructed (ii) If in doubt ask your supervisor

SUN 17 Emotional disturbance can lead to hazardous behaviour. (Ukukwata amatontokanyo p

accidents that happen have a bearing on social life style. You are therefore expected;
(i) to act responsibly both at work and at home.
(ii) Do not indulge yourself in any criminal activity both home and at work.
(iii) Leave your home in a safe and good state because you will r

Week 4
Aerial platfoam safety. "Icintamba cakubombelapo ca pamulu" platfoams are erected
to be done. Some are erected higher to gain access to a working area. Therefore;
MON 18 (i) Never lean, Sit or climb the platfoam railwling (ii) Always keep the feet on
the access point to the platfoam. (iv) Use safety features provided e.g Handrails, midra

Eye and face protection: "Ukucingilila amenso ne cinso"

are among the most sensitive parts of the body which require special care and protectio
hazadous environment. Therefore;
TUE 19 protection whenever you are carrying eye threatening tasks
when welding 3. Protect others by erecting welding screens when welding

Workingprotection "Ukucingilile
in the noise iminwe"
area (Ukubombela mu ncende umuli icongo) exposure to noise ca
Hands are the most exposed and vulnerable parts of the body due to t
WED 20 touch on day
protection today activity.
as prescribed Fingers
by the law are
e.g ear mostly
plugs, lost in accidents that could ha
ear muffs
were taken. Remember;
1. to always use hand protection when handling materials
2. Handle material with care
THU 21 3. Look after your gloves when not in use

Care of PPE - "Ukusunga ifyakubombelamo bwino" Personal Protective Equipment is m

protection you need. You must therefore;
your PPE
FRI 22 hyegine by washing and cleaning your PPE regularly
to avoid bad hygiene practice

Compressed air - Compressed air can be dangerous if improperly handled.

use compressed air for intended purposes
SAT 23 compressed air bottle open
closed and tight

Chemical hazards and toxic substances:- In order to recover Copper from the ore it ha
crushing and moving of the ore has its risks but the chemical processes we use also crea
to treat the ore at different stages of the process we add certain chemicals and these c
associated with the effect they have on our bodies but also with their ability to burn, ex
do not have to drink these chemicals to get hurt or poisoned; They can give off gases in
breathe or find their way to and through our skin. You are therefore: 1
SUN 24 poisonous substances in the same area 2.
containers or bottles 3. Do
labled containers or bottles 4. D
Week 5
What to do When approached by moving vehicles "Ifyo muli nokucita ilyo mwakuman
out of the way, if possible completely out of the road. 2. If you
MON 25 the side of the road facing the oncoming traffic. 3.When in
are on the same side as the driver. 4.Always check t
cannot see him he probably cannot see you.

What to do When approached by moving vehicles "Ifyo muli nokucita ilyo mwakuman
1.Never approach any mobile equipment or vehicle without making your presence know
Always walk, never run in the vicinity of moving machinery or vehicles, as you could trip
through small spaces between a stationary unit and close obstacles. You could be crush
TUE 26
vehicles except where they are designed or equipped for you to do so.
onto any part of a machine or vehicle unless authorised to do so

When working with your equipment or tools:- "Ilyo mulebomba ne fibombelo"

1. Do always use the right tool for the job
2. Do always check the condition of the tool.
3. Do ensure that fellow workers are not in danger
4. Do ensure the tool is sharp where it is supposed to be sharp
WED 27 5. Do make sure the safety or protective parts are in place and work
6. Do Keep tools and equipment neat & tidy and out of the way of others
Do ensure the tool is not sharp where it is not supposed to be sharp

Week 5

Working with machinery:-"Ilyo mulebomba na ba machine"

1. Know that where there are machines there can be oil, you could slip and f
2. Where there are machines there are moving parts, you can be caught or
THU 28 3. When working on machinery make sure it is properly shut down and
able to start it up without you knowing
4. Be careful of the machinery or equipment you are working with o
safe 5. Be careful of electrical machinery, the current will always escape if it
will go through you.
6. Be extra careful with electricity or electrical machinery when yo
conditions are wet
7. Never work on or with any machinery that you are not qu
Manage fatigue () You are the most important safeguard in protecting yours
When you are not able to fully focus and perform your duties correctly, you c
for injury. It is important tp prevent fatigue while on the job to keep yourself
FRI 29 supposed to take enough rest at least 7hrs in 24hrs.
2. Keep yourself fit by having a good diet
3. Exercise regularly

Remind one about safety today - (Ibukishapo umo pa lwakuisunga)

brother's keeper always.
SAT 30
OPICS -2022

ure change 4. Enviromental Management.

nse icilngaleta ubusanso. Always

a pancende muli lyonse" It is important to always be vigilant at
nt forms, you are therefore expected to:
Look at what we are doing…

o" Places of work change with time and weather patterns, it is

ork you are doing. Ensure that;
see clearly…

utushila twakwendamo ne mitanto yakuninina" Much of the

s and ladders, walk along steel walkways and often all of this
(i) Do not talk on the
g the ladder way

ompetent: (Wiesha ukubomba umulimo uwo

u are trained and competent (ii) Seek approval before
usanso mu ncende shakubombelamo; (i)
Electricity (v)
nery always takes first slot, be careful

ind of environment and that is that some one else might be

all onto you causing serious injury. Always look up and never
u unless you are adequately protected

o) Most work activities are heavily relying on gadgets that use

re to observe electricity safety. (ii) Do not
k permit before commencing any task.

masanso" 1. Not
3. Using sub
5. Not knowing

rstand the signage given to you
wishiba nga tamwakwata kashishi ka H.I.V) 1. Go
2. Involve
3. Abstain if you are
4. Provide support to those
'Remember a health worker is a

Most accidents occur when workers are distracted. And

ended. (ii) Operator coming off the machine without switching

ga umuntu ukukana tontonkanya bwino.) Do not

zero tolereance for one accessing Sable zinc premises.

bela). A
and all necessary things are in their proper places. A place
1. Do not leave
2. Clean up places after
3. Place tools and machinery

eni ukulanshanya bwino pa ncende mulebombela) Involve


no kukonka ifishibisho fyakukonka ilyo lyonse uli pa machine)

(i) Do not temper with
r supervisor

ukwata amatontokanyo pa ncito kulaleta amasanso) Some

are therefore expected;
oth home and at work.
d state because you will return there.
u" platfoams are erected differently in areas where work has
ng area. Therefore;
Always keep the feet on the platfoam at all times (iii) secure
ided e.g Handrails, midrails and toe boards.

special care and protection. Do not expose your eyes to any
1. Wear eye
2. Use face shield
hen welding

ngo) exposure to noise can cause permanent hearing loss.

s of the body due to their involvement andhearing
(i) Wear your direct
accidents that could have been avoided if all measures


