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Keynote Student’s book



1. Will be

2. will be spending

3. will be using

4. will change

5. will support

6. will be appearing


6) academic – skills

Academic qualifications

Driving licence

Earn a salary

Employment opportunities

High school diploma

Job security

Professional experience

Professional qualifications

Starting position

Workplace experience

7) 1. Earn a salary

2. driving licence

3. starting position

4. workplace experience

5. high school diploma

6. professional experience
7. academic qualifications

8. employment opportunities

Pg. 27


1) Career goals statement is a written description of your long-term professional objectives.

2) I think A, B, D applicants state their career goal clearly and their goals are to improve their
leadership skills.
3) They will reach this goal by growth and development.

7a) 1. Get – obtain

2. good – strong

3. got a job – secured a position

4. had – gained

5. making – achieving

6. want – intend

7b) 1. I intend to become an account executive.

2. I completed a three year course in arts administration

3. I seek a position in Human Resources

4. I am confident I will make a significant contribution to your firm

5. I gained extensive experience during my internship

6. my aim is to effectively use my experience in costumer care

7. I possess skills in mentoring and advising young people

8. I aim to become the leading events manager in the area

Pg. 143

1) A: Is everything ready for tomorrow ?

B: Yes, it is. This time tomorrow we will be opening the doors of our new gallery!
A: Will people be waiting outside when we open? What do you think?
B: I hope so! We’ve done so much publicity! Now remember, you will be standing at the door to
give everyone a gift bag.
A: Yes I know. What about the local press? What time will the be getting here?
B: About half an hour after we open. But I won’t be doing the interview until later on. I need to
spend time with the artists first.
A. And the artists will be talking to people about their work until about nine o’clock, I imagine.
I’m really looking forward to it!

2)1. Will have sold

2. will have heard

3. will the new business have made a profit by the end of its first year ?
4. won’t have done
5. how many people will we have interviewed by the end of the day?
6. won’t have finished.

3)1. Will happen

2. will have invented

3. will the exam have

4. they’ll be discussing

5. will come

6. she’ll be staying long

7. will you be doing

8. I’ll have found

4)1. d

2. f

3. a

4. e

5. g

6. h

7. c

8. b
5)1. are going to change

2. will fall

3. will have replaced

4. will affect

5. will be working

6. will combine

7. won’t think

8. is going to cause

6)1. I don’t think the plan is a good idea I will explain

2. when I finish the course, I’m going to celebrate

3. will they have finished by lunchtime?

4. I expect that tomorrow’s exam will be difficult

5. this time on Monday she’ll start the new job

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