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**1/tract ‫مجموعه فايبر ليهم نفس كل حاجه‬

‫ بتتشابه بس ف الموقع وتختلف ف كله‬Bundle ‫بس ال‬

‫ بتوصلي جزءين شبه بعض‬commisure‫ال‬

2/spinal cord ‫ الجزء الرمادي بره وقلبه ابيض عكسهم ال‬brain &cerebellum‫ال‬

3/ ‫ الن دول بيغزو االبر واللور‬cervical&lumbar ‫الحبل الشوكي بيبقا منتفخ من جزءين‬

4/ conus medullaris ‫بحته مخروطيه اسمها‬L1 ‫الحبل الشوكي بيكبر اسرع من العمود الفقري فبيبقا موجود فاول تلتين وبينتهي عند‬

5/ dural sac ‫ويعملي‬dura ‫ بيطلع من الحته المخروطيه ويروح يمسك ف ال‬fillum terminal ‫ال‬

6/ ‫ ومعرفش افرق ما بينهم لو موجودين لوحدهم‬30 segment ‫بس عدد ال‬31 ‫ عددها‬spinal ‫عدد النيرفات اللي بتطلع من‬
31 pairs cervical segment =N
**7/ ‫من رقم الفقره اللي هيدهولك‬segment ‫مهمممممممم ازاي تجيب رقم ال‬ vertibrae +1
upper 6thoracic
8/arachnoid &dura‫النيرفات اللي بتطلع من الحبل الشوكي بتتغلف ب‬ segment =N+2
thoracic 7,8,9 s=N +3
1,2 L segment = 10th V
**9/blood supply of spinal (ant.spinal art/pos.spinal art/redicular) 3,4 L segment =11th V
5 L segment =12th V
10/ ‫ وفيه واحده كمان‬subarachnoid ‫ ودي موجوه في‬int.vertebral plexus ‫ قنوات ملولوه بتصبلي في‬6 ‫فيه‬ lumber and coccygeal
SEGMENT=1th lumber
11/ median fissure->pyramid(corticospinal fiber) //lat. to pyramid->olive(inf. olivary V
nuclei)//posterior and lateral to olive ->inf. peduncle

***12/inf. peduncle connect medulla to cerebellum

***13/groove()pyramid &olive ->emerge hypoglossal nerve

***14/groove()olive &inf. peduncle ->emerge of glossopharangeal&vagus& cranial root of accessory


15/sup ½ of medulla(open) contain (inf . fovea /vagal&hypoglossal trigon)

16/each side of post. median salcus ->gracile tubercle &lat to it ->cuneate tubercle

17/stria medullaris boundries ()pons &open medulla

***18/internal structure of medulla 4 level (decussation of pyramid/sensory decussation/olive/inf. of


***19/blood supply of medulla (PICA/ant.spinal art )->main ////&vertebral art

***20/injury of PICA(damage of vagus &glossophrangeal nucleus)lat. Medullary syndrome(wallenberg

syndrome )

Injury of ant.spinal art.(damage of hypoglossal nucleus)med.medullary syndrome

21/pons is bridge connect 2 hemisphere of cerebellum

***22/trigeminal nerve emerge from each side of basilar groove&consist of ( small med. Motor root&

Larg lat. sensory root)

***23/(abducent&facial&vestibulocochlear) emerge from junction ()pons &medulla

24/below of medial emenince facial colliculus /lat. of medial emenince sulcus limitans

Sup. of sulcus limitans substania fergenia(locus coeruleus)/lat. of sulcus limitans vestibular area

***25/facial colliculus made by abducent nuclei & facial fiber ‫بتلف حواليها فاتسمت باسمها‬

***26/ant. Basilar part &post tegmentum part separated by trapezoid body

27/tegmentum contain (trigeminal/abducent/facial/vestibulocochlear) nuclei

***28/ blood supply of pons (ACIA/SCA/ pontine brs. of basilar art) ‫كلهم برنشات من البازيالر‬

29/ant. of midbrain(interpeduncular fossa& crus cerebri)

***30/occulomotor nerve emerge from crus cerebri

31/sup. Colliculi(vision) +sup. Brachium to lat. Geniculate body

Inf. colliculi (audiotory)+inf. brachium to med. Geniculate body

32/crus cerebri separated from tegmentum by substania nigra &tegmentum separated from tectum by
cerebral aqueduct

*****33/trochlear nerve emerge below inf. colliculi at post. surface of mid brain(‫(الوحيد اللي بيطلع من ورا‬

34/lower of midbrain(inf.colliculs /trochlear nerve & nucleus)

Upper of midbrain(sup.colliculs/occulomotor nerve & nucleus/red nucleus/substania nigra)

***35/blood supply of midbrain (brs. Of post. cerebral art)main//&sup. Cerebellar art.

36/cerebellum connected with brain stem by 3 peduncles at ant. Cerebellar notch

37/vermis&hemisphere divided by cronal fissure(foli)& nomated by sagittal axis

38/vallecula cerebellei floored by inf. vermis (6-7-8-9)

***39/Archicerebellum (vesitibualr) (1&9V/8H) (floculonodular lope) (maintain balance)

Paleocerebellum(spinal) (2&3&7&8V/1&2H) (ant. Lope)(muscle tone)

Neocerebellum(cerebral) (4&5&6V/3&4&5&6&7H) (post.lope) (voluntary motor activity)

40/nuclei of cerebellum (fastigial/globose/emblioform/dendate)

***41/blood supply of cerebellum (PICA/ACIA/SCA)

42/middle peduncle largest &most superfacial >inf. peduncle> sup. peduncle

43/at cranial part of 4th ventricle . trochlear nerve emrge on side of frenulum veli

***44/shape of choroid plexus of 4th ventricle inverted L but whole plexus π shape
***45/the plexus of 4th ventricle formed by PICA &drain into occipital sinus

46/sup. surface of thalamus 2 part(med. & lat. ) lateral part (part of lat. ventricle)

47/med. Surfaces of thalamus connected with each other by thalamic adhesion

48/pulvinar (post. part ) of thalamus connected with each other by post. commissure

49/tela of 3rd ventricle extend from transverse fissure &the apex of it at I.V.F

50/choroid plexus of 3rd ventricle formed by 2 post. choroidal art.

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