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Capstone Update, 2022-12-02, Oscar Shen

I am currently going to change my Capstone Project for a research strand. The reason being is
that my former Capstone Project focusing on Voice-acting careers was not a well thought out decision in
my head. While I did feel at the time that it was a good idea, this later turned out to be a mistake and I
needed to backtrack to start a new Capstone Project. My new project will focus on Chinese History,
starting from the Qing Dynasty, the Unequal Treaties, and the Xinhai Revolution. The point of the
research will be to make the argument that political authoritarianism in China was inevitable following
the end of the revolution.

To start my research, I will be utilizing JSTOR for gathering many of my primary sources, and for
any secondary sources I find, I will be using EBSCO and JSTOR as well to garner additional insights for my

I plan on making this a PowerPoint or slideshow, which will cover the revolution and its
catalysts, the definition of political authoritarianism, the War of National Protection, all the way up to
either the Second Sino-Japanese War or how it’s sometimes called, the War of Resistance. Inside it, I will
also explore authoritarianism within China as a whole, and how it has affected the country. I will also
explain all my reasoning for my beliefs.

For my reasoning behind on why I wanted to switch projects, adding onto the reasoning I have
stated before, I also have an interest in history. My favorite subjects have always been the study of
history and social studies. I am also Chinese myself, so researching into the politics of China would be a
good entry into serious research. This also ties into how I eventually want to try teaching people, either
in classrooms or through other media such as YouTube on China as a whole, and give my own
independent analysis and research into Chinese history, culture, and its politics.

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