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Character Name: Blade of Wind (Wind) True Name: Twin Shadow (Shadow)

Race: Tabaxi
Background: Spy/Hired Killer


Wind joined a small yet significant mercenary group acting as a spy/scout for some more lucrative jobs
that provided the mercenary group with sensitive information on high level players and nobles in the
various regions. On one such occasion Wind’s spy efforts provided him with information on a guard
captain that had been taking bribes to pass on troop movements to the enemy. Seeing this as chance to
provide an advantage in the mercenary groups current contract, Wind removed the guard captain as he
walked the walls in the early morning light.

Reporting this event to the mercenary captain started Wind on a different path acting as both someone
who recovers information but also as a temporary killer for hire to the regional merchants and
organizations. It wasn’t long before Wind’s ability to carry out missions quickly had him at the call of
regional lords and ladies as well as some wayward royals. As the money come in the mercenary group
settled into permanent employ of a local Lord much to the dissatisfaction of Wind.

Keeping to his call to Wonder and Explore Wind moved where court intrigue and conflict took him. He
began to ask for information and secrets instead of coin and money. These actions placed Wind in many
interesting situations and the boon and bane to many a powerful person.

Long term Motivations and Goals:

Loosely searching for the Cat Lord during his journeys. Until that time Wind trades in secrets; often
collecting notable movements and information in the hopes of providing the Cat Lord with wonderful
tales and personal insights of the larger world. He uses his positions as a Spy and Killer for hire to
gather the most precious secrets and the most complex adventures.

Character Focal Points

What is a major flaw that needs correcting?

Always willing to exchange secrets. If tempting enough would even exchange a secret or adventure that
is detrimental to himself or the party if the information is good enough.

What is a major secret that needs revealing?

One of Winds most powerful clients believes someone is dead who isn’t. Also, his given name is Twin
Shadow which is the name that is used for his contract connections.

What is a major enemy that needs defeating?

‘Rusted Silver’

What is a major fear that needs addressing?

Despite his smiles and easy-going methods he knows there are those looking to silence him for his
secrets. A Cat can only know so many things before he simply knows too much.


Three acquaintances, those who would offer work or help out, for a price.

‘Rust’ a noble from a forgotten lineage who was supposed to be killed by Wind but was let go for
unknown reasons. She believes it was because she was a good and kind person.

‘Coin Purse’ a merchant from Winds past days who is willing to provide him with information or items
for the right price. It’s not a discount but a means to keep Wind close in case a good business
opportunity arises.

‘Bright Light’ an aasimar who Wind saved during a spy mission. Wind felt compelled by a celestial
power to do everything he could and risk his life to save the aasimar from almost certain death. The act
itself caused a great scar across his left shoulder and being compelled by a higher power is never fun.
However now either the aasimar, or more likely her celestial relative, owes him a favor……. Or a

Three rivals, those who are not in favor of the PC. These do not have to be rampaging murderers out to
end the character's life, but could be competing people from their home town, an ex-love interest, etc.
One of these should be someone the PC has wronged

‘Rusted Silver’ a powerful regional lord who owes their position to the lack of any surviving member
of a previously great family. Only a matter of time before he finds out this information isn’t quite

‘Thorned Rose’ a serial killer who leaves six small, thorned roses at each of his victims. Sees Wind not
as an enemy but as a business rival. Where ‘Thorned Rose’ is known and fear by many and is an open
secret to most, Wind’s full name and likeness are as closely guarded by his clients as the secrets they
gave him. ‘Thorned Rose’ is a known and dangerous operative who believes his sometimes random
killings might eventually land Wind with a contract for him…….. a person who he knows virtually
nothing about.

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