Protective Equipment is meant to provide you with a body

1. Look after
2. Mantain a good
3. Change when necessary,

erly handled. 1. Only

2. Do not leave
3. Make sure the lid is

Copper from the ore it has to be crushed and treated. The

rocesses we use also create special risks of their own. In order
ain chemicals and these chemicals have hazards mostly
th their ability to burn, explode or corrode other materials. We
They can give off gases into the air or get into the dust we
erefore: 1. Reminded never to mix food with
2. Do not put chemicals in food labelled
3. Do not put food stuffs in poisonous
4. Do not drink water from unknown
nokucita ilyo mwakumana na machine"
1. No matter what the size – move
2. If you are walking on a roadway walk on
3.When in confined spaces make sure that you
4.Always check that you can see the operator – If you

nokucita ilyo mwakumana na machine" (Cont'd)

aking your presence known to the operator. 2.
vehicles, as you could trip and fall into the path of the vehicle.
3. Never push
acles. You could be crushed should the unit move.
4. Do not ride on or in
to do so. 5. Do not climb or hang

mba ne fibombelo"
r the job
o be sharp
e and work
y of others 7.

il, you could slip and fall
s, you can be caught or hit.
operly shut down and locked out –No one should be
ou are working with or on, it is only safe if you make it
will always escape if it can; If you are the easy path it

al machinery when you are in standing water or

ery that you are not qualified to work on or use.

ard in protecting yourself and others while at work.
duties correctly, you could be leaving yourself at risk
he job to keep yourself and those around self. You are

unga) Be a
1. Falitality prevention 2. Injuries prevention 3. Culture change 4. Enviromental Management.

"Manage your environment with care"Sungeni incende shenu bwino.

An environment is the place where you do work or conduct business. You must therfore ensure
SUN 1 that the place you are working from is: 1. Safe 2. Free from dust 3. Free from harful gases 4. Free from un
wanted material (waste) Environmental:
What is waste? Waste is unwanted and unusable materials.

Look out for anything that can harm you "Cencenteni conse icingamuletelo busanso"
Places of work change with time and weather patterns, it is always important to understand the
area you are in and the work you are doing. Ensure that;
You can see clearly…
There is no dust around…
MON 2 Look at our tools…
The floor is not slipperly…
The place is not noisy....

Make proper use of walkways and ladders; "Bomfyeni bwino utushila twakwendamo ne mitanto yakuninina"
Much of the work done in the plant means that you will have to climb steps and ladders, walk along steel
walkways and often all of this must be done high above the ground.
(i) Do not talk on the phone while climbing or descending on the ladder
(ii) Do not have loose clothing or any loose hanginging when
TUE 3 using the ladder way (iii) Use the pedestrian walkway when
moving around the plant Environmental: Industrial waste -
these are wastes created in factories and industries. Example: used oils, contaminated rags, paints, batteries,
plastics, glass, etc.

Do not handle energy sources without authority: (Tekwesha ukulakulika amalaiti ukwabulo lusa). Electrical
accidents have proved to be one of the killers in the industry, you are therefore reminded not to:
WED 4 (i) Ilegally connect power for any use (ii) Do not use sub standard electrical devices on energy sources
(iii) Use approved top plugs on sockets (not wires).

Know when to use compressed air - Compressed air is another source of energy that can be dangerous if
THU 5 improperly handled. 1. Only use compressed air for intended purpose 2. Ensure you have the correct PPE
when using compressed air (Goggles)
Be mindful of the killers on the plant - Cenjeleni kufingaleto busanso mu ncende shakubombelamo;
FRI 6 (i) Moving machinery (ii) Conveyor belts (iii) Falling objects (iv) Electricity
(v) Some poisonous chemicals and (vi) Remember moving machinery always takes first
slot, be careful
Check your neighbour (Cencenteni umwina mupalamano) Time and agin we do not realise that our
neighbour close could be doing something unsafe. You are therefore reminded to:
1. Stay in touch with your neighbour and see how they are excuting their tasks.
2. Stop any unsafe act and advise
SAT 7 3. Fix the wrong if you have the means or report to your
supervisor Environmental: Exposure to wastes that is handled
improperly can cause skin irritations, respiratory problems, blood infections, growth problems, and even
reproductive issues.

Be environmental wise "Beni abaishiba incende mulipo bwino" Places of work change with time and
weather patterns, it is always important to understand the area you are in and the work you are doing.
SUN 8 Environmental:
Sources of waste can be broadly classified into four types - Industrial, Commercial, Domestic, and
Know the meaning of Barrier tapes: Caution tape is also known as barricade or barrier tape. It is generally
used in areas where safety and health hazards have been identified but are not immediately known or
obvious to people who may enter the area. You are therefore reminded to take heed when you come across
any barricade tape such as:
1. Red & White: used to warn or catch the attention of passersby
of an area or situation containing a possible hazard.
2. Green / White – for safety and first aid
MON 9 3. Blue / White – for
defective machinery 4.
Orange / White – for traffic and caution warnings
5. Black / Yellow – for physical hazards
6. Magenta /Yellow for Radiation Hazards
7. Black / White for Housekeeping and Aisle Marking

Rule to observe on precautionery tapes:

(i) Do not cross the Barricade tape without authority (ii) Do not remove the
tape when work is progressing the reason it was erected
TUE 10 (iii) observe the demarcated area (iii) Do not remove the
barricade without getting authorisation from the one who erected it.

Electricity safety
1. Unplug appliances when not in use
2. Use the proper wattage for lamps and lighting fixtures 3. Never run cords under
WED 11 carpets, rugs, doors or windows 4. Never run cords on wet floor or in waterlogged environment 5. Get rid of
damaged extension cords 5. Keep electrical appliances and tools away from water 6. If you are not trained
and authorised to handle electricity stay away.
(i) Always isolate when working on power lines or equipment.
(i) Do not handle live electricity cables with bear hands. (ii) Treat all supply lines as live whether
isolated or not
(iii) All personel working on equipment must ensure that it is isolated, locked and tagged out.
THU 12 (IV) Do not be comfortable working with a plugor extension that is giving any strange sound
(V) Report any elctrical defect to the Electrical personel

Food hygiene
Food taken can have a bearing on
the employee's productivity. Observing good food hygine may reduce
infections that may arise
FRI 13 from food diseases and cause employees absence from work. routines in the preparation, handling and
storage of food meant to prevent foodborne illness and injury. (i) Prepare food in a clean environment (ii)
heat the food before eating (iii) Constantly wash your hands before handling food (iv) Make it your habit to
constantly washing hands.

Order in a work place. - (Ukubika ifintu bwino umo mulebombela).

A place is in order when there are no unnecessary things about and all necessary things are in their
proper places. A place for everything and everything in its place.
SAT 14 1. Do not leave things laying around
2. Clean up places after work
3. Place tools and machinery nicely
parked in their designated places
Use of head sets/headphones is prohibited on the plant. (Ukubomfya utwakumfwilako mu matwi mu plant
SUN 15 calibindwa) Be a brother's keeper by advising anyone you see not complying.
Traffic safety
(i) Do not drive above the speed
MON 16 limit in the plant 15km/h (ii) Observe all safety signage displayed around (iii) Heavy equipment have the right
of way (iii) park light vehicles in designated places (iv) Ensure your vehicle has a displayed security access
permit before driving around the plant.
Emotional disturbance can lead to hazardous behaviour. (Ukukwata amatontokanyo pa ncito kulaleta
amasanso) Some accidents that happen have a bearing on social life style. You are therefore expected;
(i) to act responsibly both at work and at home.
TUE 17 (ii) Do not indulge yourself in any criminal
activity both home and at work. (iii) Leave
your home in a safe and good state because you will return there.
Comply and respect the security procedures. "Nakileni nokukonka amafunde yaba sope ifipe nokusunga
incende" It is not only the company that must be protected but it’s employees as well. As an employee you
need to know that you and your possessions are being looked after. Therefore,
WED 18 (i) Display your identity card when accessing the plant (visitors to get
clearance from security) (ii) Declare what you have when accessing the plant (iii) Submit to
searches when exiting the plant

Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery in any working area. (Mwifwala ifyakuikobaika pa mu bili ilyo muli
pa ncito) Loose clothing has accounted for several fatalities in the industry especially people working close or
THU 19 around moving machinery. e.g Unbuttoned top of the work suit, Loose trousers almost falling, mutton cloth
round the neck, neck chains, arm bands etc.
Environmental: Waste which is not properly managed causes a foul smell and it becomes
a breeding ground for different types of disease-causing insects as well as infectious organisms.

