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Tourist attractions in Taiwan

Think about your travel goals for 2022 as you plan your year. If
you’re looking to visit a new country or have an exciting vacation,
consider heading over to the island state of Taiwan. Taiwan’s
geography provides so many unique experiences for those
looking for variety in their travels. Cities like Taipei and Taichung
offer numerous urban adventures and great nightlife activities.
And when the busy city life becomes overwhelming, there are
many park spaces all over for people to enjoy a break. Learning
about different cultures and local history is one of the best things
about traveling. Even with all the urban development in Taiwan,
it’s easy to discover the country’s culture. As you explore the
island, you’ll see the many cultural influences from other countries
throughout its development as well as the local culture that makes
Taiwan different from its neighbors. In this age, traditional crafts
and modern technology can provide a memorable travel
experience. Taiwan enjoys a mostly warm climate year-round. Its
summers are hot but not quite as hot as the tropical countries of
Southeast Asia. Winter doesn’t get too cold and snow tends to fall
only in the mountain areas in the northern part of the country. It is
also a good idea to consider visiting during the cherry blossom
season which is from January to April depending on the location.
The main reason that people visit Taiwan is to experience and
explore the island’s fascinating temple culture and architecture.
Not-to-be-missed highlights include the spectacular Baoan
Temple in Taipei, the vast complex at Fo Guang Shan, and the
artistic masterpiece that is Lukang’s, Longshan Temple. In 2021,
Taiwan ranked as the friendliest and most welcoming, but the
language is said to be easy to learn although a huge percentage
of locals also speak English. What’s more, Taiwan has placed first
in the quality of life category for four years running. 94% of survey
respondents rate the health care system as affordable and 96%
rate its quality favorably, which explains why Taiwan also ranked
first in the working abroad category, with most ex-pats expressing
satisfaction with both their jobs and the economy as a whole. Is
Taiwan good for tourists? In Taiwan, it’s so easy! For such a small
country, Taiwan has an incredible amount to offer. If you’re
looking to visit somewhere that has incredible food, is affordable
and easy to travel around, has beaches to lie on and mountains to
climb, and the friendliest people you’ll ever encounter, go to

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