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Faculty of Letters & Humanities Composition II

Department of English Studies Semester 3

Pr. Zahra EL AOURI

Practicing the cause/effect essay

Write an essay in which you discuss the causes and

effects behind dropping school at an early age.

Many people enjoy travelling and experiencing

other cultures. Write an essay in which you discuss
the beneficial effects of international travel on an
individual. Use specific reasons and details to
explain and support your ideas.

Dropping out of school can be one of the most regretful decisions the
one can make in his life. However, everything happens for reason, and it must be a
reason behind this decision. There are three major causes that make the student
drop out of school which make him end up having three effects.

Many students in rural areas drop out of school due to the financial
situation . Besides, their parents hardly get a low paid income which they gain it
mostly from farming and the majority of these parents need the help of their
children especially when the child becomes able to carry a shovel. What is more,
schools are far away from their tribes. Poor students should walk miles, and no
matter how cold or hot the weather is, because they are obliged to walk for the
sake of knowledge. As a result, when students cannot pay for their studies and
feel bored of walking all that long distance. They drop out of school without
forethought. All these aforementioned causes fight them to drop out of school
because they see no sacrifices either from their parents or the nation.

Another siginficant reason is bullying. Many children around the world

suffer from bullying which comes from their peers, classmates, or even teachers.
Students expose to many forms of bullying, but the most common form of
bullying is making fun of the student's external appearance. Moreover, it is deeply
painful to ostracize a student from a group because of his shabby clothes, social
class, or his ethnic affiliation. What is more, few teachers are racist and do not
value students who come from poor socio-economic backgrounds, and we can
classify it as a form of new bulling in the present time. Consequently, the bullied
student feel alone and alienated in a class full of bullies. The last resort that he
sees, it is appropriate is skipping classes every now the then in order to avoid
those people. After a while, he finds himself expelled out of school.

Students who come from dysfunctional families are more likely to drop out
of school. First,These students find a discouraging environment due to family
problems at home. Second, The student who is surrounded by family problems is
more likely to get psychological problems. Least but not least, Students find no
incentive for studying and comes to see the world trough the window which their
parents portray for them. As a result, These students feel demoralized and
depressed. This envirnment adversely affects not only their psychological health
but also their study performance. Oftentimes, these students emphsize many
attributes and come to define themselves based on what they see and hear. they
end up dropping out of school for some psychological problem.

Perents should be acutely aware of these causes that let the student decide
to drop out of school . Students also should bear in mind that leaving school is the
worst decision the one can make nowadays. Last but not least, the nation should
attempt to make some amendments of the educational system in order to meet
the students and parents' excpectation.

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