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Classroom Assessment:

Minute by Minute, Day by Day

(to appear in Educational Leadership, November 2005, 63(3) Please check against published version)
Siobhan Leahy, Christine Lyon, Marnie Thompson, and Dylan Wiliam

In classrooms that use assessment to support learning, teachers continually adapt instruction to
meet student needs.

here is intuitive appeal in using than on what teachers are putting into it,
assessment to support instruction: reminiscent of the old joke that schools are
assessment for learning rather than places where children go to watch teachers
assessment of learning. We have to test work.
our students for many reasons, and, obviously,
In a classroom that uses assessment to
such testing should be useful in guiding
support learning, the divide between instruction
teaching. Many schools formally test students at
and assessment blurs. Everything students do--
the end of a marking period--that is, every six to
such as conversing in groups, completing
10 weeks--but the information from such tests is
seatwork, answering and asking questions,
hard to use, for two reasons. First, only a small
working on projects, handing in homework
amount of testing time can be allotted to each
assignments, even sitting silently and looking
standard or skill covered in the marking period.
confused--is a potential source of information
Consequently, the test is better for monitoring
about what they do and do not understand. The
overall levels of achievement than for
teacher who consciously uses assessment to
diagnosing particular weaknesses. Second, the
support learning takes in this information,
information arrives too late to be useful. We can
analyzes it, and makes instructional decisions
use the results to make broad adjustments to
that address the understandings and
curriculum, such as spending more time on a
misunderstandings that these assessments reveal.
unit, reteaching it, or identifying teachers who
The amount of information can be
appear to be particularly successful at teaching
overwhelming--one teacher likened it to
particular units. But if we are serious about
“negotiating a swiftly flowing river”--so a key
using assessment to improve instruction, then we
part of using assessment for learning is figuring
need more fine-grained assessments, and we
out how to hone in on a manageable range of
need to use the information to modify instruction
in real time.
Research supports that attention to
What we need is a shift from quality control
assessment for learning improves student
in learning to quality assurance. Traditional
achievement. About seven years ago, Paul Black
approaches to instruction and assessment
and one of the authors, Dylan Wiliam, found
involve teaching some given material, and then,
that students taught by teachers who used
at the end of teaching, working out who has and
assessment for learning would achieve in six or
hasn’t learned it--akin to a quality control
seven months what would otherwise take a year
approach in manufacturing. In contrast,
(Black & Wiliam, 1998). More important, these
assessment for learning involves adjusting
improvements appeared to be consistent across
teaching while the learning is still taking place--
countries (including Canada, England, Israel,
a quality assurance approach. Quality assurance
Portugal, and the United States), as well as
also involves a shift of attention from teaching
across age brackets and content areas. We also
to learning. The emphasis is on what the
found, after working with teachers in England,
students are getting out of the process rather
that these gains in achievement could be

