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Wellness Medium and Your Wellness Plan

1. What medium have you chosen? Please describe and/or attach/upload visual.

The medium I chose was a painting which I did on a canvas.

2. What does this medium represent to you? Why? Please describe why this is meaningful.

This medium is meaningful to me because painting has been a part of my life for many years
now. I began painting with my friends senior year of high school. I am not an artist nor am I very
creative, but painting was the first form of art I really enjoyed and was okay with being not the
best at. Sophomore year of college I moved into the house I am still living in with my
roommates. We often have painting nights, and we have a wall filled with all our artwork we
have made over the past two years. Painting is meaningful to me first because it reminds me of
the quality time I get to spend with my friends. It is also meaningful because I get to wind down
and relax while I paint. Lastly, I also get to enjoy looking at my artwork every day. This painting
in particular holds special meaning because it is a landscape painting of the nature and beauty I
see every day in Tucson. Whenever I have a hard day or need a good cry, I drive to Gates pass or
the top of Campbell to be in nature and get a little serotonin boost from the beauty of the views
and scenery. It also represents the sunsets I see my rooftop many nights in Tucson. I always like
to go sit outside and watch the sunset whenever the sky is pink.

3. Post your personal wellness commitment statement and plan to care for YOU below. Be

I am committed to maintain my personal wellness through participating in mindfulness, exercise,

and spending time in nature on a weekly basis. My plan for wellness starts by practicing 10
minutes of mindfulness everyday preferably in the mornings when I wake up or at night before I
fall asleep. I will go for a mile to two-mile jog twice a week. On all other days I will do at least a
two mile walk around my neighborhood. By walking and jogging outside I get to enjoy the fresh
air and sunlight which always makes me feel better. I will take a drive once a week to Gates pass
to walk around and spend some quality time in nature. Lastly, anytime there is a beautiful sunset
I am going to commit to standing outside and watching it for at least 5 minutes. I believe by
completing all these things I will improve my mental and physical wellbeing and hopefully
decrease my chances of experiencing burnout in the future.

Sp 18 MOC

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