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There are 3 areas reported speech:

1. reported statements
2. reported commands
3. reported questions

Form: reporting verb----reporting clauses

Eg. He said---------- he wanted to see you

Verbs to describe: told, exoplain, comlplain, admit, advice, urge, remind, interrupt, warn,
invite, offer, refuse, persuade. Many verbs are more descriptive than “say” or “tell”
Is usual for the verb in the reported clauses to move one tense back.

Presente perfecto → pasado perfecto

Pasado → pasado perfecto
future → futuro (will, going to )
can → could
wil` → would
should → should
might → might
could → could
mus → must/had to

There are two forms to report a speech: direct or indirect speech.

Direct speech we give the words of the speaker exactly as he ha spoken them.

Indirected speech we report what someone said.

Exeptions: if the reporting verb is in present tense there is not changed in some cases.

Eg. –“My ohne number is 555-4326” - She said her phone number is 555-4326.

Reported commands

Reported commands:

Formula: subject + reporting verb +indirected object + infinitive

Eg. He told them to go away

Negative cmmands:

Eg.- He told me not to tell anybody.

Reported questions

The one tense back rule is the same with reported questions as with reported statements and

Note: as it not longer a direct question, the word order of a question and the auxiliary “do”
and “did”, is not necessary.
In the direct question is inverted “If or Wheter” is used (vamos a reportar preguntas, no
vamos a preguntar)
Eg. What are you doing?-------- She asked me what I was doing
She wanted to know what I was doing


There are three areas of reported speeches:

1.- Reported statements
2.- Reported commands
3.- Reported questions


Form Reporting verb Reported clause

He said He wanted to see you

Told me

Many verbs are more descriptives than “say or tell”

Explain complain advice urge remind
Warn invite offer refuse persuade

It is usual for the verb in the reported clause to more one tense back.

Presente Past
Presente Past perfect
Past (simple Past perfect
or continuos)
Future Future (will or
Can Could
Will Would
Would Would
Should Should
Might Might
Could Could
Must Must / had to

There are three forms to report a speech, direct and indirect speech.
In direct speech we give the words of the speaker exactly as he has spoken them.
In indirect speech follow the one back tense rule.

Exceptions: if the reporting verb is in present tense there is not change in some
cases. Example: I come from Spain. She said she comes from Spain.
Example: I hate baseball, she said she hates baseball.
Examples of Statements ------- indirect form

1. - “I don’t feel well”

She told me, she didn’t feel well –or-- She told me that she didn’t feel well
2. - “I had a toothache last night”
She said that she had had a toothache last night


Reported commands follow the same pattern one tense back rule.

Subject+ reporting verbs + indirect object + infinitive

He told them to go away

They urged the workers to go back to
I wanted you to stop doing that

*Negative commands
He told me not to tell anybody
The police warned people not to go out.


The one tense back rule is the same with reported questions as with reported
statements and commands

Notes: as it no longer a direct question the word order is not the word order of a
question, and the auxiliary “do and Did” is not necessary.

If the direct question is inverted, “if or whether” is used.

Examples of reported questions:

1. – “what are you doing?”

She asked me what I was doing.
She wanted to know what I was doing.

2. - “How long have you been here?”

She asked me how long I had been here.
ZERO CONDITIONAL: The zero conditional expresses condition that are
true. This conditional is also cold realia condition.
FoRMULA: if+subject+simple present+simple present
Ex: If you heat ice, it malts
ALTERNATIVE FORMS: If can be replast by "when" and by Whenever.
Ex: When there isn't rain, the grass doesn't grow.

FIRTS CONDITIONAL: it's use to express a posible condition and a

result. It is also cold the future posible.
FORMULA: If+present simple+will+base form of verbs.
Ex: If you do that again, I'll kill you.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS: If can be repleaste by unless or in case, when.
will can be repleas by another future or modal verb.

SECON CONDITIONAL: Express a hypothethical condition and it's probable

FORMULA: If+verb in past tense+would+base form of verbs
Ex: if I won some money, I'd travel aroun the world.
NOTE: after If and third person pronoun was sometimes change to were.

THIR CONDITIONAL:Express imaginary situation about the past. Regret

things that can never happen.
FORMULA: If+past perfect+would+present perfect
Ex: if you had studied, you would have passed this exam



REPORTED SPEECH: THERE are tree areas:

-reported statements
reported commands
reported questions

many verbs are more descriptive than "say or tell", explain, complain,
admite, advice, urge, remind, interrupt, warn, invite, offer, refuse,
it's past tense is usually form the verb in the reportes close to move
tense back.

past-past perfect
present perfect-past perfect

in direct speech with give the words of the speaker exactly as he has
in indirect speech follow the one back tense rule.

Exceptions: if the reporting verb is in present tense there is no

change in
some cases. EX: "I come from Spain". she said, she comes from Spain.

FORM: Subject+reporting verbs+indirect object+infinitive
Ex: They urged the workers to go back to work.
The police warned people not go out

As it no longer a direct question, the word order is not the word order
of a question, and the auxiliary do and did is not necesary.
Ex: "What are you doing?". she asked me what I was doing

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