sustained over extended periods of time. They of all content areas and at all grade levels. The
even held up when we measured student five strategies are
achievement with externally mandated
• Clarifying and sharing learning
standardized tests (see Wiliam, Lee, Harrison, &
intentions and criteria for success.
Black, 2004).
With this research and these ideas as a • Engineering effective classroom
starting point, we and other colleagues at discussions, questions, and learning
Educational Testing Service (ETS) have been tasks.
working for the past two years with elementary, • Providing feedback that moves learners
middle, and high school teachers in Arizona, forward.
Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New
Jersey, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania. We • Activating students as the owners of
have deepened our understanding of how their own learning.
assessment for learning can work in U.S. • Activating students as instructional
classrooms, and we have learned from teachers resources for one another.
about the challenges of integrating assessment
We think of these strategies as somewhat
with instruction in their classrooms.
nonnegotiable in that they define the territory of
assessment for learning. More important, we
Our Work with Teachers know from the research and from our work with
In 2003 and 2004, we explored a number of teachers that these strategies are always
ways of introducing teachers to the key ideas of desirable things to do in any classroom.
assessment for learning. In one model, we held a However, the way in which a teacher might
three-day workshop during the summer, in implement one of these strategies with a
which we introduced teachers to the main ideas particular class or at a particular time requires
of assessment for learning and the research that careful thought. A self-assessment technique
shows that it works. We then shared specific that works for students learning math in the
techniques that teachers could use in their middle grades may not work in a 2nd grade
classrooms to bring assessment to life. During writing lesson. Moreover, what works for 7th
the subsequent school year, we met monthly grade pre-algebra in one classroom may not
with these teachers, both to learn from them work for 7th grade pre-algebra in a classroom
what really worked in their classrooms and to down the hall because of differences in the
offer suggestions about the ways in which they students or in the teacher’s teaching style.
might develop their practice. We also observed
their classroom practices to gauge the extent to Given this variation, it is important to offer
which they were implementing assessment for teachers a range of techniques for each strategy,
learning techniques and the effects these making them responsible for deciding which
techniques were having on student learning. In techniques they will use and allowing them time
other models, we spaced out the three days of and freedom to customize these techniques to
the summer institute over several months (for meet the needs of their students.
example, one day in March, one in April, and Teachers have tried out, adapted, and
one in May) so that teachers could try out some invented dozens of techniques, reporting on the
of the techniques in their classes between results in meetings and interviews (to date, we
meetings. have cataloged more than 50 techniques, and we
As we expected, different teachers found expect the list to expand to more than 100 in the
different techniques useful. What worked for coming year). Many of these techniques require
some did not work for others, and this confirmed only small but subtle changes in practice, yet
for us that there could be no one-size-fits-all research on the underlying strategies suggests
package. However, we did find that a set of five that they have a high “gearing,” meaning that
broad strategies is equally relevant for teachers small changes in these practices can leverage
large gains in student learning (see Black &

Wiliam, 1998; Wiliam, 2005). Further, the of listening for what they can learn about the
teaching practices that support these strategies students’ thinking; they listen evaluatively rather
are low-tech, low cost, and usually within the than interpretively (Davis, 1997). The teachers
capabilities of individual teachers to implement. with whom we have worked have tried to
In this way, they differ dramatically from large- address this issue by asking students questions
scale interventions, such as class-size reduction that either cause students to think or provide
or curriculum overhauls. We offer here a brief teachers with information that they can use to
sampling of techniques for implementing each adjust instruction to meet learning needs.
of the five assessment-for-learning strategies.
As a result of this focus, teachers have
become aware of the need to carefully plan the
Clarify and Share Intentions and questions that they use in class. Many of our
Criteria teachers now spend more time planning
Low achievement is often the result of instruction than grading student work, a practice
students failing to understand what teachers that emphasizes the shift from quality control to
require of them (Black & Wiliam, 1998). Many quality assurance. By thinking more carefully
teachers address this issue by posting the state about the questions they ask in class, they can
standard or learning objective at the start of the check on students’ understanding while the
lesson, but such an approach is rarely successful students are still in the class, rather than after
because the standards are not written in student- they have left, as is the case with grading. Some
friendly language. questions are designed as “range-finding”
questions to reveal what students know at the
Teachers in our various projects have
beginning of an instructional sequence. For
explored many ways of making both their
example, a high school biology teacher might
criteria for success and learning intentions more
ask the class what proportion of the water taken
transparent to students. One common method
up by the roots of a corn plant is lost through
involves circulating work samples, such as lab
transpiration. Many students believe that
reports, that a previous year’s class completed,
transpiration is “bad” and that plants try to
in view of prompting a discussion about quality.
minimize the amount of water lost in this
Students decide which reports are good, what’s
process, whereas in fact, water plays an
good about the good ones, and what’s lacking in
important role in the transportation of nutrients
the weaker ones. Teachers have also found that
around the plant. A middle school mathematics
by choosing the samples carefully, they can tune
teacher might ask students to indicate how many
the task to the capabilities of the class. Initially,
fractions they can find between 1/6 and 1/7.
a teacher might choose four or five samples at
Some students will think there aren’t any; others
very different quality levels to get students to
may suggest an answer that, although in some
focus on broad criteria for quality. As students
way understandable, is an incorrect use of
grow more skilled, however, teachers challenge
mathematical notation, such as 1 over 6 1/2. The
them with a number of samples of similar
important feature of such range-finding items is
quality to force the students to become more
that they can help a teacher judge where to begin
critical and reflective.
Engineer Effective Classroom Of course, teachers can use the same item in
Discussion a number of ways, depending on the context.
They could use the question about fractions at
Many teachers spend a considerable the end of a sequence of instruction on
proportion of their instructional time in whole- equivalent fractions to see whether students had
class discussion or question-and-answer grasped the main idea. A middle school science
sessions, but these sessions tend to rehearse teacher might ask students at the end of a
existing knowledge rather than create new laboratory experiment, “What was the dependent
knowledge for students. Moreover, teachers variable in today’s lab?” or a social studies
generally listen for the “correct” answer instead teacher, at the end of a project on World War II,

