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Rosa Manzo

Prof. Taylor Munsell


November 12, 2022

Rhetorical Analysis

The text is an excerpt from an article discussing the value of internships for students

studying in a medical laboratory program. The issue the text takes up is the importance of

internships for students in this field. The context is that private institutions now prefer to hire

people who have 2-year Medical Laboratory training over those who have 4-year degrees. The

text’s implied message is that internships are a valuable way for students to gain experience in

the field. The text uses logos by discussing the variety of devices and personnel available at

research hospitals and the wide range of equipment and equipment accessible to students during

internship training. The text also uses pathos by stating that the relevant internship program

officers are responsible for regulating the supervision of the students who will intern in the

medical laboratory program. Finally, the text uses ethos by noting that a large percentage of the

graduates of the Medical Laboratory department find a job in this field, confirming the value of



According to Bayıl & Ozaslan (P67), the students who will do an internship in the

medical laboratory program and all information and coordination regarding which units they will

stay in for how long. Unfortunately, internship opportunities, which differ according to the

infrastructure and equipment in the units of the central laboratories within the medical faculty

hospital, cannot be carried out with the same curriculum and content in Health Services

Vocational Schools throughout Turkey. This study aims to evaluate the internship opportunities

and contents of the Medical Laboratory Technician program in Health Services Vocational

Schools in different regions of Turkey.

The results of the study conducted by Bayıl & Ozaslan (P68) showed that the internship

opportunities and contents of the Medical Laboratory Technician program in Health Services

Vocational Schools located in different regions of Turkey are not uniform. The study also found

that private institutions prefer hiring people with 2-year Medical Laboratory training over those

with 4-year degrees. These findings confirm the value of internships for students in this field.


The text’s appeal to logic and reason is evident in its discussion of the internship

opportunities and contents of the Medical Laboratory Technician program in Health Services

Vocational Schools in different regions of Turkey. Various devices, such as centrifuges, blood

gas machines, and computers, are found in a medical laboratory. Medical Laboratory Technician

students must learn how to use these devices during their internship (Bayıl & Ozaslan, P68). The

text discusses the different opinions of the students about the internship process and content. The

most significant problems encountered during the internship were the inadequacy of the number

of patients, the lack of opportunity to work with different test methods, and the lack of

opportunity to work in different units. The text provides a clear and concise explanation of the

student's internship experiences, making it an appeal to logic and reason.

Personnel working in medical laboratories are essential for making a diagnosis of

patients, and they play a crucial role in treatment processes. Medical laboratory technicians, who

are trained to work in these laboratories, need to know about various diseases and their

laboratory tests. They should also be able to use different devices found in medical laboratories

and be familiar with the working principles of these devices. Bayıl & Ozaslan (P68) articulate

the importance of having a solid foundation in both theoretical knowledge and practical skills for

students who want to work as medical laboratory technicians. This is because medical laboratory

technicians must be capable of understanding the results of specific laboratory tests and using

different devices to perform these tests.


According to Bayıl & Ozaslan (P67), the text’s appeal to emotions is evident in its

discussion of the student's internship experiences. The student's internship experiences ranged

from positive to negative, with some students finding the experience to be beneficial and others

finding it to be not so beneficial. The positive experiences that the students had during their

internships suggest that the program successfully provided them with valuable work experience.

This is likely to appeal to the emotions of readers who are interested in seeing students succeed.

The negative experiences the students had during their internships suggest that the

internship program was not always successful in providing them with valuable work experience.

The reason for this is not always apparent, but it may be because some students were placed in

internships that did not match their skills or interests. This is likely to appeal to the emotions of

readers who are concerned about the welfare of students and want to see them succeed. Another

possibility is that the negative experiences may have been since their mentors did not give some

students enough support during their internships (Bayıl & Ozaslan, P68). The mentors may have

been too busy or not have had the necessary experience to help the students succeed. The

students’ negative experiences are likely to appeal to the emotions of readers who want to see

mentors receive more training or support.


The text’s appeal to credibility is evident in its discussion of the student's internship

experiences. The most compelling evidence of the text’s credibility comes from the actuality that

it is established on the student's authentic incidents. The student's internship experiences are

discussed in depth, providing readers with a clear understanding of the experience (Bayıl &

Ozaslan, P67). Furthermore, the text provides specific examples of how the internship helped the

student grow and develop professionally. For example, the student discusses how the internship

helped them learn about the importance of time management and how to handle difficult

customer service situations. Another example of the text’s credibility comes from discussing the

benefits of internships. The text discusses how internships can help students learn new skills,

gain work experience, and build professional networks. This discussion is based on research and

provides readers with an insight into the value of internships.


The issue at hand is vital for readers because it provides them with an understanding of

the value of internships. Internships are often seen as a way to gain work experience and build

one’s professional network. However, they can also help students learn new skills and develop

professionally. This is evident in the student's internship experiences, which are discussed in

depth in the text. The text provides specific examples of how the internship helped the student

grow and develop professionally. Furthermore, the text discusses how internships can help

students learn new skills, gain work experience, and build their professional networks. This

discussion is based on research and provides readers with an insight into the value of internships.

The text might positively impact the professional community now and in the future. The text

provides readers with an understanding of the value of internships. Internships are often seen as a

way to gain work experience and build one’s professional network. Also, the text discusses how

internships can help students learn new skills, gain work experience, and build their professional

networks. This discussion is based on research and provides readers with an insight into the

value of internships. As a result, the text might encourage more people to pursue internships to

gain the skills and experiences they need to succeed in their careers. However, the text might

also hurt the professional community. The text discusses how the internship helped the student

learn about the importance of time management and how to handle difficult customer service

situations. These are essential skills for any professional, but the text does not discuss how to

acquire these skills without an internship. As a result, some readers might feel that an internship

is the only way to acquire these skills. This could lead to a lack of diversity in the professional

community, as not everyone can participate in an internship.


Works Cited

Bayıl-Oğuzkan, Sibel, and Mehmet Ozaslan. "Internship Training of Medical Laboratory

Technician Students at the Faculty of Medicine." The Eurasia Proceedings of Health,

Environment and Life Sciences 1 (2021): 66-69.

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