Use of alcohol and drugs (Ubwalwa ne miti iikola) Do not

FRI 20 (i) Do not get drunk the night before coming to work the following morning alcohol takes time to
get out of the system (ii) If you are prescribed drugs that affect your safety at work, inform your supervisor.
Environmental: When toxic substances, hazardous wastes and chemicals released to the
environment may affect or alter the productivity of the soils in that particular area.

Hand protection "Ukucingilile iminwe"

Hands are the most exposed and vulnerable parts of the body due to their involvement and direct
touch on day today activity. Fingers are mostly lost in accidents that could have been avoided if all measures
SAT 21 were taken. Remember;
1. to always use hand protection when handling materials
2. Handle material with care
3. Look after your gloves when not in use

Care of PPE - "Ukusunga ifyakubombelamo bwino" Personal Protective Equipment is meant to provide you
with a body protection you need. You must therefore;
1. Look after your PPE
2. Mantain a good hyegine by washing and cleaning your PPE regularly
SUN 22 3. Change when necessary, to avoid bad hygiene
practice Environmental: Burning of hazardous wastes
like pesticides, batteries containing lead and plastics mixed up with paper produces toxic gases that have the
potential of causing various diseases, including cancer.


Observe the five Golden rules of covid 19

MON 23 (Mask up in public,Maintain physical distance;Wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizer; Avoid
crowded places and stay at home if need be; Seek medical attention early if symptomatic.) Environmental:
Do not burn any type of waste in the plant unless you are permitted to do so by the regulator (ZEMA).
Always withdraw from unsafe and/or unhealthy workplaces or conditions; "Fumeni pa ncende muli ilyo
lyonse mwasanga ati kuti pafumo busanso" Certain working conditions and environments may deem to be
unsafe especially if there are unsecured hanging materials, live naked electrical wires, un secured working
TUE 24 platform etc. You must therefore:
(i) Ensure that you quickly assess the safety of your working
environment and report to your supervisor/HSE if the situation is unsafe
(ii) Do not wait for the situation to
worsen before you make a decision
No horse play on the machine. "kuli mashini tekwakucenena" Most accidents occur when workers are
distracted. And distraction can come in so many ways:
WED 25 Environmental:
Good housekeeping will keep the environment clean and reduce health and settlement problems.
Know what to do and know who to contact in an emergency " (Ishibeni abakweba ne fyakucita mu snhita
yamapamfyo) In case of emergency you are expected to call emergency numbers displayed on the notice
boards. Environmental: Effective
THU 26 waste management protects the biodiversity thus protecting the mother earth.
Do not handle, use, transport, destroy and store chemicals unless you are trained and have the written
authority to do so;. (Wilabomfya imiti, ukusunga nelyo ukusenda nga tawaishiba amafunde yapelwa
FRI 27 (i) Report to electrical department any faulty bulbs and other faulty electrical appliances

Week 5
Bad attitude is a recipe for accidents. "Imbela yabipa ilalenga amasanso"
(1) Have a positive attitude whenever you are at work
SAT 28 Environmental: Do not cut down trees in the plant unless you are
permitted to do so by HSE team.
Good house keeping leads to productivity (Ukusunge ncende ubusaka kutwala ku mibombele isuma)
Remember that a clean environment has always contributed to a safe production especially. Therefore you
SUN 29 must; (i) have a
place for everything and everything in its place (iii) Order must always be the order of the day
Environmental: Avoid throwing waste in change houses.
Do not wear high heeled shoes or open shoes on the plant: High heeled shoes may lead to accidental falling
MON 30 hence causing ankle twisting injuries. Therefore ensure that your shoes are closed and flat to give you a
stable footing. Environmental: Keep sites tidy and collect up any waste regularly.

Compressed air - Compressed air can be dangerous if improperly handled.

1. Only use compressed air for intended purposes
2. Do not leave compressed air bottle open
TUE 31 3. Make sure the lid is closed and tight
Environmental: DON’T put liquids and flammable wastes into
waste bins.
1. Falitality prevention 2. Injuries prevention 3. Culture change 4. Enviro
"Manage your environment with care"Sungeni incende shenu bwino.
An environment is the place where you do work or conduct b
WED 1 ensure that the place you are working from is: 1. Safe 2. Free from dust 3.
from un wanted material (waste)
Environmental: What is waste? Waste is unwanted and unusable materials
Do not damage infrastructure "Mwionaula ifipe pa kampani"
Infrastructure calls for huge investment hence need to safeguard and not indis
more damage you cause, the more the company will spend on production. The

THUR 2 Do not hit into band walls when operating machinery…

Do not hit into posters around the plant…
Ensure you have a clear view when operating machinery…
Report every incident to safety....

Use your resources effectively and safely; "Bomfyeni ififwaikwa bwino kabi
include: Labour, Machinery material as well as time must be effectively mana
you must therefore ensure that
FRI 3 (i) People are in t
for work
working order
(iii) Use the right tool for the right job
A sober mind is a productive mind: Environmental:
(Umuntu uuliIndustrial waste - these
namatontonkanyo are
industries. Example:
accidents have provedused oils,
to be onecontaminated
of the killersrags,
in thepaints, batteries,
industry, you areplastics,
(i) Ilegally connect power for any use (ii) Do not use sub sta
energy sources (iii) Use approved top plugs on sockets (not
SUN 5 Accidents reduce production time - Every accident leads to process delay an
safety guidelines are followed.
Am a safe worker, I contribute to production Do you? - "Ndi mubomfi mu
ukubombesha; Nga iwe?
MON 6 (i) A safe worker assists the
production (ii) A Safe worker assists the company to manage its costs by sav
Check your neighbour (Cencenteni umwina mupalamano) Time and agin w
neighbour close could be doing something unsafe. You are therefore reminded
1. Stay in touch with your neighbour and see how
2. Stop any unsafe act and advi
3. Fix
or report to your supervisor
I stand to be counted as a safe worker "Ninjibika ukuba kabomba musum
WED 8 everyone make it a mandate to be counted as a safe worker.

No loose clothing and jewellery while at work: "Ifyakuikobaika pa mubili i

THU 9 1. Ensure your PPE is in good shape

2. See to it that all torn parts are sewn and properly
3. All loose hanging must be removed prior
Make proper use of your PPE: " Bomfyeni ifyakufwala fyakubombelamo f

regulary to avoid occupational diseases.

