Ahmed Amr P2

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Ahmed Amr P2

Ahmed Amr P2
by amani zaher

General metrics
1,665 297 24 1 min 11 sec 2 min 17 sec
characters words sentences reading

time time

Score Writing Issues

47 45 11 34
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 47%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

This text hasn’t been checked for plagiarism

Report was generated on Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022, 03:44 AM Page 1 of 8

Report: Ahmed Amr P2

Writing Issues
43 Correctness
22 Punctuation in compound/complex
4 Confused words
1 Conjunction use
1 Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.)
4 Faulty tense sequence
2 Misuse of semicolons, quotation marks, etc.
2 Misplaced words or phrases
2 Mixed dialects of english
1 Incorrect verb forms
1 Commonly confused words
1 Closing punctuation
1 Wrong or missing prepositions
1 Improper formatting

2 Clarity
1 Word choice
1 Passive voice misuse

Unique Words 48%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating
the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Report was generated on Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022, 03:44 AM Page 2 of 8

Report: Ahmed Amr P2

Rare Words 27%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are
not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.2

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 12.4

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

Report was generated on Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022, 03:44 AM Page 3 of 8

Report: Ahmed Amr P2

Ahmed Amr P2
Ahmed Amr

The Forest

1 2
"Are you sure this is the right spot?", said the woman "I don't think we should
3 4
be here." She reluctantly walked down the path, "Its fine mom", said the boy,
soothingly. They both stroll down the forest. The mom is terrified while the boy
6 7
is calm. They encounter a fiendish creature, "What the hell is that??", screams
the mom, the son stares in shock.
"I… don't… know…, maybe it's an animal...?" sarcastically said the son. The
9 10
mom, traumatized "How could you joke in a time like this Mathew?", "It is not
11 12 13 14 15 16
that bad mom , its just a- wait what IS that?" The creature quickly disappears
17 18
before the mom and son could notice what it was.
As they walk down the path, the mom keeps hearing unsettling whispers…
She shrugs them off as her son told her to ignore them but still can't get them
22 23
out of her mind, "Mat, why do I keep hearing something disturbingly signaling
24 25 26 27
us to leave…?" "I told you ignore the voices mom , its part of the forest's
28 29 30
defense" "What about that creature Mathew, where did it go?" He doesn't
31 32
"Someone is watching us.", she says. "That's just your gut speaking, ignore it"

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Report: Ahmed Amr P2


33 34
The whispers quickly turn into loud shrieks, the forest wasn't asking them to
35 36
leave anymore, it was ordering them to. The mom was forced to ignore it
37 38
nevertheless, as Mathew told her to not give in to the voices.
39 40
Suddenly a bright, radiant, blue light dashed in-front of them. "STOP!", yelled
41 42
Mathew, he knew this was a sign for something as he immediately turned
around 3 times.
"The creature Mathew, it's back, what the hell are you doing-" Mathew
suddenly disappears and so do the mom and the creature.

Report was generated on Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022, 03:44 AM Page 5 of 8

Report: Ahmed Amr P2

1. ", Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


2. . "I Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


3. Its → It's Confused words Correctness

4. boy, Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


5. , while Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


6. a fiendish → Word choice Clarity

a demonic, a sinister, an inhuman

7. ", Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


8. and the Conjunction use Correctness

9. traumatized, Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


10. , Mathew Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


11. a that Determiner use (a/an/the/this, etc.) Correctness

12. , mom Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


13. mom, Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


14. its → it's Confused words Correctness

15. a- wait → a wait Confused words Correctness

16. , what Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


Report was generated on Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022, 03:44 AM Page 6 of 8

Report: Ahmed Amr P2

17. could → can Faulty tense sequence Correctness

18. was → is Faulty tense sequence Correctness

19. … Misuse of semicolons, quotation Correctness

marks, etc.

20. … Misuse of semicolons, quotation Correctness

marks, etc.

21. told → tells Faulty tense sequence Correctness

22. disturbingly Misplaced words or phrases Correctness

23. signaling → signalling Mixed dialects of English Correctness

24. to ignore Incorrect verb forms Correctness

25. , mom Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


26. mom, Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


27. its → it's, it is Commonly confused words Correctness

28. defense → defence Mixed dialects of English Correctness

29. , Mathew Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


30. , where → ? Where Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


31. , ignore → ; ignore, . Ignore Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


32. it. Closing punctuation Correctness

33. turn → turned Faulty tense sequence Correctness

34. , the → ; the, . The Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


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Report: Ahmed Amr P2

35. , it → ; it, . It Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


36. was forced Passive voice misuse Clarity

37. , nevertheless Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


38. to not → not to Misplaced words or phrases Correctness

39. in-front → in front Confused words Correctness

40. ", Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


41. , he → ; he, . He Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


42. for → of Wrong or missing prepositions Correctness

43. 3 → three Improper formatting Correctness

44. , what → ; what, . What Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


45. , and Punctuation in compound/complex Correctness


Report was generated on Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022, 03:44 AM Page 8 of 8

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