might ask students for their views about which the question in multiple-choice format. If the
year the war began and for reasons supporting question is well designed, the teacher can
their choice. quickly judge the level of understanding in the
class. If all students answer correctly, the teacher
Teachers can also use questions to check on
can move on. If no one answers correctly, he or
student understanding before continuing the
she might choose to reteach the concept. If some
lesson. We call this a “hinge point” in the lesson
students answer correctly and some answer
because the lesson can go in different directions,
incorrectly, the teacher can use that knowledge
depending on student responses. By explicitly
of who responded correctly and who responded
designing these hinge points into instruction,
incorrectly to engineer a whole-class discussion
teachers can make their teaching more
on the concept or match up the students for peer-
responsive to their students’ needs in real time.
teaching. Hinge-point questions provide a
However, no matter how good the hinge- window into students’ thinking and, at the same
point question, the traditional model of time, give the teacher some ideas about how to
classroom questioning presents two additional take the students’ learning forward.
problems. The first is lack of engagement. If the
classroom rule dictates that students raise their Provide Feedback that Moves
hands to answer questions, then students can Learners Forward
disengage from the classroom by keeping their
hands down. For this reason, many of our After the lesson, of course, comes grading.
teachers have used the idea of “no hands up, The problem with giving a student a grade and a
except to ask a question.” The teacher can either supportive comment is that these practices don’t
decide who to call on to answer a question or cause further learning. Before they began
use some randomizing device, such as name thinking about assessment for learning, none of
cards or a beaker of Popsicle sticks with the the teachers with whom we worked believed that
students’ names written on them. This way, all their students spent as long considering teacher
students know that they need to stay engaged feedback as it had taken them to provide that
because the teacher could call on any one of feedback. Indeed, the research shows that when
them. One teacher we worked with reported that students receive a grade and a comment, they
her students love the fairness of this approach ignore the comment (see Butler, 1988). The first
and that her shyer students are showing greater thing they look at is the grade, and the second
confidence as a result of being invited to thing they look at is their neighbor’s grade.
participate in this way. Other teachers have said To be effective, feedback needs to cause
that some of their students think it’s not fair thinking. Grades don’t do that. Scores don’t do
because they don’t get a chance to show off that. And comments like “good job” don’t do
when they know the answer. that either. What does cause thinking is a
The second problem with traditional comment that addresses what the student needs
questioning is that the teacher gets to hear only to do to improve, linked to rubrics where
one student’s thinking. To gauge the appropriate. Of course, it’s difficult to give
understanding of the whole class, the teacher insightful comments when the assignment asked
needs to get responses from all the students in for 20 calculations or 20 historical dates, but
real time. One way to do this is to have all even here, feedback can cause thinking. For
students write their answers on individual dry- example, one approach that many of our
erase boards, which they hold up at the teacher’s teachers have found productive is to say to a
request. The teacher can then scan responses to student, “Five of these 20 answers are incorrect.
see novel solutions as well as misconceptions. Find them and fix them!”
This technique would be particularly helpful Some of our teachers worried about the extra
with the fraction question we cited. time needed to provide useful feedback.
Another approach is to give each student a However, once students engaged in self-
set of four cards, labeled A, B, C, and D, and ask assessment and peer-assessment, the teachers