FRI 10
your Goggles where they cannot be scratched.
(iii) Ensure that your ear p
them in the ears (iii) Dispose off your used
Electricity safety
1. Be mindful of the electric cables lay
2. Do not handle electric cables with b
SAT 11
3. Be conversant with the operat
4. Get/Give clear instructions
Fire safety
1. Know where the fire fighting equipment (Fire extinguishers & Hos
2. Know what to do in case of fire
SUN 12 3. Know who contact in an emergency
4. A dirty environment is a recipe for fire outbreaks
5. loose electric contacts lead to fire outbreaks

Food hygiene

MON 13 have a bearing on the employee's productivity. Observing good food hygi
may arise from food diseases and cause employees absence from work.
(i) Prepare food in a clean
before eating (iii) Constantly wash your hands before handling food (iv) Make
a work place. - (Ukubika ifintu bwino umo mulebombela).
A place is in order when there are no unnecessary things about
their proper places. A place for everything and everything in its place.
TUE 14 1. Do not leave things lay

Place tools and machinery nicely parked in their designated places

Be ready for work and ensure that you take enough rest after work. (Ipek
WED 15 kukwata inshita iisuma iyakutusha ilyo mwakomboka)
1. Ensure you manage your fatigue well 2. Shift workers take enough sleep af
Traffic safety

THU 16 drive above the speed limit in the plant 15km/h (ii) Observe all safety signage
equipment have the right of way (iii) park light vehicles in designated places (
displayed security access permit before driving around the plant.
All accidents must be reported at once (Musose amasanso yonse ayacitika pa ncito ) Q
accidents leads to finding preventive measures and mitigation factors. You are therefore
FRI 17 (i) to act quickly but stead when responding to accid
(ii) Not to disturb an accident scene un
personnel. (iii) A
First aid (If you're trained) or call for help when need be.
Promote teamwork at work. "Kosheni ukubombela pamo pa ncito" Encour
to prevent workplace accidents, this include lifting heavy objects, Completing
new responsiblities. Always:
SAT 18 1. Communicate effecti

enhance and facilitate good communication

Improper stacking of materials leads to accidents (Ukukana longa bwino ifintu kuti k
packed on top of others have the high chances of topping over if not properly done. Ther
1. Ensure that proper stackin
SUN 19 2. Check if the stacks a

Environmental: Waste which is not properly managed causes a foul s

ground for different types of disease-causing insects as well as infectious organisms.

Use of alcohol and drugs (Ubwalwa ne miti iikola) Do not

(i) Do not get drunk the night before coming to work the f
MON 20
time to get out of the system (ii) If you are prescribed drugs that affect your
supervisor. Environmental: When toxic substances, hazar
released to the environment
Hand protection mayiminwe"
"Ukucingilile affect or alter the productivity of the soils in
Hands are the most exposed and vulnerable parts of the body
direct touch on day today activity. Fingers are mostly lost in accidents that co
measures were taken. Remember;
1. to always use hand p
TUE 21
3. Look after your gloves when not in use

Operator competence- "Ukukanshiwa ukwafikapo kuli bakensha wa fyela fy

WED 22 Ensure that you're trained and competent to operate any equipment
Only operate equipment you are authorised to
Observe the five Golden rules of covid 19
(Mask up in public,Maintain physical distance;Wash hands fre
THU 23 Avoid crowded places and stay at home if need be; Seek medical attention ear
Environmental: Do not burn any type of waste in the plant unless you are pe
Always withdraw from unsafe and/or unhealthy workplaces or condition
lyonse mwasanga ati kuti pafumo busanso" Certain working conditions and e
unsafe especially if there are unsecured hanging materials, live naked electrica
FRI 24 platform etc. You must therefore:
(i) Ensure that you quickly
working environment and report to your supervisor/HSE if the situation is uns

for the situation to worsen before you make a decision

No horse play on the machine. "kuli mashini tekwakucenena" Most accident
distracted. And distraction can come in so many ways:
SAT 25
Good housekeeping will keep the environment clean and reduce health and se

Cholera is real " (Cholera eko yaba)

SUN 26 1. Wash hands 2. Boil drinking water or add chlorin 3. Use a toliet wh
Heat/warm food before eating 5. wash fruits before eating

You can help to prevent cholera by;.

MON 27 1. Not throwing litter anyhow 2. By not allowing people to answer the ca
leaving vomiters in public places 4. Ensuring that all vomiters are properly cle
Bad attitude is a recipe for accidents. "Imbela yabipa ilalenga amasanso"
TUE 28 (1) Have a positive attitude whenever you are at work
Environmental: Do not cut down trees in the plant unless you are pe
Good house keeping leads to productivity (Ukusunge ncende ubusaka ku
Remember that a clean environment has always contributed to a safe producti
WED 29 must;
(i) have a place for everything and everything in its place (iii) Order must alw
Environmental: Avoid throwing waste in change houses.
Do not deface any safety sign (Mwifuta ifipampa fyakucingilila amasanso
THU 30 safeguarded and not tempered with
TOPICS -2022
ture change 4. Enviromental Management.

nde shenu bwino.

u do work or conduct business. You must therfore
e 2. Free from dust 3. Free from harful gases 4. Free

and unusable materials.

afeguard and not indiscriminately damage them. The
end on production. Therefore;


ififwaikwa bwino kabili mumutende" Resources

ust be effectively managed if we are to produce safely;

(i) People are in their sound state when reporting

(ii) Machinery is in good

strial waste - these

amatontonkanyo are wastes
ayasuma createdbwino).
alabomba in factories and
ts, batteries,
ustry, you areplastics, glass,
therefore etc. not to:

(ii) Do not use sub standard electrical devices on

p plugs on sockets (not wires).
ads to process delay and affect production. Ensure all
u? - "Ndi mubomfi musuma uwafwilisha ka mpani

safe worker assists the company to attain its maximum

manage its costs by saving time for investigations and

mano) Time and agin we do not realise that our

are therefore reminded to:
neighbour and see how they are executing their tasks.
ny unsafe act and advise
3. Fix the wrong if you have the means

uba kabomba musuma" Let


kuikobaika pa mubili ilyo muli pa ncito tafyalinga:

s are sewn and properly fitting
must be removed prior to start work.
ala fyakubombelamo fyenu bwino"
(i) Wash your PPE
(ii) Keep

Ensure that your ear plugs are clean before inserting

) Dispose off your used dust mask to avoid inhaling

the electric cables laying in water

le electric cables with bear hands
versant with the operating switches around the plant
Give clear instructions when working with electric units.
re extinguishers & Hose Reels) is located in your area

fire outbreaks

Food hygiene
Food taken can
serving good food hygine may reduce infections that
ence from work.
Prepare food in a clean environment (ii) heat the food
andling food (iv) Make it your habit to constantly
necessary things about and all necessary things are in
ything in its place.
Do not leave things laying around
2. Clean up places after work
ated places
rest after work. (Ipekanyeni ukuya mukubomba no

rs take enough sleep after work

Traffic safety
(i) Do not
erve all safety signage displayed around (iii) Heavy
s in designated places (iv) Ensure your vehicle has a
the plant.
onse ayacitika pa ncito ) Quick, accurate and timely reporting of
actors. You are therefore expected;
when responding to accidents
sturb an accident scene untill all formalities are done by safety
(iii) Attend to all accident victims by giving
amo pa ncito" Encouraging good team work can help
vy objects, Completing complex projects or taking on

