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MARCH 2019

The “Better Business” Publication Serving the Exploration / Drilling / Production Industry

New System Raises Perforation Safety

By Thilo Scharf voltage and/or radio frequency (RF) other well site activities. Operators are
sources. As a result, well site surface op- pressing service companies for improved
HOUSTON–Perforating operations erations typically are suspended, and processes that reduce downtime and allow
long have been among the most dangerous radio silence is common while perforating parallel operations to be completed at the
activities performed on a well site. Acci- guns are being armed to minimize the well site.
dental detonations while preparing for a chance of an accidental detonation. At the same time, reducing the time re-
perforating run, during arming of perfo- Because arming traditional perforating quired to arm each perforating gun is be-
rating guns or in the aftermath of a misrun guns can take a considerable time, the coming more advantageous. With the pro-
have resulted in numerous well site acci- invisible lost time associated with this liferation of cell phones and other com-
dents, and in some cases fatalities. operation can be costly since no other munication devices, maintaining strict radio
Arming is defined as the process of parallel well-site operations can be con- silence at the well site is proving to be dif-
making an electrical connection to the ducted. The same is true once guns return ficult, leading to an even greater safety
gun’s hot wire and a ballistic connection to the surface. Guns are treated as live risk. Well site perforating activities are at a
to the detonating cord, thereby readying devices until initiation can be confirmed. critical safety juncture because traditional
the perforating gun to initiate. Safe disassembly is conducted in reverse perforating practices are not aligned with
Selective perforating systems tradi- order of the arming sequence, again current desires and procedures.
tionally have been armed with resistorized halting other well site activities until the
detonators and through a mechanical or sequence is completed. Safety Procedures And Regulations
addressable switch. Although safer than As well site operations become fast Regulations and safety procedures for
nonresistorized electric detonators, this paced and grow in service intensity, solu- perforating guns are governed by the Amer-
style of detonator can be susceptible to tions are required that allow for efficient ican Petroleum Institute and the Pipeline
inadvertent detonation from stray current, and safe gun arming that do not disrupt and Hazardous Materials Safety Adminis-

Classification of Detonators According to RP-67 4th Edition
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
This group is equivalent to a 50 Ohm Considered Safe Detonators Considered Immune Detonators
resistorized detonator. ✦ Detonators may contain some primary ✦ Detonators may not contain primary
✦ Detonators may contain primary explosives explosives explosives
✦ Detonators shall have a minimum nofire ✦ Detonators shall have a minimum nofire ✦ Detonators shall have a no-fire voltage of
current of 200 mA voltage of 25 V ac/dc 120 V ad/dc
✦ Must follow SLP 20 guidance on RF ✦ Manufacturer to publish safe distances for ✦ Detonators shall be immune to RF energy.
exclusion distances all frequencies according to SLP 20 ✦ Detonators shall not require a RF
✦ User to determine safety distance for each transmitter exclusion zone
well site situation ✦ The detonator shall not initiate by RF
✦ Manufacturer to provide sample calculation energy up to exposure levels specified by the
of RF exclusion distance for multiple manufacturer
transmitters ✦ If exposed to levels that exceed
✦ No single point of failure within the manufacturer specification, the detonator shall
detonator may result in unintended detonation fail safe
✦ Safety related features and characteristics ✦ A detonator that has failed safe retains
must be tested by an independent third party safety characteristics of Group 3
✦ No unintended initiation with a single point
✦ Safety related features and characteristics
must be tested by an independent third party

Reproduced for DynaEnergetics with permission from The American Oil & Gas Reporter
SpecialReport: Unconventional Resource Science

FIGURE 1 wireline operations.

Intrinsically-Safe Detonator Arming Process Under the new guidelines, each JPG
must have an interrupt system integral to
the detonator system that is verified by
an independent third party. Responsibility
for obtaining verification typically falls
on the wireline company.
Any company transporting JPGs that
have a prewired detonator installed without
a third-party approved interrupt system
is no longer in compliance with PHMSA’s
updated regulations. PHMSA will not
approve any JPG with a detonator without
a test report from an approved laboratory,
certifying the interrupt system.
It is important to note that service
tration. API details safety standards through fourth edition, PHMSA has issued updated companies that already have approval
RP 67, Recommended Practice for Oilfield transportation guidelines through HMR from PHMSA to transport armed perfo-
Explosives, while PHMSA regulates trans- 49; CFR. rating guns are required to surrender that
portation and storage of “jet perforating Loaded perforating guns are considered approval, or test their interrupt systems
guns (JPG)” to well sites through Hazard explosive devices, and any company that and submit data to PHMSA. It no longer
Materials Regulations (HMR); 49 CFR. transports them to and from a gun-loading is acceptable to ship loaded perforating
Both sets of guidelines have seen modifi- location to a well site must obtain approval guns with a detonator attached.
cations that impact both operators and from PHMSA. Late last year, PHMSA However, PHMSA is not yet pushing
service companies in regard to safely pro- updated published guidelines to restrict for compliance with the new requirements,
viding perforating products and services. shipping JPGs with the detonators already and instead has chosen (at least in the
Initially published in 1994, API RP installed, as was common practice in near term) to let service providers police
67 was revised in 2007 and again in
2015. A fourth edition awaits approval FIGURE 2
that will introduce strict standards for
Well Site Distance Schematic
safely arming detonators at certain dis-
tances away from RF signals. Three
groups of detonators are called out in the 200 ft Radius
fourth edition, as detailed by Table 1.
Group 1 detonators require RF exclu-
sion zones, while Group 3 “immune”
detonators do not.
Group 3 detonators function by running
high voltage (>500 volts) through ex- 100 ft Radius
ploding foil initiators or exploding bridge
wire technology. These types of detonators
are common in military applications for
controlling the firing of missiles, torpedoes 50 ft Radius
and other precision-guided ordnance.
Their high cost makes them difficult to
adopt for oil field operations, and their
complexity means they tend to fail at a
higher rate, which has an overall negative
impact on service quality.
As a result, many service providers
strive to have their detonators or select
fire systems fit into the Group 2 “safe”
category. These require much smaller RF
exclusion zones and are seemingly made
safe by including an electronic switch in
the design before the resistorized detonator
that allows them to be armed at a gun-
loading location and transported to the
well site.
As the API finalizes the revisions to
RP 67 that will be documented in the
SpecialReport: Unconventional Resource Science

