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Siti Himatul Aliah (20421032)

Semester 1 (satu)
English Education (Intensive Reading)
Review Article

The Article Title : Be an Independent Woman

Source : Hipwee

Time is running very fast. I just realized that maybe all this time I really
didn't really understand about life. How should I live each part of my life?
How should I climb each of the towering cliffs? How should I fight for
dreams. And how shall I sail every ocean that seems endless? We all both
know clearly what we have been through so far. What obstacles have we
faced. What failures have we experienced. We have felt how hard the
world is where we are looking for a bite of rice. Even we have also tasted
how it feels to be betrayed and the pain of a broken heart that I want to die.
Be a strong and independent woman. Because life is like a forest full of
twists and thorns. The life test will never look at your gender, even if you
are a woman. Fight for what you deserve and deserve to stand for. Life is
full of all the cruel challenges. So, try to the end. Because it is here, your
mentality will be tested and your character will be forged.
Crying symbol of weakness. Because crying is a human thing. So, don't
stop your tears if every drop of tears can calm your heart. For me a tough
woman is a woman who is never afraid of failure. Maybe he will feel sad
and emotional. But, it didn't take long. He will immediately wipe away his
tears. Able to get up again and get back on his own feet. Why?
“Because tough women won't complain easily. He always has a mature
and unyielding stance. "

Be a woman who can solve all her life problems with an adult, be a woman
who knows what you want. Be a woman who can make her own decisions
without ever depending on anyone. However, things will be different when
you are married. Being an independent woman when you are married
doesn't mean you have to forget about your responsibilities as a mother and
"Because being an independent woman means that she can respect
herself as a person who is able to empower herself."
Trust me, even now I'm still honing myself. And I hope, all of you will
continue to develop into a better person than now.

Review :
I think this article is a very recommended read. Because, in this article it
motivates us to keep up the spirit in reaching for a beautiful future and also learn
to be responsible in any case.
So, this article is about a woman whose woman just realized that she might
not understand her life. How should that woman live every part of her life, how
should she climb every towering cliff? How that woman should fight for her
dream. All women know very well what she has been through so far. What
obstacles does the woman face. What failures did women experience. That
woman had felt how difficult it was to find a bite of rice in the world. Even that
woman also felt how it felt like to be betrayed and the pain of a broken heart that
wanted to die. The woman advised all women in the world "Be a strong and
independent woman. Because life is like a forest full of twists and thorns."
Because, the life test will never see your gender, even though you are a woman.
In this writing, the symbol of weakness is crying and complaining and that is
natural because it is a human thing. So, crying can make us calm our hearts and
minds and can also relax for a moment to think about the future.
In this article, tough women are women who will never be afraid to fail. You
may feel sad and complain, but it won't take you long to get excited about
pursuing your dreams of the future. Why is that? Because tough women won't
complain easily. He always has a mature and unyielding attitude.
In this article, a woman should seek more experiences, a woman should
also satisfy her youth with positive things. Because, when a woman is married
there are more responsibilities. In this article, be a woman who can solve her life
problems by maturity and doesn't depend on anyone.

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