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FALL 2022

Placement Contribution Form: Loose Parts

Student Name: Autumn Chambers Date: October 18th, 2022
Short description of the contribution to the program (Briefly describe the activity or work that you will be doing
that is contributing to the early learning and child care program in a significant way):
The educators and I were discussing ways to help one of the infants’ transitions into the toddler
room. Child A is at the point where they are ready to move up, it is just a matter of ratios, and
having their spot in the infant room filled. We talked about having more challenging toys, and
activities as it seems they have become “bored” of the other toys within the room. I suggested
bringing out some loose parts for the children to play with. Child A, seemed to enjoy the open –
ended materials in the toddler room, so it is an interest they have. When the loose parts were
brought out, the children went directly for them and played with them for the rest of the afternoon. It
was interesting because each child played with them differently, but they could be included in the
play in various ways. Most of the infants, started by putting the objects in their mouths but I set up
little provocations like showing them how to role the items. We also built a ramp out of a log and
used a wooden ball to role it. This was helping strengthen their motor skills, plus they could see the
cause and effect of pushing these items.

Rationale for the contribution to the program (It is assumed that you are working with your cooperating educators
to decide together what is beneficial for the program. What element(s) of the centres program statement does your
contribution most align with?)
This contribution the educators and I discussed about how different loose parts/open – ended
materials could keep the infants engaged for an extended amount of time. We found that the
children in the room were getting bored of the same toys so decided to add more wooden
materials. This is supported by the program statement because it “fosters the children’s
exploration, play and inquiry.”

Expected benefits of the contribution to the program (How will this contribution support the early learning and
child care program, the children, the families, the cooperating educators? What evidence did you use to identify the
benefits of your contribution?):
This will support this children’s learning because they can use the loose parts to represent objects
within the environment. They can engage in pretend play, explore using their senses, strengthen
their hand – eye coordination, and develop their motor skills.

The planning/implementation process of the contribution to the program (What was your role in developing
the project idea? Describe what you did to plan and develop the “idea” into a project, including the support that you
sought out from others, and from resources that you used (materials available; websites; research literature; etc.) What
did you do to make this contribution happen? How did you “deliver” the project or the work that you eventually did based
on your plans?)
I played a significant role because I helped brainstorm the ideas, and talked collaboratively with the
other educators in the room. I then went home and bought a bunch of different materials that could
be used open – ended. The head educator in the room took the lead on implementing the loose –
parts into the environment. I did my best to support the educators but was not sure where to find
loose materials within the centre. I than observed the children to see what materials they were
FALL 2022
drawn to and I made toys for the children to play with.

How will this contribution continue to be part of the program after you leave your practicum?
Some of the educators were unaware of the benefits of loose parts. After seeing them used within
the classroom I have noticed an increasing amount of open – ended objects being included in the
classroom. This will continue to be a part of the program because now everyone can see the
positive impact of using loose parts. They have also started including a combination of both loose
parts, and man – made toys. When I first started this placement there were no open – ended
materials. Everything had a specific way the toys could be used, not allowing the children to
explore their curiosities, or interests.

What are your reflections regarding this contribution? (What did you learn about the children, the program and
yourself through this experience? How has working on this contribution supported the growth of your professional skills
and disposition? What was successful? What changes would you make in the role you played in developing this
contribution if you were to engage in a similar experience in future?
I learned that the children are more drawn to everyday items like empty containers, kitchen
utensils, tape, paper, ribbons, etc. I also learned about the children’s interests such as most of the
children like to be in the kitchen and manipulate the objects freely. I realized that I am still lacking
the confidence to take the lead on experiences which is something I would like to change in the
future. I would like to get more comfortable sharing my thoughts and ideas with the educators. I
also find I second guess my ability to “properly” carry out an activity, which I know is not the case.
Each experience may not go exactly how I expect, but that is the beauty with these contributions.

Early Learning Team Member Acknowledgment: Date:

Comments (verbal or written):

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