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T16 Compated- 124 S201 G Pac. QP Code : 5061 @ Hours) [ Total Marks : 80 N.B.1. Q.1is Compulsory. 2. Solve any THREE from Q.2 t0Q.6 3, Assume suitable data whenever necessary, with justification. Q.1 A) Differentiate between application program and system program. 5 8) State the reason for assembler to be multipass program. 5 C) Explain Functions of loader. 5 1} What is flow graph? State its significance In code generation. 5 .2 (A) For following code what will be output generated by Pass-l and Passcllfortwo pass 10 assembler. Explain with database. BC Start 0 USING *,15 L LFIVE A LFOUR st TEMP FOUR oc Fw’ FIVE oc FS! TEMP: bso END (8) Explain operator precedence parser along with example. 10 3 (A) Generate three address code for following code 10 While (act) do If (ced) then weve else xey2 (6) Discus with example quadruple, tiple and indirect triple. 10 24 (A) Construct predictive prsing table for following grammar. 10 SoA AD aB| Ad Bo bBC | F Os (8) Explain !oop optimization with example. a) Q.5 (A) Vinat are differentissues in code Generation, expalin in detail 10 {8} caplain run time storage organization in details. 10 GS write short notes 20 (A) Code motion (8) LEX and YACC (C) Software tools (0) Left recursion and left factoring removal technique

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