Martial Law

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Marianne F.

Grate BSP 3A

July 7, 2011 TTHS 9:00-10:00am CDL 415

Soc. Sci. 11 (Philippine History, Governance and Philippine Constitution) REACTION PAPER


Under President Ferdinand Marcos administration the democracy in the Philippines has end for a long time. Before his term for being president of the Philippines ended he declared martial law. He used his brainpower to manipulate the people under his administration. He proclaimed the writ of habeas corpus in order to arrest the rebellion group against the government. They put them in prison and tortured them like animals. The human rights and democracy has been violated in this time. There are many graft and corruption under his administration. Pres. Marcos accused and imprisons Senator Benigno Aquino for the reason of subversion and murder which is not true. Pres. Marcos was accused in the issue of Ninoy Aquino assassination. Maybe the real reason is Benigno Aquino is against in the dictatorship of Pres. Marcos. I think that if President Ferdinand Marcos used his intelligence for running a good administration and making goals with respect to the citizen of our country, maybe now our country will become productive. Pres. Marcos was replaced by Corazon Aquino our mother of democracy. Once more we are now in a democratic country. For me intelligence is not enough to be a good leader but it also needs an attitude and unselfish purpose for other people.

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