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“Okay, what about this – just pick someone, and put them in your best hold.

Then we can
kind of get a feel for how good you are,” said the coach.

Lucy looked around the room, scoping out who would be her practice dummy. She was 25,
and new to this wrestling school. She had told coach that she did have some experience, but
clearly he didn’t really believe her.

Her upper body certainly didn’t make it seem like she was some amazing grappler. Her arms,
shoulders, and back were pretty typical of your average female gym goer. Her lower body,
however, was a very different story. Since she was only wearing a sports bra and some tiny
little crossfit shorts, the rest of the class was getting to read the entire story. Her legs were
thick and toned. Her quads stood out a little from the rest of her legs. Her calves were big.
Clearly she worked out every part of her legs. But the largest muscles were of course the
glutes. She had a firm bubble butt that had caught the attention of every boy in that room the
second she had walked in. And one of them was about to get a much better view of it.

“Sure. What about… you,” Lucy said, pointing right at Brad. She didn’t have a real reason
for picking him other than that she thought he was kind of cute looking.

Coach smiled, as did some of her classmates. Brad, who was 26, would not make a good
practice dummy. He was the best in the class. Nobody had beaten him in two years.

“You might want to pick someone else…” said coach, “Brad might be a little… too advanced
for you.”

Lucy locked eyes with Brad and gave him a dangerous little smile. “Oh, that’s fine. I think
he’ll be perfect. I mean, it’s just a quick demonstration, right?”

“Right… well, if you say so,” said coach. He stepped aside and let Brad come forward.

Brad looked quite self-assured. He clearly didn’t think he was in any sort of danger. He was
just wearing briefs, and Lucy could tell that he had a hard, lean body.
“So, what hold are you going to put me in?” asked Brad.


“What holds have you learned so far? Rear naked choke?” he suggested.

There was something about him butting in like that that annoyed Lucy. As if she needed his
help. “Hmm, no… a reverse headscissor.”

“A what…? What is that?”

“You don’t know?” Lucy smiled. This was going to be fun. “Just lay down on your back. I
guess you get to learn a new hold today.”

“I guess so…” said Brad, clearly doubting that this was even a real thing.

Brad lay down on his back on the mat.

“So I’m just going to get on top of you, facing the opposite way… that’s the ‘reverse’ part…”

Lucy lay down on Brad. He was enjoying the feeling of her body on top of him. Her stomach
pressing down against his abs. He wasn’t going to enjoy it forever.

“Then I just pick your head up like this…”

The way she scooped Brad’s head up off the mat with her thighs should have been an instant
indication that she knew what she was doing, and that she had a lot of experience with this
particular chokehold.
“So that it’s nice and snug between my thighs there…”

Lucy stretched out her long, toned legs. She crossed her ankles. But she wasn’t really
squeezing or flexing her muscles. He was in her leggy prison, but the sentence hadn’t really
been passed yet.

Brad’s teammates were really liking this hold, since it afforded them a pretty nice view of
Lucy’s ass. A lot of the boys were now wishing that Lucy had picked them instead. Brad
clearly wasn’t in any real peril, and he was getting very up close and personal with this new
girl… this new girl who had a juicy, muscular ass…

“Then you just squeeze. It’s pretty simple, really. Simple, but very effective.”

Lucy did exactly what she said she would. She squeezed, and Brad very quickly realized that
he was actually in a very serious chokehold. This girl knew exactly what she was doing when
it came to her thighs and boy’s necks. Her thighs, which had felt so soft and inviting, were
now hard, punishing pillars of muscle pressing onto either side of his neck. They swelled as
she flexed harder, and soon his jaw was under their control to. The pressure on his jaw was
painful, and it made him realize that Lucy was actually strong – really strong.

“Not bad for a hold that you didn’t even know was a thing, huh?” Lucy asked her victim.

“Y-Yeah, not bad…” said Brad, trying to play it cool even though it was becoming
increasingly clear that her thighs were in charge of his life now.

Lucy looked up at coach, who was kind of stunned by the hold and how well it seemed to be
working on Brad. “What do you think? Can I do the advanced classes?”

Brad didn’t like that he was being ignored even though he was between her legs. “I-I don’t
know if it’s that good…”
“You can’t get out. Isn’t that good enough?” taunted Lucy.

This prompted Brad to really try to get out. He grabbed hold of her thighs just below her
cheeks and tried in vain to pry them apart.

Lucy laughed, which annoyed and humiliated Brad even more. “Guys always try to do that.
Trust me, it’s not happening. It’s really not.”

Lucy shut down his pathetic little escape attempt by squeezing harder. Really squeeeezing
this time. Brad was shocked. She’d been holding back? Now he was really struggling to
breathe. Her hard muscles were just slammed into his throat and he couldn’t free himself.

“Come on, didn’t coach say you were undefeated or something?”

Brad wasn’t feeling so undefeated. All he was feeling was Lucy’s powerful, goddess thighs in
his hands as he squeezed them hard…

“You really can’t do better than this? Come on,” Lucy poked at his chest and his abs, “What
are these muscles for, anyway? Are they just for show?”

Brad renewed his escape attempts, but of course it was already far too late for him and there
was no way he was escaping the painful and vicelike grip of Lucy’s thick thighs. It was over,
he just wasn’t admitting it yet. He squirmed and tried to push at the mat with his feet. He
tugged at her legs. He did not look like an undefeated champion. He looked like a little bitch
who was getting choked out by a girl’s legs. He wasn’t even aroused. Lucy was kind of
surprised when she looked at his bulge and saw it was all soft. It was like he was too
humiliated to even appreciate how hot she was. Or maybe he was just in too much pain…

His teammates, however, could appreciate it a lot more:

“Can Brad really not get out…?”

“I wouldn’t mind taking his place. Maybe Lucy should do a second demo for us…”

“She’s actually choking him out with her ass. Wow.”

“Look at her legs. She could probably crush a watermelon with those things.”

Even Brad’s coach couldn’t resist commenting. “Are you really just going to lay there and
take this, Brad?”

Brad became increasingly desperate, trying and failing to roll over. He grabbed hold of
Lucy’s ass, giving it a nice hard squeeze. It didn’t throw Lucy off. She’d put so many boys in
reverse headscissors that it really didn’t even phase her. It was just the natural instinct of a
boy who was panicking like the little bitch that he was.

“Still can’t get out, Brad?” asked Lucy, actually looking back at him over her shoulder this
time, “And you’re the best in this class…?”

Brad couldn’t respond because he had zero air and was seeing stars.

“You know you can tap, right?” Lucy tapped his thigh to show him how tapping worked,
“Like that. You just tap.”

Brad had never tapped on this mat and wasn’t about to start now.

Lucy turned back around and faced his feet. “Suit yourself…”

Lucy doubled down on her brutal squeezing, tightening the hold even further. She constricted
her thighs around him so tight he thought his jaw was going to break and his neck was going
to snap. His air – his life was between her thighs now. Her thighs were in charge of him. And
they had decided that it was time to go to sleep. The hard muscle under the soft skin was too
much for him. His classmates watched with a mixture of amazement and arousal as Lucy
crushed him.

Brad couldn’t see this because he couldn’t really see anything past her ass, but there was one
final humiliation in store for him before he got knocked out. A few of his teammates were
now recording his final moments awake on their phones. There would be video proof forever
that Lucy and her thighs had put him to sleep and made him panic like a newbie. But he’d
find out about that when he woke up.

Lucy let his head down once she could tell he was out. She turned to coach.

“Am I in? Or do I need to put someone else to sleep?”

Multiple boys stepped forward and volunteered to be the next one to get put to sleep.

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