1. Communicate effectively
2. Provide the right tools to

a longa bwino ifintu kuti kwaleta ubusanso) Materials that are

if not properly done. Therefore;
Ensure that proper stacking method is employed
2. Check if the stacks are strong

y managed causes a foul smell and it becomes a breeding

infectious organisms.

o not
e coming to work the following morning alcohol takes
drugs that affect your safety at work, inform your
oxic substances, hazardous wastes and chemicals
uctivity of the soils in that particular area.
able parts of the body due to their involvement and
ost in accidents that could have been avoided if all

1. to always use hand protection when handling

2. Handle material with

li bakensha wa fyela fya pa kampani" 1.

y equipment 2.

stance;Wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizer;

k medical attention early if symptomatic.)
plant unless you are permitted to do so by the regulator
rkplaces or conditions; "Fumeni pa ncende muli ilyo
orking conditions and environments may deem to be
als, live naked electrical wires, un secured working

Ensure that you quickly assess the safety of your

E if the situation is unsafe
(ii) Do not wait

cenena" Most accidents occur when workers are

d reduce health and settlement problems.

lorin 3. Use a toliet when answering the call of nature 4.


eople to answer the call of nature in public 3. Not

omiters are properly cleaned
ilalenga amasanso"
ou are at work
plant unless you are permitted to do so by HSE team.
e ncende ubusaka kutwala ku mibombele isuma)
uted to a safe production especially. Therefore you

ce (iii) Order must always be the order of the day

akucingilila amasanso). All safety signage must be
1. Falitality prevention 2. Injuries prevention 3. Culture change 4. Enviromental Management.
FRI 1 Keep your sorrounding clean and safe at all times (Cingilileni incende mulebombelapo no busaka inshita yonse)

Loose clothing can be a sorce of danger. "ifyakuikobaika kuti fyaba entulo ya busanso"
Be mindful of barrigaded areas (Talukeni mu nchende isha bindwa)
A sober mind is a productive mind: (Umuntu uuli namatontonkanyo ayasuma alabomba bwino). Electrical
MON 4 accidents have proved to be one of the killers in the industry, you are therefore reminded not to:

(i) Ilegally connect power for any use (ii) Do not use sub standard electrical devices on energy sources
Accidents reduce production
(iii) Use approvedtime - Every
top plugs on accident leadswires).
sockets (not to process delay and affect production. Ensure all safety
guidelines are followed.
Hand protection from common injuries -(Ukucingilile minwe ukukana icena)
WED 6 (i) Use gloves whenever you are handling material
(ii) Be alert when using hand tools

THU 7 Dust is hamful to your health, cover your mouth and nose -(Ulukuungu lubi kubumi bwesu,fimbeni pakanwa na
Promote effective communuication about machine safety. (Kusheni kulenshanya bwino pamibombele isuma ya ba mashini) (i)
FRI 8 Involve everyone in the job (ii) Listen to every team member's contribution.
Ensure adequate lighting in your working areas . (Moneni ukuti umo mulebombela muli ulubuto ulwalinga)
SAT 9 (i) Report to
electrical department any faulty bulbs and other faulty electrical appliances
SUN 10 Make proper use of your PPE: " Bomfyeni ifyakufwala fyakubombelamo fyenu bwino"
WEEK (i) Wash your PPE regulary
3 fisano bapela pa kashishi ka Corona)
Follow the 5 Golden rules of Covid-19 (konkeni ifipope Mask up in
MON 11 public,Maintain physical distance;Wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizer; Avoid crowded places and stay at
be; any
Seektask if youattention
medical are not trained and proven competent: (Wiesha ukubomba umulimo uwo
early if symptomatic.)
tawasambilishiwa nokwishiba bwino bwino.
TUE 12 (i) Ensure you are trained and competent (ii) Seek
approval before commencing any task
WED 13 Follow the laid down safe procedures when executing your task/work-Avoid taking short cuts
THU 14 Do not temper with any safety devise (Mwionaula ifyakuicingililako fyabikwa panshita yabusanso)
Be ready for work and ensure that you take enough rest after work. (Ipekanyeni ukuya mukubomba no kukwata
FRI 15 inshita iisuma iyakutusha ilyo mwakomboka) 1. Ensure
you manage your fatigue well 2. Shift workers take enough sleep after work
SAT 16 Never put chemicals in food containers ( Techakwesha ukubika sumu mufipe babikamo ifyakulya)
All accidents must be reported at once (Musose amasanso yonse ayacitika pa ncito ) Quick, accurate and timely reporting of
accidents leads to finding preventive measures and mitigation factors. You are therefore expected;
SUN 17 (i) to act quickly but stead when responding to accidents
(ii) Not to disturb an accident scene untill all formalities are done by safety personnel.
(iii) Attend to all accident victims by giving First aid (If you're
trained) or call for help when need be. WEEK 4
Promote teamwork at work. "Koseleshanyeni ukubombela pamo pa ncito" Encouraging good team work can
help to prevent workplace incidents and accidents, this include lifting heavy objects, Completing complex projects
or taking on new responsiblities. Always:
MON 18 1. Communicate effectively
2. Provide the right tools to
enhance and facilitate good communication
Ensure your Five senses are working: (i) view clearly where the machine is approaching (ii) Listen carefully to the sound of the
approaching machine (iii) Be sensitive to smell any toxic substance (iv) be sensitive to the taste of any toxic substance (iv) Do not
TUE 19 damage your taste buds by swallowing hamrful chemicals e.g (acids) and (v) Do not damage your skin by exposing it to the toxic

Use of alcohol and drugs (Ubwalwa ne miti iikola) Do not

(i) Do not get drunk the night before coming to work the following morning alcohol takes time to
WED 20 get out of the system (ii) If you are prescribed drugs that affect your safety at work, inform your supervisor.
Environmental: When toxic substances, hazardous wastes and chemicals released to the environment
may affect or alter the productivity of the soils in that particular area.
THU 21
Do not go close to any mobile machinery when in motion. (Talukeni ku fimbayambaya ifileenda)
Keep yourself at your best eachtime you are coming for work (Isungeni bwino ilyo lyonse meleisa kuncito)
(i) Take enough rest
FRI 22 (ii) Eat the right food for your task
(iii) Be at ease when coming for work, do not panic
(iv) Alwyas display your Identification card at the entrance

Observewithdraw from unsafe
the five Golden and/or
rules of covidunhealthy
19 workplaces or conditions; "Fumeni pa ncende muli ilyo lyonse
SAT 23 mwasanga(Mask
ati kutiuppafumo busanso" Certain
in public,Maintain working
physical conditionshands
distance;Wash and environments
frequently or may deemsanitizer;
use hand to be unsafe
especially if there are unsecured hanging materials, live naked electrical wires, un secured working
crowded places and stay at home if need be; Seek medical attention early if symptomatic.) Environmental: platform etc.
You mustany
not burn therefore:
type of waste in the plant unless you are permitted to do so by the regulator (ZEMA).
(i) Ensure that you quickly assess the safety of your working environment and
report to your supervisor/HSE if the situation is unsafe
SUN 24 (ii) Do not wait for the situation to worsen before
you make a decision
No horse play on the machine. "kuli mashini tekwakucenena" Most accidents occur when workers are distracted.
MON 25 And distraction can come in so many ways:
Environmental: Good housekeeping
will keep the environment clean and reduce health and settlement problems.

