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S.L. Ezeohaa , B.O. Ugwuishiwu
Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka,

Literature review was done to investigate the potential of abattoir wastes to befoul
the environment, or cause hazards to human health, and harm to living resources
and ecological systems. Abattoir wastes include animal blood, horns, bones, animal
feaces, paunch manure, and abattoir effluent. The review result shows that abat-
toir wastes have the potential to pollute surface waters, underground waters, abat-
toir/market environment, and consumables around the abattoir, especially when
abattoir wastes are not properly treated and disposed off. Abattoir wastes should
be managed to achieve allowable effluent standards, odour control, or to exploit
the benefits locking in the wastes before safely and economically disposing the ulti-
mate wastes. In order to develop optimized abattoir wastes management strategies
that would ensure reduction in environmental pollution in Nigeria, this paper pro-
poses some research considerations on the pollution potential of abattoir wastes in
Nigeria. The paper aims at stimulating increased research in the area of abattoir
wastes management in Nigeria in order to avoid the dangerous consequences of
poorly managed abattoir wastes.
Keywords: pollution, abattoir, abattoir wastes, paunch manure, animal manure

1. Introduction contains undigested materials called paunch

manure, which can contain long hairs, whole
One type of wastes that is of great con-
grains and large plant fragments. The faeces
cern in both urban and rural areas in Nige-
of livestock (animal manure) consist of undi-
ria is abattoir or slaughter-house wastes. Al-
gested food, mostly cellulose-fibre, undigested
most everyday in all the urban and rural mar-
protein, excess Nitrogen from digested pro-
kets in Nigeria, animals are slaughtered and
tein, residue from digested fluids, waste min-
the meat sold to the public for consumption.
eral matter, worn-out cells from intestinal lin-
Meat wastes originate from killing; hide re-
ings, mucus, bacteria, and foreign matter such
moval or dehairing, paunch handling, render-
as dirt consumed, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron,
ing, trimming, processing and clean-up oper-
Phosphorous, Sodium, etc. [3, 4]. Abattoir
ations. Therefore, abattoir wastes often con-
effluent (waste water) has a complex compo-
tain blood, fat, organic and inorganic solids,
sition and can be very harmful to the environ-
and salts and chemicals added during process-
ment [5]. Therefore the importance of know-
ing operations [1, 2].
ing the pollution potentials of abattoir wastes
In ruminants, the first stomach or paunch

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 2, June 2011.

cannot be over-emphasized. substances [12]. Comprehensively, air pollu-
tion means the presence in the outdoor atmo-
1.1. Pollution sphere of one or more air contaminants (pol-
Pollution is a general term and is defined lutants) in quantities, of characteristics and of
in many ways. In the broadest sense as con- duration which are injurious to human, plant,
ceived by the layman, it is the befouling of or animal life or to property, or which unrea-
the environment by man’s activities, partic- sonably interfere with the comfortable enjoy-
ularly by the disposal of solid, gaseous, and ment of life and property [1]. Air pollutants
liquid waste products [6, 7]. Pollution may be include: carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides
defined as the introduction by man into the (SOx ), nitrogen oxides (NOx ), ozone (O3 ),
environment of substances or energy liable to carbon dioxide (CO2 ), ammonia and ammo-
cause hazards to human health, harm to liv- nium compounds (NH3 and NH4x ), cyanides
ing resources and ecological systems, damage (HCN), fluorides (F), chlorine and hydrogen
to structure or amenity, or interference with chloride (Cl and HCL), suspended particulate
legitimate uses of the environment [8]. The matter (SPM), hydro carbons (HC), asbestos
Hawley’s condensed chemical dictionary de- fibre emissions, heavy metal particles and ra-
fines pollution as the introduction into any dioactive substances, etc. [12, 13].
environment of substances that are not nor- 1.4. Food pollution
mally present therein and that are potentially Food pollution may be defined as the foul-
toxic or otherwise objectionable [9]. ing, soiling or contamination of food by bac-
terial pathogens, harmful biological organisms
1.2. Water pollution and deleterious inorganic and organic chemi-
Water pollution is the contamination of cals [14]. Fungi and bacteria often colonize
fresh or salt water with materials that are crops stored as food. Other substances like
toxic, noxious, or otherwise harmful to fish metals, nitrates, oxalates, nitrosamines, var-
and other animals and to man, including ther- ious organic acids, sorbic acids, and sulfur
mal pollution [9]. Water pollution is produced dioxide can also contaminate food acciden-
primarily by the activities of man, specifically tally, or as a result of deliberate human action
his mismanagement of water resources [10]. [8].
A satisfactory operational definition might be
that water pollution is any thing whether 2. Abattoir Based Pollutants
physical or chemical that affects the natural
2.1. Animal blood
condition or the intended use of water [11].
Water pollutants include organic wastes e.g. Animal blood is known to possess high oxy-
volatile suspended solids (VSS), living agents gen demand. Blood from beef cattle has
(e.g. bacteria, viruses), plant nutrients (espe- a biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of
cially Nitrogen and Phosphorous), synthetic 156,500mg/l and a chemical oxygen demand
organic chemicals (e.g. DDT, dieldrin, etc.), (COD) of 218,300mg/l [15]. The implication
inorganic chemicals and mineral matter (e.g. of this fact is that discharge of animal blood
metals, metal salts, acids, particulate mat- into streams would deplete the dissolved oxy-
ter, etc.), sediments, radioactive materials, gen (DO) of the aquatic environment.
hot water, cold water, oil [10, 11]. 2.2. Paunch manure
In ruminants, the first stomach or paunch
1.3. Air pollution contains undigested materials or paunch ma-
Air pollution is the contamination of air by nure. The paunch manure could have a mois-
unwanted gases, smoke particles, and other ture content of about 88% with an average

