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1. Difficulty in Setting Quantitative Standards

When an organization cannot define its standards in quantitative terms, the controlling system becomes
less effective. For example, it is difficult to measure the human behavior of employees in quantitative
terms, which makes it difficult for the firm to measure their performance from the standards.

2. Little Control on External Factors

The controlling system of an organization can effectively control the internal factors; however, it is not
easy to control the external factors of an organization. For example, a firm can check and control any
change in its production (internal factor), but cannot keep a check on the changing technological
advancement, government policies, etc. (external factors).

3. Resistance from employees

The effectiveness of the controlling system highly depends on whether or not the employees have
accepted the process. It means that if the employees think of the control system as a restriction on their
freedom, they will resist the system. For example, the employees of an organization might object when
they are kept under various restrictions making them feel their freedom is being taken.

4. Costly Affair

Controlling is an expensive process, which means that every employee’s performance has to be
measured and reported to the higher authorities, which requires a lot of costs, time, and effort. Because
of this reason, it becomes difficult for small business firms to afford such an expensive system. Besides,
a controlling system is effective only when the benefits gained from it exceed the expenses made on

▪ Difficulty in setting quantitative standards:

Control system loses some of its effectiveness when standards cannot be defined in quantitative
terms. This makes a measurement of performance and their comparison with standards a difficult
task. It is not a simple mission to set the principles for the tasks of the human and to set a level
for the competence and how to preserve a level of their contentment. In such cases, the decision
depends upon the judgment of the manager. This is particularly so in areas of job satisfaction,
human behavior, and employee confidence.

▪ Little control of external factors:

There are a few things that are not under the control of the manager or the organization.
Generally, an enterprise cannot control external factors such as government policies,
technological changes, competition, etc. All these are not under the control of the company, and
that makes things out of control. The performance should be deliberate quantitatively so that the
managers can monitor it in an enhanced way.

▪ Resistance from employees:

Control is often resisted by employees. They see it as a restriction on their freedom. Employees
feel control reduces or curtails their freedom. The employees that oppose taking the challenges
are not under the control of the organization in some area. For instance, employees might object
when they are kept under a strict watch with the help of Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTVs).
Employees may oppose and go against the use of cameras, to monitor them minutely. The
manager can inspire the employees, but they cannot compel them to work as per the rules and

▪ Costly affair:

Control is a costly affair as it involves a lot of expenditure, time and effort. The control system is
very costly as it involves the exercises that are exceedingly charged. Controlling involves a lot of
expenditure, time and effort, thus it is a costly affair. It also requires hiring many employees
which also adds up to incurring the cost. A small enterprise cannot afford to install an expensive
control system. To determine the activity of every employee or worker in an organization, there
is the requirement of appropriate funds for sending the reports to the high authorities. It cannot
justify the expenses involved. To install an exclusive control system organizations have to spend
a huge amount.

▪ No freedom to the employees

With so much control, the employees believe that their liberty is condensed. They do not
consider working for the organization that does not let them work as per their determination.
Thus, they go away to the companies that do not give them liberty. There is the requirement of
putting a lot of time and effort to the control system.

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