TUE 26 Be mindful of the killers on the plant - Cenjeleni kufingaleto busanso mu ncende shakubombelamo; (i) Moving
machinery (ii) Conveyor belts (iii) Falling objects (iv) Electricity (v) Some poisonous chemicals and (vi) acids
Report to secdurity any intruder around your working areas "Ishibisheni bakasopa wa muitende
WED 27 lyonse ilyo mwasanga umuntu uibelele apo mulbombela"
It is an offence not to report an incident/accident. (Ukukana sosa ubusanso ubwacitika pa ncito mulandu.) Every employee has a
statutory obligation to stop an activity whenever there is an accident/incident and notify supervisor and HSE official, and give full
THU 28 information that pertains to the accidents/incidents involving damage to the company vehicle/Property.

Bad attitude is a recipe for accidents. "Imbela yabipa ilalenga amasanso"

(1) Have a positive attitude whenever you are at work
FRI 29 Environmental: Do not cut down trees in the plant unless you are permitted to do so by HSE team.

Do an act of safety (Citapo cimo pa lwakuicingilila)

SAT 30 (i) Correct any unsafe act you come across,
(ii) Ensure everything is safe for you and others
Do not deface any safety sign (Mwifuta ifipampa fyakucingilila amasanso). All safety signage must be
safeguarded and not tempered with
SUN 31
1. Falitality prevention 2. Injuries prevention 3. Culture change 4. Enviromental Management.
ensure that the place you are working from is: 1. Safe 2. Free from dust 3. Free from harful
gases 4. Free from un wanted material (waste)
Know when danger is approaching"Ishibeni ilyo ubusansp buleisa" Before any accident
happens, there is there is an inside voice that reminds of the danger coming. Therefore,
TUE 2 Do not ignore any safety instruction;

Consider any safety advise given to you from any source

Report all hazards, Incidents and accidents; "Every time ensure that all hazards in your area
WED 3 are identified and recorded.

Prevent accidents by: (Umuntu uuli namatontonkanyo ayasuma alabomba bwino). :

(i) Checking and fixing your environment (ii) Not using sub
standard tools (iii) Not using disapproved PPE
FRI 5 Accidents reduce production time - Every accident leads to process delay and affect production.
Ensure all safety guidelines are followed and you must follow all safe procedures for every task;
Am a safe worker, I contribute to production Do you? - "Ndi mubomfi musuma uwafwilisha ka
mpani ukubombesha; Nga iwe?
SAT 6 (i) A safe worker assists the
company to attain its maximum production (ii) A Safe worker assists the company to manage its
costs by saving time for investigations and compesations.
Check your neighbour (Cencenteni umwina mupalamano) Time and again we do not realise
that our neighbour close could be doing something unsafe. You are therefore reminded to:
1. Stay in touch with your neighbour and see how
they are executing their tasks. 2. Stop any unsafe
act and advise
3. Fix the wrong if you have the means or report to your supervisor
Understand what a risk is in your area "Ishibeni ubwafya cinshi muncende yenu"
MON 8 Let everyone know that whenever there is an hazard in the area, a risk is always
No loose clothing and jewellery while at work: "Ifyakuikobaika pa mubili ilyo muli pa ncito
TUE 9 1. Ensure your PPE is in good shape
2. See to it that all torn parts
are sewn and properly fitting 3. All
loose hanging must be removed prior to start work.
Make proper use of your PPE: " Bomfyeni ifyakufwala fyakubombelamo fyenu bwino"

(i) Wash your PPE regulary to avoid occupational diseases.

WED 10
(ii) Keep your Goggles where they cannot be scratched.

(iii) Ensure that your ear plugs are clean before inserting them in the ears
(iii) Dispose off your used dust mask to avoid inhaling dust.
Electricity safety
1. Be mindful of the electric cables laying in
water 2. Do not handle electric
THU 11
cables with bear hands 3. Be
conversant with the operating switches around the plant
4. Get/Give clear instructions when working with electric units.
Fire safety
1. Know where the fire fighting equipment (Fire extinguishers & Hose Reels)
is located in your area 2. Know what to do in case of fire
FRI 12
3. Know who to contact in an emergency
4. A dirty environment is a
recipe for fire outbreaks 5. loose
electric contacts
Examples lead acts:
of unsafe to fire"Ifilangililo
outbreaks fya mibombele iishalinga"
SAT 13 1. Not wearing PPE 2. Not following procedures 3. Illegally operating machines 4. Failing to
use safety devices 5. Horse play
Order in a work place. - (Ukubika ifintu bwino umo mulebombela).
A place is in order when there are no unnecessary things about and all
necessary things are in their proper places. A place for everything and everything in its place.
SUN 14 1. Do not
leave things laying around
2. Clean up places after work
3. Place tools and
machinery nicely parked in their designated places
Examples of unsafe conditions. (Ifilangililo fya ncende shakubombelamo isha lubana)
MON 15 1. Unsafe structures 2. Noisy working places 3. No
or Poor ventilation 4. No warning signs
5. Dusty places
Examples of unsafe equipment (Ifilangililo fya fibombelo ifya lubana) 1. Defective tools 2.
TUE 16 Equipment with no lights 3. Worn or leaking boots 4. Missing safety devices

All accidents must be reported at once (Musose amasanso yonse ayacitika pa ncito ) Quick, accurate and
timely reporting of accidents leads to finding preventive measures and mitigation factors. You are therefore
WED 17 (i) to act quickly but stead when responding to accidents
(ii) Not to disturb an accident scene untill all formalities are done by safety
personnel. (iii) Attend to all accident
victims by giving First aid (If you're trained) or call for help when need be.
Promote teamwork at work. "Kosheni ukubombela pamo pa ncito" Encouraging good team
work can help to prevent workplace accidents, this include lifting heavy objects, Completing
complex projects or taking on new responsiblities. Always:
THU 18 1.
Communicate effectively
2. Provide the right tools to enhance and facilitate good
Improper stacking of materials leads to accidents (Ukukana longa bwino ifintu kuti kwaleta ubusanso)
Materials that are packed on top of others have the high chances of topping over if not properly done. Therefore;

FRI 19 1. Ensure that proper stacking method is employed

2. Check if the stacks are strong

Environmental: Waste which is not properly managed causes a foul smell and it becomes a breeding
ground for different types of disease-causing insects as well as infectious organisms.
Use of alcohol and drugs (Ubwalwa ne miti iikola) Do not
(i) Do not get drunk the night before coming to work the
SAT 20 following morning alcohol takes time to get out of the system (ii) If you are prescribed drugs that
affect your safety at work, inform your supervisor.
Environmental: When toxic substances, hazardous
Do not and chemicals
haras are released
law enforcement to the environment
officers, may affect or alter
Safety & Environmental the productivity of the
soils in that particular
"Mwilacilinganya aba area.
Safety na Environment ilyo lyonse balebomba incito yabo "
Failure to obey and allow
safety/Environmental officers is an offense
1. Always allow them to carry out their professional inspections
SUN 21 2.Always attend to issues raised
and highlighted in the inspection report
3. Failure to comply might lead to legal
Operator competence- "Ukukanshiwa ukwafikapo kuli bakensha wa fyela fya pa kampani"
1. Ensure that you're trained and competent to operate any equipment
2. Only operate equipment you are trained andauthorised
MON 22 3. Be mindful of the presence of people around your machine before you
make any move 4. Make your presence known by sounding a horn when changing
direction or taking off from sleep.