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 2. June 2011.

Status of Abattoir Wastes Research in Nigeria 145
COD of 177,300mg/l, and average BOD5 of environment, as they are often foul-smelling,
50,200mg/l. The solid portion of the paunch attract both flies and scavengers, and breed
manure contains the greatest pollution load, mosquitoes.
about 73% of the COD and 40% of the BOD
[15]. Improper disposal of paunch manure can 3. Pollution Potential of Abattoir
therefore exert oxygen demand on the receiv- Wastes
ing environment or breed large population of
decomposers (micro-organism) some of which 3.1. Pollution of surface waters
may be pathogenic. Abattoir wastes contain materials that have
oxygen demand (BOD or COD). Therefore,
2.3. Animal faeces or manure runoff from abattoir wastes piles can affect
The faeces of livestock has been observed the quality of nearby streams. Low level of
to consist of undigested food, mostly cellulose- dissolved oxygen (DO) and ammonia toxic-
fibre, undigested protein, excess nitrogen from ity in such streams could result in death of
digested protein, residue from digested fluids, fish. Also, eutrophication (excessive vegeta-
waste mineral matter, worn-out cells from in- tive growth) in stream channels, which occurs
testinal linings, mucus, bacteria, and foreign because of the nutrients (nitrogen and phos-
matter such as dirt consumed , calcium, mag- phorus) in abattoir effluent, could reduce the
nesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, etc. Im- size of receiving stream channels, which could
proper disposal of animal faeces can therefore cause over-flooding and its consequent dam-
cause oxygen-depletion in the receiving envi- ages. In addition to reducing streams physical
ronment. It can also cause nutrient-over en- and chemical quality, pathogens from abattoir
richment of the receiving system. And the effluent could be transmitted to humans via
possibility of disease causation is also present. water based recreations.