were able to be more selective about which Activate Students as Instructional
elements of student work they looked at and Resources for One Another
could focus on giving feedback that peers were
unable to provide. Getting students started with self-assessment
can be challenging. Many teachers provide
Teachers also worried about the reactions of students with rubrics but find that the students
administrators and parents. Some teachers seem unable to use the rubrics to focus and
needed waivers from principals to vary school improve their work. For many students, using a
policy (for example, to give comments rather rubric to assess their own work is just too
than grades in interim assessments). Most difficult. Most teachers know, however, that
principals were happy to permit these changes students from kindergarten to 12th grade are
once teachers explained their reasons. Parents much better at spotting errors in the work of
were also supportive. Some even said they found other students than in their own, and so peer-
comments more useful than grades because the assessment, with subsequent advice on how to
comments provided them with guidance about improve, can be an important part of effective
how to help their children. instruction. Students who get feedback are not
the only beneficiaries. Students who give
Activate Students as Owners of feedback also benefit, sometimes more than the
their Learning recipients. As they assess the work of a peer,
Developing assessment for learning in one’s they are forced to engage in understanding the
classroom involves altering the implicit contract rubric, but in the context of someone else’s
between teacher and students by creating shared work, which is less emotionally charged. Also,
responsibility for learning. One simple technique students often communicate more effectively
is using green and red “traffic light” cards, with one another than the teacher does, and the
which students leave on their desks, with the recipients of the feedback tend to be more
color facing up indicating their level of engaged when the feedback comes from a peer.
understanding. A teacher who uses this When the teacher gives feedback, students often
technique with her 9th grade Algebra classes just “sit there and take it” until the ordeal is
told us that one day she moved on too quickly, over.
without scanning the students’ cards. A student Using peer and self-assessment techniques
picked up her own card as well as her neighbors’ frees up teacher time to plan better instruction or
cards, waved them in the air, and pointed at work more intensively with small groups of
them wildly, with the red side facing the teacher. students. It’s also a highly effective teaching
She wanted to indicate to the teacher to slow strategy. One cautionary note is in order,
down and explain the problem in a different however. In our view, students should not be
way. The teacher considered this ample proof giving another student a grade that will be
that this student was taking ownership of her reported to parents or administrators. Peer-
learning. assessment should be focused on improvement,
Students also take ownership of their not on grading.
learning when they assess their own work, using
agreed-upon criteria for success. Teachers can Use Evidence of Learning to Adapt
provide students with a rubric written in student- Instruction
friendly language, or the class can develop the Our final strategy is the one that binds the
rubric with the teacher’s guidance (see Black, others together: Assessment information should
Harrison, Lee, Marshall, & Wiliam, 2003 for be used to adapt instruction to meet student
examples). The teachers we have worked with needs.
report that students’ self-assessments are
generally accurate, and students say that As teachers note student responses to a
assessing their own work helped them hinge-point question or the prevalence of red
understand the material in a new way. and green cards, the teacher can make on-the-fly
decisions to review material or pair up those

