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Campus Church provides students with a way to grow their faith

Rikki Alspach

TNE Writer

For many students on the NSU campus, christianity is a big part of their life. Having a place to

go worship, listen to sermons and connect with other students within their same religion is an

important aspect of these students’ lives. Crescent Valley Baptist Church has opened a City

Campus location closer to the NSU campus where they have recently started Campus Church for

students to go to on Wednesday nights to find these connections and grow their relationship with

Christ more.

Crescent Valley started their Campus Church in Aug. of 2020. Crescent Valley pastors and

leaders have always had a heart for college students and want to help them understand the

gospel, grow their faith and meet other students who they can form strong relationships with.

Leaders found a way to connect with students would be to open another location of their church,

closer to the college campus and dedicate it to their student ministry. This location, the City

Campus, opened in 2019 and gave Crescent Valley an opportunity to reach out to college

students and start Campus Church. Along with the Wednesday night services, the City Campus

also has a Sunday afternoon service that students can attend if they are not able to attend the

early morning service.

Brooks Deatherage is the current Student Pastor at Crescent Valley. Deatherage has been

involved in the leadership of Campus Church since it started and is in the process of transiting

into the Campus Pastor.

“We have seen a powerful sense of community develop in the college students and have seen

Campus Church be a refuge from the pressures of college life,” said Deatherage. “We have

seen how Campus Church has become a place where we cry out to God in prayer and see the

answers of prayers that we’ve prayed, and most importantly we’ve seen students’ lives and

eternities forever changed as a result of Campus Church.”

Campus Church is a midweek worship service where college students can come to get a free

dinner served to them before the worship and service begins. Campus Church works hard to

preach the gospel in a clear way that will help students understand what the Bible is saying and

the meaning behind it. Jordan Haberman, Okema sophomore, is one of the many students who

attends both Wednesdays and Sunday services.

“I have been going to Campus Church since I came to NSU,” said Haberman. “I look forward to

going on Wednesday nights because I get to see so many of my friends and also learn more

about the Bible.”

All students are able to attend all Campus Church events and services regardless of their

religion or background. Campus Church leaders are able to answer all questions that students

may have and can help students understand the bible and christianity more. Students are also

able to get involved in Campus Church by serving the church and helping during the service.

Many students help by greeting people when they arrive, taking photos for the Campus Church

social media accounts, run the projectors during the service and sing or play an instrument

during the worship service. Gracie Murrell, Stigler senior, helps to serve the church by singing

during the worship part of the service.

“I have recently begun singing during the service on Wednesdays and I have found it to be so

rewarding,” said Murrell. “I love getting to sing and worship God while also getting to see so

many of my friends and other students from NSU also singing. I am thankful for Campus Church
because it has really given us all a place to grow closer together and has helped me learn so

much more about the Bible.”

Campus Church is every Wednesday night and there is a free meal offered to all students

before the service starts. Students can come eat at 7 p.m. before the worship and service starts

at 8 p.m. If students have any questions or want to get involved, email Brooks Deatherage at


Gracie Murrell, Stigler senior, and Jordan Haberman, Okemah sophomore, take a picture before

walking to the Campus Church Wednesday night service. This weekly service gives students an

opportunity to learn more about the Bible and meet other NSU students.

Photo by: Piper Smith

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