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Gonzalez 1

Kevin Gonzalez

Mrs. Monica Rodriguez

ENGL 1301-171

11 September 2022

Facebook: Movie Talk is a group with great taste in movies

Because of Facebook being a popular website to communicate with and staying

connected to the real world. At Movie Talk, people have given a chance in making a community

that loves talking about movies, “Movie Talk”, to give members that are joining an awakening

call through the group. People that are members of this group never have to feel alone in their

opinions, because many people in this group could all find the same liking in movies and can

become great friends. Through Movie Talk, people around the world use posts to talk about the

next roles of upcoming movies during the next few years, to find spoiler-free reviews about

movies that you want to watch, as well as to see other opinions on their top 10 movies of all


The Movie Talks group on Facebook is often talking about the next roles in the new

upcoming movies. One of the trending talks is the casting of Little Mermaid. People are getting

mad at the producers because the new little mermaid actress is not “white”. Everyone in the

comments was getting mad at eachother but there was one comment that talked over everyone. It

states “Man, this chat is way too focused on race over a story that was made up it’s not like they

took a historical figure like George Washington and decided to cast someone of color to play the

real-life person….they took a fictional story character and decided to cast someone of color

because S**T CAN BE CHANGED for a fictional story…”. What this means is that the
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comments wanted to cancel Disney because they cast a colored person to star as a white fictional

character. Furthermore, the Movie Talks members also talk about the new She-Hulk show not

having Latin American characters. People just want to cancel anything they see. The show hasn’t

even shown half of its episodes yet. One comment summarized the controversy perfectly. “My

goodness, it must be so difficult making a show or movie these days. They must have to go down

a checklist to make sure they are 'representing' every conceivable group. I wish they were free to

focus their energies on little things like story and character development…”. Knowing what is

happening in the movie industry with all the people getting mad at upcoming roles for movies,

Movie Talks can get those people and put them in their place for not showing compassion for the

new movies and not getting hatred on the smallest details.

Second example, Movie Talk is recognized for its spoiler-free reviews. Many people

don't want to get spoiled for movies they want to watch next. One example is Thor Love &

Thunder, the Movie Talks make it easy to summarize a review with zero spoilers review states

“The mighty return of Thor is a worthy sight! I wouldn’t say the story is impactful and the first

act seemed a bit rushed, definitely a very fun, funny, and heartfelt addition to the MCU. The

chemistry between Hemsworth and Portman was great! Along with Christian Bale’s dark

presence, I wouldn’t praise him for being the best MCU villain, he’s an awesome one that’ll be

remembered. Overall, don't expect anything massive in terms of the MCU's future, but expect an

action-packed Thor adventure full of laughs and a heap of fun.” This review has helped many

members in the group to watch the movie the next time they want with a summary of what the

plot of the movie is about. Moreover, “Movie talk” also has spoiler-free reviews that hated the

movie. “Terrible cast. And Daniel Kaluuya's worst movie by far - Whom I also love, by the way.

So much unnecessary setup and random BS that had NOTHING to do with the movie. The script
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was not good. Filled with terrible jokes and so much nonsensical garbage. I kept thinking, is this

it..? I respect Peel’s ability to be original. I love it! He’s a damn good director for horror. This is

why I’ll say: the mystery of this film was the only thing that kept me from walking out. 3/10.”

The reviewer states that the movie was supposed to be scary, but was instead a gag that only had

the mystery part of the movie made it a horror movie, not a comedy movie. Movie Talks has a

good fan base that can be trusted with spoiler-free reviews for upcoming movies.

Finally, many members love to post about their Top 10 Movies of all time. There are over

100 comments that bring the members together and express themselves to movies they find

amazing. For example,one of the members has many old generation movies like, Rear

Window(1954), Citizen Kane(1941), 12 Angry Men(1957), etc. The person I presume is of

old-age and has seen these movies when they were young and loved them ever since. Second

example is a new generation of movies that came out in the 20th century. Lord of the

Rings(2001), Man of Steel(2013), Interstellar(2014), etc. What I see in common is that they all

have the same passion of loving the movies they choose because the movie can impact them in

an emotionally or compassionately way. In the Movie Talk group I see people giving their

opinions on other Top 10 movies and all of them give a great response for their great taste in


Movie Talk is a Facebook group that has members talking about new and upcoming

roles, spoiler-free reviews, and members' Top 10 Movies of all time. All these members have had

amazing responses talking about their favorite movies and opinions of movies that came out.

Others have had hatred towards movies that seem bad and only make fun of the smallest of

details and do not see the plot of the movie at first glance. So when you want to talk about

movies and have your opinion stated, Movie Talk is the group to go for.
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