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Appendix A



There is a great advantage for those of similar vision and faith to work together in coordinated
teamwork. There is great benefit as we seek to know God's will together, pool our resources, and
give ourselves totally for the cause of worldwide evangelization.

We are happy that you are considering joining this ministry. To help us all in determining God's
will, please fill out this application form in detail, giving as much information as possible on the
questions asked. Please type or print.

Personal & Family

Full Name: Cristian Rivas Andujar
Place of Birth:Los Rincones,José Contreras
Date of Birth: july/28/1966
Home Address: Sosúa,Puerto Plata, house number 10
Phone:809-571-3296 Fax:
Marital Status: Single Married Divorced
Name of Spouse: Ramona Altagracia Rosario de Rivas
Spouse’s Date of Birth: 10/11/1969 Anniversary: 13/06/1988
Name Date of Birth
Hendy Douglas Rivas Rosario 29/05/1989
Rut Noemi Rivas Rosario 08/02/1991
Cristin Rebeca Rivas Rosario 06/09/1993

Is your spouse fully supportive of your desire to join AFCI? Yes No

Medical & Financial
Are you and the members of your family in good health? Yes No

If not, please explain

Do you or your family anticipate any expensive medical or dental treatment in the near future?
Yes No
What medical insurance do you carry? Senasa Contributivo

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Appendix A
Do you have any outstanding debts? Yes No
If so, please describe your plan for their retirement. My retirement plan I will Write a book
about pastoral life to continue encourage younger pastors, I will work on the farm
to harvest my own fruits and watch the animals eat. I will assit pastors when they
need me advise them.

Please attach a biographical sketch including childhood, brief history of spiritual experience,
factors leading you to Christ, people most influential in your life, how God called you to the
ministry of evangelism or full-time Christian work, and any significant spiritual experience
since your new birth.
Do you pray for and help to support mission work? Yes No
Have you had any experience in cross-cultural ministry or other cross-cultural experience?
Yes No

If so, please describe.

I been worked in the mission for more than 20 years, planting churches in Peru and
Cuba, as well as in my beloved Dominican Republic.

Describe your personal devotional life with the Lord.

I get up every day at 3:00 a.m. to pray and read the word of God, then at 5:00 a.m. I have
a prayer service with the church through the WhatsApp platform until 6 a.m. At 8 am I
supervise the works of the churches. At 3 in the afternoon I return with my moment of
prayer and Bible reading until 5:00 p.m.

What is your favourite Scritpture verse and why?

2 Timothy 2:15
King James Version
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth.
Because we must be prepared and sanctified for the coming of our Lord and Savior. In addition,
to be good servants of the Lord and know how to use the Word of God in dangerous times.

Education, Training, Skills

Education Level of Education Degrees/Diplomas Earned
High School Yes No General baccalaureate

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Appendix A
Technical School Yes No English school
University Yes No Psicology
Family therapist
Post Graduate Yes No
Describe any specialized training or skills you have?

I am a psychotherapist for more than 6 years.

Presbyter of my council for about 15 years.

List any outstanding achievements (academic, athletic, artistic, etc.)?

List any talents or hobbies you enjoy (music, ventriloquism, fly fishing, mountain biking, etc.)?

Reading books, walk in the morning.

What Social Media platforms are you active on?


What languages do you speak?

Spanish and english

Present/Latest Employer:
Address City, State/Zip; Prov./PC:
Phone Number:
Number of years at present employment?
Church Relations
What church or denomination are you affiliated with? Assembly of Christian Churches.INC

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Appendix A
What’s your involvement in your church/denomination?
I belong to the council of the Assembly of Christian Churches.INC. And by the Grace of God ,I
have been a Senior Pastor for over thirty years and I also oversee over forty churches for ten

Is your church supportive of your working with AFCI? Yes No

Are you an active member in good standing of your church? Yes No
Have you been ordained? Yes No

Ordination When? May 24th-1998

By whom? By the Bishop of the Assembly of Christian Churches council to
wich I belong.
If ordained, would your church be willing to appoint you to work with AFCI? Yes No
Christian Service/Ministry

Describe past and present Christian service (Sunday school teacher, personal evangelism,
evangelistic preaching, pastor, missions, etc.).

President of the society of knights of the Pastor

church. Presbyter
Church treasurer.
Bible school teacher
Assistant pastor

To what kind of Christian service do you feel most drawn?

Bible school and Sunday service

Are you actively living a witnessing lifestyle? Yes No

Please describe:

Yes, I love preaching the gospel. I live a life of prayer and reading the Word of God. Share
experiences with brothers and sisters in Christ. Teach young people to walk in the ways of the

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Appendix A
Please describe specific ways in which God’s Spirit is using you and working through you?

In the sermon, in counseling, in developing leaders.

What kind of personal vision do you have? (Use additional paper if more room is needed)

Expand the kingdom of God through the development of leaders.

Continue planting churches in every corner so that the people of God can gather to worship

Found more schools so that the children can grow up with a good education and that our
country continues to grow.

Continue helping pastors in their growth.

Continue with family counseling so that it can grow strong in the Lord.

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Appendix A
How did you first hear of Ambassadors for Christ International?

On my first mission trip to Cuba, I visited a church where a conference was being given.

Which, if any, AFCI workers do you know personally?


What is it about AFCI that attracts you?

His teachings

How would your affiliation with AFCI help in accomplishing God’s call in your life?

In a better ministerial preparation to guide lost souls to salvation.

If your service with AFCI requires travel or absence from home, is your family supportive?


Do you have any prayer partners or churches that will help support you in the ministry?
Yes No
If you are a preacher/teacher, do you have any church contacts with which you could develop a
program or meetings in various places? Yes No N/A
Do you understand and agree with AFCI's organizational structure, financial policy, and
emphasis in ministry? Yes No

If you answered NO, please explain.

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Have you read the International Policy Handbook and the Spiritual Principles Governing
Yes No
Do you agree with them, including the Statement of Faith found in the Policy Handbook?
Yes No
If you answered NO, please explain.

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Appendix A
Please enclose a photo of yourself and of your family.
Photo enclosed?
Yes No
Will send latter? Yes No
Please list five names and addresses of people from whom we might obtain references,
including your pastor and latest employer.
Name of Reference #1 (Pastor): Quirico Díaz
Street: Main street ,
Address State/Province:Puerto Plata
Zip/Postal Code:57000
Country: República Dominicana
Phone:809-453-8755 E-mail:
Name of Reference #2 (Present Employer)
Address State/Province:
Zip/Postal Code:
Phone: E-mail:
Name of Reference #3: Hendy Douglas Rivas
Street: La Unión
Address State/Province: Puerto Plata
Zip/Postal Code:57000
Country: República Dominicana
Name of Reference #4: Rosa Arias
Street: calle 5, Montellano
City: Sosúa
State/Province: Puerto Plata
Zip/Postal Code: 57000
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Appendix A
Country: República Dominicana
Phone:8296299650 E-mail:
Name of Reference #5: Nelson Gonzalez
Street: Main street,Villa Liberación
City: Sosúa
Address State/Province: Puerto Plata
Zip/Postal Code:57000
Country: República Dominicana
Phone:8498690790 E-mail:

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Appendix A
Please add any other information you think would be helpful.

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Please email to:

Or, mail to:

PO Box 470
Tucker, GA 30085

For any inquiries, please phone the International Office +1 (770) 921-4705

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