Observe the five Golden rules of covid 19

TUE 23 (Mask up in public,Maintain physical distance;Wash hands frequently
or use hand sanitizer; Avoid crowded places and stay at home if need be; Seek medical attention
early if symptomatic.)
Always withdraw from unsafe and/or unhealthy workplaces or conditions; "Fumeni pa
ncende muli ilyo lyonse mwasanga ati kuti pafumo busanso" Certain working conditions and
environments may deem to be unsafe especially if there are unsecured hanging materials, live
naked electrical wires, un secured working platform etc. You must therefore:
WED 24
(i) Ensure that you quickly assess the safety of your working environment and report to
your supervisor/HSE if the situation is unsafe
(ii) Do not wait for the
situation to worsen before you make a decision
No horse play on the machine. "kuli mashini tekwakucenena" Most accidents occur when
workers are distracted. And distraction can come in so many ways:
Alwyas remember that all moving machinery have the right of way therefore you are expected
THU 25 1. Check where the machine is before you move
2. Ensure the operator has seen you and can has acknoledged your presence
3. Do not asume that the operator has seen you, it maybe disastrous
4. Alwyas be alert of the presence of moving machinery so that you
are not caught off guard

FRI 26 Cholera is real " (Cholera eko yaba)

1. Wash hands 2. Boil drinking water or add chlorin 3. Use a toliet when
answering the call of nature 4. Heat/warm food before eating 5. wash fruits before eating
You can help to prevent cholera by;.
1. Not throwing litter anyhow 2. By not allowing people to answer the call of
SAT 27
nature in public 3. Not leaving vomiters in public places 4. Ensuring that all vomiters are properly
Use ablution facilities responsibly. "Bomfyeni ifimbusu bwino bwino"
SUN 28 (1) Leave the place cleaner than you found it


Good house keeping leads to productivity (Ukusunge ncende ubusaka kutwala ku mibombele
MON 29 isuma) Remember that a clean environment has always contributed to a safe production.
Therefore you must;
(i) have a place for everything and everything in its place (iii) Order
must always be the order of the day Environmental: Avoid throwing waste in change houses.
Do not deface any safety sign (Mwifuta ifipampa fyakucingilila amasanso). All safety signage
TUE 30 must be safeguarded and not tempered with

Be observant to all safety procedures at every stage of your wiork. (Konkeni ifyakukonka
WED 31
fyonse mu ncito mulebomba). If you are not sure ask.
1. Falitality prevention 2. Injuries prevention 3. Culture change 4. Enviroment
Sable Zinc Big picture "Sable Zinc Kabwe limited is on a trajectory to incre
from the previous targets of 150 - 200 tones to 1000 tones of copper cathodes
journey starts with this month of September where we need to produce 400 to
journey will require all employees to contribute to the realisation of the 400 to
September, 2022. Therefore, a safe work environment will be cardinal if this
realised. Each and every employee is expected to contribute towards a safe w
1. What is your contribution to this?
2. How should you avoid getting injured?
3. How should you contribute to the care of the machine?
4. What should you do to optimise the cost of pr
improve the cost of process?

Think of quality in everything you do; Paying attention to detail in everythi

to quality production. Ensure that you execute your task with care by followin
FRI 2 procedures. You are therefore advised to:
1. Measure twice and cut once 2. Avoid wastage of material 3. Use the righ

Think of quality in everything you do Cont'd

SAT 3 1. Get the right part for the job 2. Ensure all necessary parameters are follow
of any sort.

Do not damage infrastructure "Mwionaula ifipe pa kampani"

Infrastructure calls for huge investment hence need to safeguard and not
damage them. The more damage you cause, the more the company will spend
Do not hit into band walls when operating machinery…
Do not hit into posters around the plant…
Ensure you have a clear view when operating machinery…
Report every incident to safety....

Accidents reduce production time - Every accident leads to process delay a
Ensure all safety guidelines are followed and you must follow all safe proced
Time management? - "Konkeni nshita lyonse ilyo mulebomba; Timely com
essential in production. Timely delivery of materials, parts and process leads
TUE 6 therefore expected to:
(i) Deliver on time a
(ii) Avoid being in a rush as this could lead to accidents
Keep yourself at your best (Isuneni bwino pakuti mubombe bwino)
Being in unstable state of mind is a recipe for accidents, ensure that you repo
free, drug free and fatigue free. If you feel unwell at any point in time, seek m

Understand what a risk is in your area "Ishibeni ubwafya cinshi muncend

THUR 8 Let everyone know that whenever there is an hazard in the area, a
No loose clothing and jewellery while at work: "Ifyakuikobaika pa mubili
FRI 9 1. Ensure your PPE is in goo
2. See to
are sewn and properly fitting
loose hanging must be removed prior to starting work.
Make proper use of your PPE: " Bomfyeni ifyakufwala fyakubombelamo f

SAT 10 (i) Wash your PPE regulary to avoid occupational diseases.

(ii) Keep your Goggles where they cannot be scratched

(iii) Ensure that your ear plugs are clean before inserting them in the ears
Approach(iii) Dispose
safety with off your used
a positive dust mask to avoid inhaling dust.
1. Do
sake of arguing. Understand the point and digest it.
SUN 11
2. Respect other peoples' views
3. Value and appreciate everyone's contribution
4. Get/Give clear instructions when undertaking
Ensure the place around you is safe
MON 12 1. Look out for your neighbour a
are doing 2. Correct the wrong
Avoid short cuts
Do not fall for this: "Mwisangwa mufya musango uyu"
1. Not wearing PPE
TUE 13 2. Not following procedures 3. Illegally operating machines
safety devices 5. Horse play
Machine safety

WED 14 Always park vehicles in disgnated places (Lyonse mushe ba motoka benu um
ukusha) 2. Vehicles must be parked at flat surfaces 3. All vehicles parked at
must be choked.
Repairing and servicing equipment in dangerous positions: The primary sources of inju
other personnel working around heavy equipment are:
(i) Repairing and servicing equipment in dangerous positions
THUR 15 (ii) Striking individuals or other vehicles with the equipment, particu
(iii) Unexpected violent tipping of the equipment.
standard scaffolds
Care of machinery (Ukusunga ifibombelo bwino) Poor maintenance of machinery can l
out or injury to the user. You must therefore: (i) ensure that all vital parts such as moto
blade holders, tracks, drives, hydraulic and pneumatic mechanisms, and transmissions
inspected each day. (ii) Before starting a job, the operator should be given instructions
FRI 16 be don. (iii) Before using the starting motor, the operator should check to make sure th
are in the neutral position.

