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I. Translate the text

Water birth is the process of giving birth in a tub of warm water. The theory
behind water birth is that since the baby has already been in the amniotic fluid sac
for 9 months, birthing into a similar environment is gentler for the baby and less
stressful for the mother.

There are many benefits of water birth for mother, for example: warm water
seems to reduce stress-related hormones, allowing the mother’s body to produce
endorphins which serve as pain-inhibitors, therefore it is soothing, comforting,
relaxing. Besides, water birth promotes more efficient uterine contractions and
improved blood circulation resulting in better oxygenation of the uterine muscles,
less pain for the mother, and more oxygen for the baby. Water causes the perineum
to become more elastic and relaxed, reducing the incidence and severity of tearing
and the need for an episiotomy and stitches.

While for the babies, water birth provides an environment similar to the amniotic
sac, therefore the process eases the stress of the birth, reduce baby’s stress and
increase sense of security.

Water birth should always occur under the supervision of a qualified health care
provider. The risk depends on the temperature. If the water is too hot, dehydration
and overheating become risks to the mother and the baby. Mother should try to
stay well hydrated and make sure the temperature of water stays at 35-37° C.

Although many research state that water birth is safe but there are some situations
which are not ideal for this process, such as: if the mother has herpes because it
transfers easily in water and if mother has been diagnosed with excessive bleeding
or maternal infection. Mother also need to discuss about water birth with health
care provider if she has preeclampsia, or she has twin babies though water births
have been successful around the world with twin birth,. While If a baby is pre-
term (two weeks or more prior to due date), water birth is not recommended.

Find out whether the sentences number 1-15 True (T) or False (F)
1. The text discuss about water birth.
2. Endorphins have function as pain-creator in delivery process.
3. Water birth is always done in warm water.
4. Water birth is believed to reduce pain in labour process
5. Mother can do water birth without supervision from midwife or doctor.
6. Mothers who do water birth may have more stitches comparing to those who don’t.
7. Babies feel less stressful during water birth process.
8. Water birth only gives benefit for mother
9. The word “it” in line 7 refers to water.
10. To do water birth we should not use water with temperature above than 37°C.
11. One of the risk of water birth is if the mother gets dehydration.
12. Pregnant mother with 35 weeks age of pregnancy can do water birth.
13. All mother can do water birth.
14. Twin babies can be delivered safely through water birth if it’s done under the
supervision of health care provider
15. You can find the benefit of water birth only in second paragraph

II. Translate the text

Anemia is a condition that occurs when the hemoglobin level in the blood is
too low (less than 10 mg/dl). Hemoglobin plays a crucial role in the transport to carry
oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues via the red blood cells. When blood doesn’t
have enough hemoglobin, the body doesn’t get the oxygen it needs. Women often
become anemic during pregnancy because the demand of iron and other vitamins
increased. And up to 20% of all pregnant women are iron deficient because it needs
rise up to 300% (1040 mg) during pregnancy. So the mother must increase her body
production of red blood cell by increasing nutrition consumption and suplement.
If you are anemic during pregnancy, your baby may born prematurely or
suffering low birth weight and may have spina bifida abnormality. Other risks are
bleeding during delivery or post partum period can endanger your life and the chance
of having infection after childbirth is also increase.
To overcome anemia you are suggested to consume iron suplement. Taking iron
suplement can cause heartburn, nausea, or digestive problem. To overcome those
problems you can take the pills at mealtime or near bedtime, drink plenty of water and
and eat fiber-rich food. To absorb maximum amount of iron, try to eat foods containing
vitamin C and avoid the food that can block iron absorption, like caffeine, tea, and soy

Based on the text, write down whether the sentences True (T) or False (F)
1. The best tittle of the text is “Anemia during Pregnancy”
2. When your hemoglobin level is 11 mg/dl, it means you are anemic.
3. Hemoglobin function is to carry oxygen to the lungs.
4. Less than 20% of all pregnant woman are iron deficient.
5. The word “it” (in line 6) refers to iron.
6. The increasing of nutrition consumption and suplement can decrease production of
red blood cell
7. The risks of anemia can only cause problem for the mother.
8. You shouldn’t drink iron suplement with orange juice.
9. Iron suplement can sometimes cause constipation.
10. Pregnant mother should avoid drinking too much coffee
Bacon, other processed meats can cause cancer
Eating processed meats like hot dogs, sausages and bacon can cause colorectal
cancer in humans, and read meat is also a likely cause of the disease, World Health
Organization (WHO) experts have said. International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC) classified processed meat as “carcinogenic to humans” on its group
one list along with tobacco and abestos, for which there is “sufficient evidence” of
cancer links.
Each 50-gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of
colorectal cancer by 18 percent, the agency estimated. A 50-gram portion would be
the equivalent of eating one hot dog or two slices of bacon. For an individual, the
risk of developing colorectal (bowel) cancer because of their consumption of
processed meat remains small, but the risk increases with the amount of meat
The classification for read meat, defined as all types of mammalian meat
including beef, lamb, and pork. The IARC found links mainly with colorectal cancer
- cancer that starts either in the colon or rectum - but also observed associations with
pancreatic and prostate cancer. The IARC does not compare the level of risk
associated with different substances in a given category, so does not suggest eating
meat is as dangerous as smoking.
Nobody is telling people not to eat meat, what they are saying is if you eat it,
eat less of it and buy it from sources that have produced it better. Eating processed
meat every once in a while isn’t going to do much harm. Having a healthy diet is all
about moderation.

Based on the text, write down whether the sentences True (T) or False (F)
11. Hot dogs and sausages are classified as carcinogenic.
12. Eating 100 gram portion of processed meat daily increases the risk of colorectal
cancer by 36%.
13. Lamb is not defined as read meat.
14. Colorectal cancer is cancer that only happen in the colon.
15. In paragraph 3 states that eating too much processed meat can cause 3 kinds of cancer.
16. Processed meat is more dangerous than tobacco.
17. The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to meat.
18. The experts suggest to eat less meat and .not too often
19. Having a healthy diet means eat food in balance.
20. From the text, it can be inferredthat we must not eat meat.

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