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School : Senior High School

Class : 10 (tenth grade)
Subject : English
Method : Communicative Language Teaching
Topic : Compliments


Warming : Playing a game Yes, No, Stand up.

Activity 1 : The teacher ask students what they know about compliments, then the
teacher explain what compliments are and when to use it.
Activity 2 : Show some expressions used when giving compliments and how to respond
it, then the students follow what is conveyed.
Activity 3 : Give an example with dialogue, the teacher reads it first, and then students
follow or repeat.
Activity 4 : The teacher divides the students into several groups, gives them a different
role play topic to discuss then ask the representatives to play it out in front the
Closing : Asks students to write down some compliments or the respond they use or
hear in daily life.

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