who understand the concept with those who make them work in your own classroom is
don’t for some peer tutoring. Using the evidence something else.
they have elicited, teachers can make
That’s why we’re currently developing a set
instructional decisions that they otherwise could
of tools and workshops to support teachers in
not have made.
developing a deep and practical understanding
At the end of the lesson, many of the teachers of assessment for learning, primarily through the
with whom we are working have used “exit vehicle of school-based teacher learning
passes.” Students are given 3 x 5 index cards communities. After we introduce teachers to the
and have to turn in their responses to a question basic principles of assessment for learning, we
posed by the teacher before they can leave the encourage them to try out two or three
classroom. Sometimes this will be a “big idea” techniques in their own classrooms and meet
question, to check on the students’ grasp of the with other colleagues regularly--ideally every
content of the lesson. At other times, it will be a month--to discuss their experiences and see what
range-finding question, to help the teacher judge the other teachers are doing (see Black,
where to begin the next day’s instruction. Harrison, Lee, Marshall, & Wiliam, 2003,
2004). Teachers are accountable because they
Teachers using assessment for learning
know they will have to share their experiences
continually look for ways in which they can
with their colleagues. However, the teacher is
generate evidence about student learning, and
also in control of what he or she tries out. Over
they use this evidence to adapt their instruction
time, the teacher learning community develops a
to better meet their students’ learning needs.
shared language of description of their practice
They share the responsibility for learning with
that enables them to talk to one another about
the learners--students know that they are
what they are doing. Teachers build individual
responsible for alerting the teacher when they do
and collective skill and confidence in assessment
not understand. Teachers design their instruction
for learning. Colleagues help them decide when
to yield evidence about student achievement, by
it is time to move on to the next challenge as
carefully crafting hinge-point questions, for
well as pointing out potential pitfalls.
example. These create “moments of
contingency,” in which the direction of the In many ways, the teacher learning
instruction will depend on student responses. community approach is similar to the larger
Teachers provide feedback that engages assessment for learning approach. Both query
students, make time in class for students to work where learners are now, where they want to get
on improvement, and activate students as to, and how we can help them get there.
instructional resources for one another.
All this sounds like a lot of work, but References
according to our teachers, it doesn’t take any Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B.,
more time than the practices they used to engage & Wiliam, D. (2003). Assessment for learning:
in, and these techniques are far more effective. Putting it into practice. Buckingham, UK: Open
Teachers tell us that they are enjoying their University Press.
teaching more, which is important, given the Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B.,
difficulty of teacher retention. & Wiliam, D. (2004). Working inside the black
box: assessment for learning in the classroom.
Supporting Teacher Change Phi Delta Kappan, 86(1), 8-21.
None of these ideas are new, and a large and
Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the
growing research base shows that implementing
black box: Raising standards through classroom
these ideas yields substantial improvement in
assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(2), 139-147.
student learning. So why are these strategies and
techniques not practiced more widely? The Butler, R. (1988). Enhancing and
answer is that knowing about these techniques undermining intrinsic motivation; the effects of
and strategies is one thing. Figuring out how to task-involving and ego-involving evaluation on

interest and performance. British Journal of November 2005, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. xx-xx
Educational Psychology, 58, 1-14.
Assessment for learning, as opposed to
Davis, B. (1997). Listening for differences: assessment of learning, requires educators to
an evolving conception of mathematics teaching. make a major shift--from quality control in
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, learning to quality assurance, from assessing at
28(3), 355-376. the end of teaching to assessing while learning is
still taking place. Five nonnegotiable strategies
Wiliam, D. (2005). Keeping learning on
define the territory of assessment for learning:
track: Formative assessment and the regulation
clarifying and sharing learning intentions and
of learning. In M. Coupland, J. Anderson, & T.
criteria for success; engineering effective
Spencer (Eds.), Making mathematics vital:
classroom discussions, questions, and learning
Proceedings of the twentieth biennial conference
tasks; providing feedback that moves learners
of the Australian Association of Mathematics
forward; activating students as owners of their
Teachers (pp. 26-40). Adelaide, Australia:
own learning; and activating students as
Australian Association of Mathematics
instructional resources for one another.
Part of a theme issue on “Assessment that
Wiliam, D., Lee, C., Harrison, C., & Black,
Promotes Learning.”
P. J. (2004). Teachers developing assessment for
learning: Impact on student achievement. Keywords: formative assessment, instruction
Assessment in Education: Principles Policy and
Practice, 11(1), 49-65.
Siobhan Leahy, Christine Lyon, Marnie
Thompson, and Dylan Wiliam work in the
Learning and Teaching Research Center,
Educational Testing Service, Rosedale Road (ms
04-R), Princeton, NJ 08541. Email:

Call Outs
In a classroom that uses assessment to
support learning, the divide between instruction
and assessment blurs.
By explicitly designing hinge points into
instruction, teachers can make their teaching
more responsive to their students’ needs in real
The first thing students look at is the grade,
and the second thing they look at is To be
effective, feedback needs to cause thinking.
Grades don’t do that. Scores don’t do that. And
comments like “good job” don’t do that either.

Classroom Assessment: Minute by Minute,
Day by Day
Siobhan Leahy, Christine Lyon, Marnie
Thompson, and Dylan Wiliam

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