2.4. Abattoir effluent 3.2. Pollution of underground water

Fresh Abattoir effluent is mainly composed Abattoir wastes often contain pollutants
of diluted blood, fat and suspended solids. that can enter the ground water and alter its
It may also contain some coarse solids e.g. quality [18]. The presence of ground water
manure, pieces of meat etc. Generally, fresh pollutants of organic nature is made known
abattoir effluent has been shown to contain through taste, odour, foaming or damage to
solids, minerals, metals, and micro-organisms; crops which have been irrigated with this wa-
and to exert oxygen demand. On the other ter. A study of nitrate nitrogen in soils un-
hand, aged and decomposing abattoir effluent der feed-lots noted accumulations from almost
is often malodorous [16, 17]. zero to 3783kg per acre in a 4m soil profile [19].
Samples of ground water under feed-lots in
2.5. Animal horns and bones the south Platte River Valley, an area contain-
Animal horns and bones when not disposed ing most of the cattle in Colorado, U.S.A, has
off properly are unsightly; they occupy useful been observed to contain ammonium nitrogen
space; are odorous and attract flies, and can up to 38mg/L, organic carbon up to 300mg/L,
cause nuisance. and to have had an offensive odour. Also vi-
ral diseases have been caused by ground water
2.6. Decomposing manure pile pollution [11].
In most abattoirs in Nigeria, both the
paunch manure and the animal faeces are al- 3.3. Pollution of the abattoir environ-
lowed to pile up and decompose without nec- ment
essary attention. Such manure piles are per- Abattoir wastes can produce odours which
manent sources of pollution within the market interfere with the enjoyment of life and prop-

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 2. June 2011.

erty and thus can be a source of localized air 2. Environmental impact assessment of
pollution. Some of the odorous compounds abattoir wastes on surrounding surface wa-
like Sulphides, Mercaptans, Amines, Organic ters, surrounding wells and boreholes, the
acids, etc. are tenacious, clinging to cloth- butchers health, and on crops grown with ef-
ing and other articles, persist for long periods, fluent contaminated pond waters, rivulets
and carry great distances [1, 20]. and streams.
3. The effects of abattoir size, abattoir fa-
3.4. Pollution or contamination of cilities, types of livestock processed, overall
consumables market size, etc. on the pollution potential
The surroundings of most abattoirs in Nige- of abattoir wastes.
ria give offensive odours and breed mosquitoes 4. Appraisal of existing abattoir waste
due to the pile-up of solid wastes, faeces, car- treatment and disposal practices in Nigeria
cass, horns, scraps of tissue, etc. After rain- and the recommendation of remedial mea-
storm, the pile effluent flows and spreads to sures.
some other parts of the market. It is com- 5. The impact of the knowledge of the pol-
mon to see pigs swim in the effluent and lution potential of abattoir wastes on envi-
roam the market with their bodies covered ronmental legislations, abattoir designs, and
with the putrefying wastes materials. In abattoir waste management strategy.
this process, consumables in the market could 6. The development of the utilization po-
be polluted or contaminated. Also, where tential of abattoir wastes and the consequent
abattoir effluent-polluted waters are used to effects on the marketability of the wastes.
grow salad crops and vegetables, transmission 7. The economic analysis of abattoir wastes
of infections is bound to occur because ani- disposal practices vis--vis the environmental
mal wastes are known to contain pathogenic quality levels that the public is willing to pay
organisms, causing salmonellosis, leptospiro- for.
sis, tularemia, foot and mouth disease, hog
cholera, etc. [16, 21, 22]. 5. Summary and Recommendations

4. Proposed Research Considerations The meat processing industry is considered

to be an ever-growing industry in Nigeria; and
It is incontrovertible that abattoir wastes more and bigger abattoirs will yet be con-
possess pollution potential. They are capa- structed. Abattoir waste management issues
ble of polluting surface waters, underground will therefore be raised from time to time. We
waters, abattoirs and the general market en- do know that abattoir wastes have pollution
vironments, and consumables. The character- potential. We also know that abattoir-based
istics of abattoir wastes and effluent vary from pollutants include animal blood, paunch ma-
day do day, and season to season, depending nure, animal faeces, the wastewater, and the
on the number and types of livestock being horns and bones.
processed, the manner in which the yards are The implication of this knowledge is that
cleaned, and on the available seasonal feeds of abattoir wastes should be managed to achieve
the animals etc. stipulated effluent standards, odour control,
Based on the above understanding, the or to exploit the benefits locking in the wastes
research needs of the problems of abattoir before safely and economically disposing the
wastes will include the following: ultimate wastes.
1. Characterization of abattoir wastes and But in order to optimize abattoir waste
effluents which includes the physicochemical management strategies that will ensure reduc-
and microbiological characterization. tion of environmental pollution, there is the

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 2. June 2011.

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