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I did not have any exposure/experience to the Liberal Arts before my courses at Seton Hill.

I had not even

realized how sheltered I was not going to college in my 20’s. Going to school in my 40’s and 50’s I
always reflect and wonder if I would’ve had as much to pull from as far as experiences and what would
seem very important then, but now as an older woman with children those experiences I pull from are
much more profound or deep. Or do they just seem that way to me?
I feel that I have areas that remain for me to grow. I have yet to fully grasp my end career goal. I have
been on such a straight Point A to Point B approach to complete my studies and earn a degree in order to
get a professional promotion that I may have lost sight as to what truly will fulfill me on a personal level.
I struggle slightly with the rapidness of data entry that I see emerging around me. Being of the older
generation, when I was in high school, or at any of my early occupations, the fast processors and wide
world web was not a thing. I remember seeing “go to www” on a TV commercial right after the birth of
my first child and thinking that it was strange. At the time I did have a desktop computer but did not surf
the web much. Looking back, I see how much I have grown, from that old Dell desktop to many laptops
to date, I have embraced the wide world web.
Compared to the younger generation though, I feel our experience or enjoyment levels are worlds apart.
My teenage boys love to play games on their devices and to use Snap as a form of communication. They
don’t call each other, it’s a SNAP, and there are group SNAPS where they talk daily. I still have a few
girlfriends who refuse to text and still do the old-fashioned phone call and I love it.
There are times when my boys may get stuck on an assignment or when maneuvering a website and I can
help them. Now that makes me feel very “in it”. But it doesn’t take long for me to do something “mom-
like” and be put back into my older generation category. I really do feel that I will continue learning and
growing in my studies into my 60’s and 70’s. I’ve always enjoyed knowing my way around the
workplace and the internet and I’m not going to stop now!

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