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October 24/22

PS1 Professional Goals

Cayley Allan

Name: Cayley Allan

School: Westmount Elementary School
Practicum Date: November 14 – December 15
Teacher Associate: Kathy Eitzen
School Admin: Cori Hampson
University Consultant: Rod Davidson

Goal 1:
1. Inquiry Question:
a. How can I integrate Indigenous ways of knowing into my lessons that are
genuine and increase student understanding of different ways of
2. Goal:
a. To incorporate Indigenous resources and content into my lessons and classroom
in a way that students will find meaningful.
3. Related TQS:
a. TQS 5: applying foundational knowledge about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit
4. Strategies:
a. Talk to others who have a similar goal as me to see how they incorporate
Indigneous resources - collaboration
b. I will explain to my students the importance behind what I am doing
i. Benefits of learning about different ways of knowing
ii. Breadth of knowledge
c. Literature from different Indigenous authors that connect with and emphasize
what we are doing in the classroom at the time.
d. Educate myself and through my own learning, will intern be more confident in
incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing/learning in the classroom.
5. Resources/Support Required:
a. Talking with classmates
b. Talking with the Indigenous liaison, Miss. Big Snake
i. She makes frequent visits with each classroom to give lessons and she
could be a very valuable resource.
6. Evidence of Success:
a. Through checking in with the students and questioning their understanding
b. Through conversation with my TA and UC and discussing if she views what I am
doing as meaningful and engaging
c. When using literature, asking meaningful and clarifying questions to the students
as we go through the book
i. High level questions as well.
d. By integrating one picture book a week, I will touch base with students following
the reading to gauge their understanding. This will be documented on a
October 24/22
PS1 Professional Goals
Cayley Allan

7. Timeline:
a. 5 weeks – length of PS1
b. November 14 – December 15

Goal 2:
1. Inquiry Question:
a. How can I integrate strong classroom management techniques and still maintain
a positive classroom culture so that all students feel safe and valued?
2. Goal:
a. To explore different types of classroom management that contribute to the
relationships fostered in the classroom that can ultimately lead to a positive
classroom culture.
3. Related TQS:
a. TQS 1: fostering effective relationships
4. Strategies:
a. Discuss with my TA what she has found to be useful in her experience.
b. I will maintain a positive classroom culture by greeting each student at the
outside doors as they come into the boot room at the beginning of the day. At
the end of the day, I will see them off as well.
c. In terms of classroom management, I will stay consistent, just like my TA does, in
order to let the students know that they can’t get away with poor behaviour
when I am in the classroom since they know that I am learning.
i. Boundaries
ii. Being confident in myself, everything else will come naturally and won’t
seemed “forced” to the students
iii. Focus on being consistent with expectations and routines
d. I will try to learn all of the student’s names within my first couple of days in the
5. Resources/Support Required:
a. Support from my TA and the EA’s in the classroom
b. Also, by talking with my UC as he will also have good advice/feedback for what I
am doing (or not doing)
c. Other peers in the school
d. Observations of other teachers in the school
6. Evidence of Success:
a. Through conversation with my TA and/or the multiple EAs to determine whether
or not my classroom management techniques are suitable.
b. At the end of each week, I could do a check in with the students. Or even at the
end of each week when I email Rod, I will talk about what I notice in terms of
classroom management (Behaviour, class relationships, etc.)
7. Timeline:
October 24/22
PS1 Professional Goals
Cayley Allan

a. 5 weeks – length of PS1

b. November 14 – December 15

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