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28th November 2022

Letter of Recommendation/Testimonial letter

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is intended to serve as a recommendation or testimonial letter.

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Amna Aljawder to you.

I have been acquainted with her and came to know her well while teaching her, namely Human Resource
Management during her study at Bahrain Polytechnic.

During her studies her work was of a professional standard and she was successful in applying theories and
models to practical assessments to complete her courses. She was a very committed and disciplined student.
She was punctual in her attendance as well as her submission of assignments. She was hard working and did
her best to gain the most out of her studies. She was always a driving force in class, usually taking initiatives
and, in many situations, leading her colleagues, motivating them and pushing them to achieve the best
outcomes. She had huge potential and went the extra mile to know more and be better. In her role as an
undergraduate student, she took on a broad spectrum of studies and employability as well as academic skills.
She is a hard-working and diligent student, a quick respondent to advice and had strong commitment to
achieving outstanding results.

I consider her to have considerable talent. What I personally believe is that she worked to develop her talent,
whether it was the development of her academic knowledge or her practical application of that knowledge in
her everyday life. She is a motivated young person of many skills. She is likable, enthusiastic, trusting and

I am sure that joining your organisation is the right way for her to hone her educational qualities. I recommend
her without reservation, and I am most certain she will be a great addition to your program.

Kind regards

Christopher Bridgett HRM and Management

BA (Hons) MA HRM Chartered MCIPD FHEA
Lecturer HRM & Management

PO Box 33349, Isa Town, Kingdom of Bahrain

Phone +973 1789 7000
Fax +973 1789 7009

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