The Values That Matter Most To Me and Motivation Letter

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Muhammad Adrian Fathan

Business Administration and Management

Ildikó Rudnák, sevinur çuhadar

The Values That Matter Most to me

The values that matter most to me are probably Honesty, Loyalty, Open Mindedness and Their
Commitment. As by looking at those qualities of a person, I can already judge if this is
someone that would be of importance to me or not, and if I would like to spend more time with
this person and make him/her a part of my life. I don’t let a lot of people inside my network of
close friends, because that spot requires a higher standard of a person, I would need to think if
this person is worth my time socializing and if I can learn anything useful from them, or if they
can benefit me in any shape or form (if they can then of course I will try my best to give back
the value they give to me). They also need to have Values that Matter to me, as those four
factors which are Honesty, Loyalty, Open Mindedness and Commitment will most likely be the
deciding factor if they are going to make the cut inside my close friends zone.

First of all, why is Honesty an important value for me. Because no one wants to be friends or
be partners with a liar, a backstabber, or have an untrustworthy person. Honesty is very
important because it is actually very hard to come by nowadays. People often lie just to make
themselves look better or feel better, to have an honest friend is a great blessing. An honest
friend would remind you if you are about to do something that isn’t good, and wouldn’t lie to
you just to make you feel better. He/she would criticize you because he/she genuinely cares
for you and is just being honest. He/she is true with himself and doesn’t put on a mask or a
fake persona just to take you for granted or to take advantage of you.

Secondly, I think Loyalty is extremely important. As again, a loyal friend, a loyal partner, or a
loyal colleague would literally mean the world for me. One loyal partner is enough for a
lifetime, a couple of loyal friends would be amazing, and a colleague who would help you out
and won’t leave you behind is also great. And again, loyalty is rare, not everyone is loyal, so
when I meet someone who is genuinely loyal to me, I will also be loyal to them, and hopefully
we both would stay loyal.

Then Open Mindedness, personally I am a very open-minded person, I think my mindset has
been this way since I was a young boy. And since then, I can pretty much tell whether a
person is close-minded and have ethnocentric ideals or if they are open-minded and open for
intellectual discussion. Personally, I think when a person is open minded, it allows them to
gain so much more knowledge of the world, culture and people around them, and it would also
be much easier to fit in and adapt to a whole different environment or country.

And lastly their commitment or how committed they are when facing various situations. For
example, a committed person is hard working and wants to do the work, he/she won’t just
watch or let other people do the work, because they want to be useful and they want to have a
part in the task they are also committed to. Another example would be a partner, if a partner is
committed, he/she would accept you for what you are, all your positives and negatives, would
stay with you through your highs and lows, would work hard and give effort to keep the
relationship going. Having a committed partner or friend would be a dream come true for me.

Those are the values that matters most to me and the reasons why they do. I myself strive to
have these values as I think they are essential to be a good human being and to rise above
the challenges life would throw at you. As to be an Honest, Loyal, Open Minded and
Committed person would honestly be extremely difficult, as those good qualities are not as
easily reflected in real life. But if we all strive to have those qualities, I think this world would
be a much better place to live in.
Muhammad Adrian Fathan
Business Administration and Management
Ildikó Rudnák, sevinur çuhadar

Motivation Letter

I chose the Business Administration and Management program because I see my potential to
take over my family business for years to come. My parents run a language course in our
house, my mom teaches English, and for my father, as he got laid off from work amidst
Covid, he went from being an office worker to a full-time English and Japanese teacher. I also
help conduct classes of my own or substitute for when my parents are unable to teach. Our
course is quite famous around the neighborhood, even to other areas because our methods are
different from most language courses. We prioritize conversation and speaking so our
students can communicate in English first, then learn writing, grammar, etc. I love to teach, as
it gives me a sense of contribution. One of my dreams was always to expand my contribution
to more people, so I would like to know how I could grow this small business. We run into
something unique and sprawling with success not only for me but my family and the people I
will work with. 

With my background being an exchange student and learning in Denmark, I know that I am
adaptable and open-minded. I can get along well with foreigners and take great interest in
understanding their culture and language. Homesickness is no problem for me, and learning
Hungarian is exciting as I love to learn new languages whenever I can. Interacting and
learning foreign cultures is one of my favorite things. I’m confident I have the capabilities to
study in Hungary and excel and reach my full potential as a person there. After my experience
in Denmark, I can immerse myself and take examples from the rich cultures and traditions of
Hungary to grow and improve myself for the future.

I believe Hungary is a fascinating country to live in as a student. The rich culture and
distinctive traditions are very captivating for me, and I’d love to experience it. Moreover, I
chose Hungary in Szent Istvan and Eotvos Jozsef University because I know that their
business majors support small and medium enterprises/businesses, and my family course
perfectly fits that bill. This will give me insight into my goal of scaling up my family

I expect to gain a practical understanding of how to grow my family business and the nuances
that come with it like the financial, management and marketing aspects, all of which I can
obtain from taking a specialization in Entrepreneurship in Eotvos Josef. I chose this program
because it directly correlates to what I want to learn and improve on, nourishing my family
business (a small enterprise). And this program offers all the things I need to understand to
help me achieve my goal. I will be confident in taking over and scaling up my business into
something more. For example, expanding the business to different places or scaling it to
become a more prominent learning institution. I have also undoubtedly had a solid foundation
and knowledge about the company to work with when I return from Hungary.

Indonesia currently has a problem with unemployment. Most stems from people being
uneducated, as evidenced by data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), earnings
increase, and unemployment decreases as educational attainment rises. It is estimated that
5.28 per cent, or around 14 million people in Indonesia, are unemployed in August 2019,
Muhammad Adrian Fathan
Business Administration and Management
Ildikó Rudnák, sevinur çuhadar
according to BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik). I believe that my family and I are contributing to
helping this problem as we educate the people in our community, and we would like to
expand to new areas. I believe I can make that happen with the knowledge and experience that
I’ll attain from Hungary and help much more people so they will become more educated and
also help to lower Indonesia’s unemployment rate in the future.

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