What to do When approached by moving vehicles "Ifyo muli nokucita ilyo mwakuman

matter what the size – move out of the way, if possible completely out of the road.
SAT 17 If you are walking on a roadway walk on the side of the road facing the oncoming traffi
3.When in confined spaces make sure that you are on the same side as the driver
4.Always check that you can see the operator – If you cannot see him he pr
What to do When approached by moving vehicles "Ifyo muli nokucita ilyo mwakuman
1.Never approach any mobile equipment or vehicle without making your pre
operator. 2. Always walk, never run in the vicinity of moving machinery o
trip and fall into the path of the vehicle.
3. Never push through small spaces between a statio
SUN 18 obstacles. You could be crushed should the unit move.
4. Do not ride on or in vehicles exce
designed or equipped for you to do so. 5. Do not climb or h
machine or vehicle unless authorised to do so

Chemical safety
Chemical hazards and toxic substances:- In order to recover Copper from the ore it ha
treated. The crushing and moving of the ore has its risks but the chemical processes we
risks of their own. In order to treat the ore at different stages of the process we add ce
these chemicals have hazards mostly associated with the effect they have on our bodie
MON 19 ability to burn, explode or corrode other materials. We do not have to drink these chem
poisoned; They can give off gases into the air or get into the dust we breathe or find th
our skin. You are therefore:
Reminded never to mix food with poisonous substances in the same area
2. Do not put chemicals in food labelled containers or bottles
Use of alcohol and 3. Dodrugs
not put food stuffsne
(Ubwalwa in poisonous labled containers or bottles
miti iikola)
4. Do not drink water from unknown sources
(i) Do not get drunk the night before coming to wor
TUE 20 morning. Alcohol takes time to get out of the system (ii) If you are prescribe
affect your safety at work, inform your supervisor.

WED 21 Do not expose your body to any harmful chemical: Use correct PPE when handling chem
Do not handle, use, transport, destroy and store chemicals unless you are t
written authority to do so;.
THUR 22(Wilabomfya imiti, ukusunga nelyo ukusenda nga tawaishiba amafunde yape
Food hygiene

have a bearing on the employee's productivity.

good food hygine may reduce infections
FRI 23 that may arise from food diseases and cause employe
work. routines in the preparation, handling and storage of food meant to pre
illness and injury. (i) Prepare food in a clean environment (ii) h
eating (iii) Constantly wash your hands before handling food (iv) Make it you
washing hands.
Always withdraw from unsafe and/or unhealthy workplaces or condition
ncende muli ilyo lyonse mwasanga ati kuti pafumo busanso" Certain working
environments may deem to be unsafe especially if there are unsecured hangin
naked electrical wires, un secured working platform etc. You must therefore:
SAT 24
(i) Ensure that you quickly assess the safety of your working environm
your supervisor/HSE if the situation is unsafe
(ii) Do
situation to worsen before you make a decision
No horse play on the machine. "kuli mashini tekwakucenena" Most acciden
workers are distracted. And distraction can come in so many ways:
Alwyas remember that all moving machinery have the right of way theref
SUN 25 1. Check where the machine is before you move
2. Ensure the operator has seen you and can has acknoledge
3. Do not asume that the operator has seen you, it ma
4. Alwyas be alert of the presence of moving ma
are not caught off guard

MON 26 Cholera is real " (Cholera eko yaba)

1. Wash hands 2. Boil drinking water or add chlorin 3. U
answering the call of nature 4. Heat/warm food before eating 5. wash fruits be

TUE 27 Remember you are responsible for your safety and the safety of others, do the
WED 28 Look after your PPE, care for it and it will care for you.
THUR 29 Use the first 5 minutes to do house keeping and dust suppression
All accidents are preventable. Ensure you carry out a risk assessment before c
FRI 30 task. All jobs that need permit to work ensure all the necessary documents are
signed accordingly.
PICS -2022
e change 4. Enviromental Management.

is on a trajectory to increase its production

tones of copper cathodes by 2023. This
we need to produce 400 tones of copper. This
he realisation of the 400 tones by the end of
nt will be cardinal if this journey is to be
ntribute towards a safe working environment.

o the care of the machine?

to optimise the cost of production and

ention to detail in everything you do is a route

task with care by following all laid down

f material 3. Use the right material for the job

ary parameters are following to avoid wastage

pa kampani"
need to safeguard and not indiscriminately
e the company will spend on production.


nt leads to process delay and affect production.
must follow all safe procedures for every task;
mulebomba; Timely completion of tasks is
s, parts and process leads to efficiency. You are

(i) Deliver on time any tasks given to you

mubombe bwino)
dents, ensure that you report for work alcohol
any point in time, seek medical treatment.

ubwafya cinshi muncende yenu"

s an hazard in the area, a risk is always
fyakuikobaika pa mubili ilyo muli pa ncito

Ensure your PPE is in good shape

2. See to it that all torn parts
3. All
ufwala fyakubombelamo fyenu bwino"

nal diseases.
e they cannot be scratched.

rting them in the ears

void inhaling dust.
1. Do not just argue for the

yone's contribution
uctions when undertaking tasks.
out for your neighbour and check what they
2. Correct the wrong and do it right 3.

gally operating machines 4. Failing to use

mushe ba motoka benu umwasuminishiwa
3. All vehicles parked at inclines and declines

s: The primary sources of injury to operators and

dangerous positions
with the equipment, particularly its blade
nt tipping of the equipment. (v) Where need be use

ntenance of machinery can lead to equipment wear

at all vital parts such as motors, chassis, blades,
chanisms, and transmissions should be thoroughly
should be given instructions regarding the work to
should check to make sure that all operating controls

muli nokucita ilyo mwakumana na machine"

1. No
mpletely out of the road. 2.
ad facing the oncoming traffic.
n the same side as the driver.
– If you cannot see him he probably cannot see you.
muli nokucita ilyo mwakumana na machine"
cle without making your presence known to the
cinity of moving machinery or vehicles, as you could
small spaces between a stationary unit and close
ot ride on or in vehicles except where they are
5. Do not climb or hang onto any part of a

ver Copper from the ore it has to be crushed and
ut the chemical processes we use also create special
ges of the process we add certain chemicals and
ffect they have on our bodies but also with their
not have to drink these chemicals to get hurt or
e dust we breathe or find their way to and through
the same area
or bottles
bled containers or bottles
known sources
ght before coming to work the following
m (ii) If you are prescribed with drugs that

rect PPE when handling chemiclas

hemicals unless you are trained and have the

awaishiba amafunde yapelwa

Food taken can
eases and cause employees absence from
rage of food meant to prevent foodborne
a clean environment (ii) heat the food before
dling food (iv) Make it your habit to constantly

workplaces or conditions; "Fumeni pa

busanso" Certain working conditions and
here are unsecured hanging materials, live
etc. You must therefore:

of your working environment and report to

(ii) Do not wait for the

akucenena" Most accidents occur when

so many ways:
ve the right of way therefore you are expected

u and can has acknoledged your presence
erator has seen you, it maybe disastrous
he presence of moving machinery so that you

water or add chlorin 3. Use a toliet when

re eating 5. wash fruits before eating

he safety of others, do the right thing every

t suppression
a risk assessment before comencement of any
e necessary documents are completed and

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