themselves and submit for new testing TABLE 2

and certification in good faith. Safe Distances for 50 Ohm Safe Distances for
Resistorized Detonators Intrinsically Safe Detonators
Intrinsically Safe System
Standard AM Transmitter 3,391 ft 17 ft
New perforating technology has been FM Transmitter 2,120 ft 24 ft
introduced that delivers improvements in
TV Transmitter, depending on
both well site safety and efficiency. The 1,511-4,800 ft 73-77 ft
system removes the risks associated with
Amateur/CB Radio 878 ft 4 ft
the arming process by providing an ad-
dressable and RF-safe system that is im- Cell Phone 5 ft 0 ft
mune to high voltage and current levels.
The firing system is built on a low- requirement is virtually eliminated. The creasing efficiency and minimizing costs.
voltage, digital communication platform, design also enables parallel well opera- Classified as a Group 2 “safe” detonator,
and has been proven to communicate tions without depth restrictions or radio the system’s ability to conduct PHMSA-,
successfully and initiate on command silence. Normal well site operations can SPL 20- and API RP 67-compliant oper-
during more than 1.5 million initiations continue while the gun string is lowered ations, shipping and surface testing greatly
without incident. into and raised from the well. Surface reduces the risk of an unintended detonation
This digital technology also allows explosive handling is minimized, and at any stage of explosive handling or
all system components to be verified arming can be conducted at any time transport. The intrinsically safe detonator
prior to running down hole, including without interrupting other well site ac- design minimizes the required safe zone
the addressable switch, RF-safe detonator, tivities. This reduces surface downtime at the well site during the arming process
and RF-safe ignitor. and greatly limits risks to the environment and in the post-run rig down.
The new system uses industry’s first or to personnel handling the system. Because the detonator and gun are shipped
and only intrinsically safe detonator, mak- to the well site as separate units, the system
ing it the preferred choice for operating Field Operation complies with guidelines for transportation
in hazardous areas such as an oil and gas In field operations, this new, intrinsi- that are documented in the newly revised
well site. The wire-free, plug-and-go det- cally safe detonator technology has de- HMR; 49 CFR. With this system, technology
onator design is easy to install at the well livered a dramatic impact on the reliability advancements have delivered a perforating
site, requires no on-site wiring, and allows and safety performance of perforating gun system that is easier to arm and test,
the system to be tested fully before it is operations. Before the system was intro- safer to transport and handle, and more ef-
run down hole (Figure 1). duced, companies using resistorized det- ficient to operate. ❒
Because the detonator cannot be en- onators experienced system efficiencies
ergized by AC or DC electrical power, of 98.0 percent, meaning that wireline
battery, induced static electricity, lightning misruns or misfires occurred at a failure
strike to the lubricator, or an accidental rate of 2.0 percent.
Megger test of the wireline cable, accidents After launch, the new system quickly
have been avoided. The detonator itself demonstrated efficiency that reached 99.41
is shipped separately from the system’s percent, or one failure per 420 runs. With
gun modules, thereby eliminating risks continued refinement to system compo-
associated with shipping armed JPGs, nents, manufacturing and assembly
which is central to PHMSA’s changes. processes, along with well site operating
To add another layer of complexity, procedures, the efficiency rate now exceeds
RF-safe distances are detailed by the In- 99.9 percent and continues to increase. THILO
stitute of Makers of Explosives in SLP In addition, each perforation stage run SCHARF
20–Safety Guide for the Prevention of with the system reduces completion time Thilo Scharf is product line director
Radio Frequency Radiation Hazards in by an average of 32 minutes, compared of DynaEnergetics’ new DynaStageTM
the Use of Commercial Electric Detonators with conventional systems. Surface-level factory-assembled, Performance-As-
(Blasting Caps). transitions from gun to gun and well to suredTM perforating system for improved
SLP 20 contains a representative list of well drive this time savings, resulting in well site safety and efficiency. He joined
transmitter types (ranging from standard fewer days on location and significant DynaEnergetics in 2011 after an 11-
AM transmitters to television, CB radio cost savings to operators. year career at Schlumberger Oilfield
and cell phones) with associated safe dis- Achieving greater efficiency in perfo- Services. His main areas of interest are
tances from more than 3,000 feet for AM rating systems can help lower overall perforating technology, explosive safety
transmitters down to five feet for cellular completion costs, particularly in long, and oil well completion methods/tech-
signals (Table 2). The majority of service- horizontal wellbores in unconventional niques. Scharf holds an engineering de-
intensive well site operations take place plays. The new, intrinsically safe detonator gree in applied physics and biomedical
within 100 feet of the wellhead, making it arming process, with its fully factory-as- engineering from WHZ, Zwickau in
desirable to arm, test and service perforating sembled perforating system design, a sim- Germany, and an M.S. in nondestruc-
guns within this radius (Figure 2). plified mechanical field assembly process tive testing from the Robert Gordon
Because of the detonator’s intrinsically and fewer failure points, is helping to re- University in Scotland.
safe design, the minimum safe distance duce the number of misruns while in-

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