Project English 1

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A. Background

Life in the era of globalization towards the younger generation needs to prepare complex
problem solving. Mathematics is the science of logic regarding shapes, magnitudes, and concepts
related to each other which are divided into three fields, namely algebra, analysis, and geometry.
Mathematics has the function of developing the ability to calculate, measure and use
mathematical formulas that are necessary in everyday life. Mathematics not only learns about
numbers, formulas, calculations, flat builds and space builds, but it will be very useful in
everyday life, if it can define and describe mathematics. Mathematics lessons have a lot of
materials related to the problems of daily life, one of which is the material of the system of many
variable equations (arithmetic). Daily life activities used in social arithmetic are objects that are
traded. On buying and selling activities.

B. Tujuan

The purpose of school mathematics learning, so that students have the following abilities:

a) Understand concepts and explain the relationships between concepts and apply
mathematical concepts appropriately in problem solving.
b) Problem solving includes the ability to understand problems, design and solve
mathematical models, and explain solutions.
c) Knowing the usefulness of arithmetic (multiple variable equations) in everyday life.

C. Manfaat

The benefit from learning mathematics is :

a. Have a good understanding of concepts and deep knowledge of mathematical

b. Can apply the mathematics of many variable inequality systems (arithmetic) in
everyday life.
c. Knowing the benefits of mathematics, especially the system of many variable
equations (arithmetic) in everyday life.
2. Theoritical Review


According to Kusumawati (Wulandari, 2018: 77) states that conceptual understanding is

one of the skills or mathematical proficiency required to be achieved in learning mathematics,
namely by sharing understanding of the concepts they learn, explaining the interrelationships
between concepts and applying concepts accurately, efficiently and perfectly. An understanding
of mathematical concepts is an important foundation for thinking in solving math problems and
everyday challenges. According to Schoenfeld (Kesumawati, 2018: 223) thinking
mathematically means:

a) Develop a view of mathematics, value the processes of mathematics and abstraction and
have fun applying them
b) Develop competencies and use them in understanding mathematics.

Someone can be said to understand a mathematical concept if he can mention the

definition of the concept and express it in his own words, show some examples and not non-
models, recognize a number of its essential properties. In addition, a person is also said to be able
to understand a concept if he can define another concept from the concept he has, recognize
correlations between concepts with close concepts, and use them to complete something.
Meanwhile, someone is said to know the mechanism if he can recognize the procedure which
includes the law of solving procedures or the correct calculation process.

According to Suganda (Nurfitriani, 2017) conceptual understanding is the most important

skill in mathematics that everyone has. Studying mathematics means studying the concepts and
structures contained in the language being studied and trying to find correlations. Understanding
of concepts is highly desirable because knowing concepts will provide opportunities for
everyone to be more flexible and interested in learning something. Each person will be more
practical in making perfect modifications to the material he is studying in accordance with the
diversity of circumstances and environment he faces and at the same time increasing his
activeness, independence and creativity. Using a learning or learning process that emphasizes
understanding concepts, everyone will gradually have new abilities that will remain in memory.
Everyone's knowledge and understanding especially students and students towards mathematical
concepts based on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) can be observed
from their abilities:

1. Define concepts orally and in writing.

2. Identifying makes examples and non-examples.

3. Using model diagrams and symbols to present a concept.

4. Changing one form of presentation into another form.

5. Recognize the various meanings and interpretations of concepts.

6. Identify the properties of a concept and recognize the conditions that determine a

7. Compare and contrast concepts.

2. Equations

The three-variable linear equation system is a system of equations that contains three
variables, namely x, y, and z. An example of a three-variable system of linear equations is as

The main feature of an equation is the presence of a hyphen “=”. With this sign, the value
of the number on the left side must be the same as the right side. That's why, you have to find the
value of each variable first.
The general form of the system of three-variable linear equations (SPLTV) is as follows.

With the condition, a, b, c ≠ 0. Of the three general forms of SPLTV, you will only get one
solution for each variable, namely (x, y, z).

2.1. Completion Method

There are 3 settlement methods that we can use, namely;

1.Substitution method

The completion steps with the substitution method are as follows.

a) Choose the simplest equation to express one of the variables in the form of a function of
another variable, for example variable x into functions of y and z, or variable y into
functions of x and z, or variable z into functions of x and y.
b) The form of the function obtained in point (a) is substituted into the other two equations,
so that it turns into a system of two-variable linear equations.
c) Perform the same solution steps after forming a system of two-variable linear equations.
d) If you get two variable values, substitute them in one of the equations so that you get all
the variable solutions.

2. Method of elimination

The steps for completing the elimination method are as follows.

a) Eliminate (eliminate) one of the variables by equating the constant of the variable you
want to eliminate.
b) After SPLDV is formed, do the same elimination steps as in point (a) until the value of
one of the variables is obtained.
c) Perform the same steps until all variables are known.

3. Combined method

This method is a combination of substitution and elimination methods. The completion

steps with the combined method are as follows.

a) Eliminate or eliminate one of the variables by equating the variable constants to be

b) After a system of two-variable linear equations is formed, do the elimination as in step (a)
until the value of one of the variables is obtained.
c) Substitute the known variable values in one of the two linear equations to obtain the
values of the other variables.
d) Perform the same steps until all variables are known for their value.

Example of the Equation

Pak Bambang is a fried rice seller in a complex. Pak Bambang provides several menus
including regular fried rice and special fried rice for food and iced tea for drinks. Every day Pak
Bambang sells from 19.00-22.00 hours. Pak Bambang gets a different income every week. In the
first week, which was recorded on 02/02/2022, Pak Bambang earned an income of Rp.
365,000.00 with details of 15 plates of ordinary fried rice, 17 plates of special fried rice and 30
glasses of iced tea. In the second week, which was recorded on 09/02/2020, Bambang received
an income of Rp. 375,000.00 with details of 20 plates of ordinary fried rice, 13 plates of special
fried rice and 35 cups of iced tea. In the third week, which was recorded on 16/02/2020, Pa
Bambang earned Rp. 407,000.00, with details of 21 plates of ordinary fried rice, 20 plates of
special fried rice and 20 glasses of iced tea. Because Pak Bambang was selling using a cart, Pa
Bambang did not put a selling price tag on it, so one of the buyers asked Pak Bambang about the
details of the price for Pak Bambang's fried rice menu which is the most expensive and the
cheapest. In this case we can use the equation of three variables.

In the table above, there is a breakdown of the income that Pak Bambang received for 3
weeks. We can assume ordinary fried rice as x, special fried rice as y and iced tea as z.

15x+17y+30z =Rp 365.000………(1)

20x+13y+35z =Rp 375.000……….(2)

21x+20y+20z =Rp 407.000……….(3)

From the data we get 3 equations as above which we can use to calculate the price of Pak
Bambang's menu.

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