EC110 ATs 8 BEED 3A Capongga Danica B

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Capongga Danica B.

BEED 3A Prof. Josephine Bermudez
1. Why is collaborative learning (like cooperative learning) a matter of sink-or-swim
 Collaborative learning, also known as small-group learning, is a form of learning
based on students where teachers build communities of mixed abilities to
increase comprehension. John Dewey, a curriculum reformer, first proposed a
research-based instructional approach to cooperative learning. In schools that
were culturally segregated, but where the classes were not, many educators
employed the technique. Collaborative learning (such as cooperative learning) is
a matter of sinking-or-swimming together as each pupil learns their cognitive
skills as they face a real world' scenario of engaging in a team environment with
others. For individual students, higher-level reasoning skills and meta-cognitive
abilities are developed. Each member of the group is responsible not only for
learning what is learned, but also for helping to learn it from other group
members. Students work together until everyone knows and performs a mission
successfully. Study has found that four students are the size of the arrangement.
Teachers should maintain a variety of expertise when choosing classes and to
forestall off-task actions. Time and commitment are required to shape and work
efficiently in communities
2. What are interactive white boards? Why are they called interactive?
 Interactive whiteboards are huge, normally white-screens which can be attached
to a computer and view the screen through the projector on the monitor. They are
also called interactive electronic whiteboards. This digital whiteboards are
normally placed or hung on the wall on a floor stand. The primary goal is to offer
visual presentations on different topics by deliberately involving a group of people
or students using interactive boards. The advanced technology in digital
whiteboards gives the existing standard whiteboards and flip charts a better
alternative. Today there are a number of digital labeled whiteboards. SMART
Screen, Active Board, eBeam, Mimio, and Webster are some of the more
common brands. To control the computer while writing on an interactive
whiteboard, the board must be first calibrated with a writing device, usually a
stylus. Apart from this key device, there are a host of peripherals associated with
interactive whiteboard usage. The board must first be weighed by a writing
instrument, usually a style, to monitor the machine when writing on an interactive
whiteboard. There are a number of virtual whiteboard peripherals in addition to
this main unit. Interactive electronic whiteboards are large writable display
screens that can be connected to a computer, allowing its screen to be displayed
on a board through a projector. They are called interactive because it delivers
visual presentations on various subjects by actively engaging a group of people
or learners.For teachers and students, the interactive white board is a powerful
benefit to the classroom. It opens up the students to collaboration and closer
interaction to the lessons. Multimedia content can be shared and used in
lectures, keeping students engaged.
3. Can you also make the conventional chalk board interactive? How?
 I can also make conventional chalkboard interactive by writing the activities on
the board or providing the topic written on a large piece of paper. I will make sure
that the topic or the visual presentation I present is interesting or I am not boring
interacting with them.

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