Hermalyne B Jo-WPS Office

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Hermalyne B.


Grade 8-Bose

Social Issues in Climate Change

As the climate continues to change, millions of poor people face

increasing challenges in terms of extreme events, health effects, food, water,
and livelihood security, migration and forced displacement, loss of cultural
identity, and other related risks.

Climate change affects us all, but we still are not acting as quickly as we
should to address its causes, mitigate the damage and adapt to its effects.
Many people don’t understand the risks climate change poses to global
economic and social structures. And, sadly, many who do understand are
dismissive of the far-reaching benefits a global shift to sustainability and clean
energy would bring about.

Moreover, communities bring unique perspectives, skills, and a wealth

of knowledge to the challenge of strengthening resilience and addressing
climate change. They should be engaged as partners in resilience-building
rather than being regarded merely as beneficiaries.

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