Ty Lee

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One day you were at the beach with your friends when one of them says, "Hey, can

you go
get us some refills on our drinks?" "Yeah no problem" You reply. You're walking down the
beach, the view is absolutely beautiful. The sun is out shining, the ocean is shimmering, this
girl has her ass out. Wait a minute. You take a second look and see that this girl seriously has
her ass out. You walk over to her out of curiosity. You can't help but just stand and stare, you
are completely speechless. She looks back at you. "Hi, I'm Ty Lee." She says smiling. "Do
you think you can give me a hand?" All of the sudden you suppose drinks can wait.

You walk over to her, "What is it you need help with?" You ask. "Well I need help putting
sunscreen on of course!" Ty Lee says happily like always. You walk over to her and sit right
behind her. You pick up the sunscreen and put a glob on your hand. You rub the sunscreen
into your hand while eyeing Ty Lee's ass, it looks so perfect, so thick and soft looking. You
begin to rub the sunscreen on Ty Lee's back, getting it nice and protected. "I want you to go a
bit lower." Ty Lee says. You move on to her lower back and continue to rub. You get more
sunscreen on your hand to put on her back. You go to rub her lower back when she says, "I
want you to go a little bit lower." You know what she means now. You put your hands on her
ass and begin rubbing. It feels just as great as it looked, it is unbelievable how soft and
squishy it is. Once you finish making her ass all shiny you move on to her thighs. Her thick
thighs were nice and soft just like her ass. Her skin is so smooth, you can't help but just
admire them while you rub them up and down.

She gets up so you think that you might've done something wrong, but she doesn't stand all
the way up, she just turns around to face you. "Want to have some fun?" Ty Lee says
seductively. "Yes please." You respond. She gently grabs your shoulders and just as gently
lies you down. She puts her well sized tits right in your face, you couldn't see them so well
while she was laying down but now you have a close up view. She pushes her breasts into
your face, and they feel even better than her ass and thighs, it's like having two puffy clouds
in your face. She wraps her arms around your head and presses her tits into your face a little
harder. You begin to get suffocated by her lovely bosom, although you do not notice at first.
After a little while of bliss you notice you can't breathe. You grab her hips and try to push her
off of you but her arms are wrapped too tightly around your head. "Not yet, I want you to get
nice and weak before I let you out." after about two minutes of having no oxygen you begin
to panic and thrash around. "Geez mister calm down, just enjoy this while you're between my
perky tits because you won't be able to enjoy it for long." She hold you for two and a half
minutes, your consciousness is hanging on by a thread, your vison is completely darkened
and you can barely hear and your body is limp.

Ty Lee then lets you go and lets you fall onto your back. She stands up and stands over your
face. "This one is gonna be fun." She shifts her stance facing to the side, one leg in front of
her and one leg behind. She then drops into splits and sits right on your throat. Your wind
pipe nearly collapses under the pressure of her sitting on you. You try to push her off but you
lack the strength due to the breast smothering. She just sits on your throat in a split position.
She then puts her arms in the air and stretches them. "This is nice and relaxing, you make a
great seat mister." You start to choke, your being deprived of air once again, and even though
you are in contact with her nice ass you do not like this. She then flexes her ass around your
neck, cutting off slight blood flow to your brain. Your brain is now being robbed of oxygen
and blood by Ty Lee's thick ass. You get close to passing out once again when Ty Lee gets
up off of your neck and lies down on top of you.

She uses her foot and pushes your face into her ass and wraps her thick thighs around your
neck, trapping you in a reverse headscissor. She begins to squeeze and it feels like your
eyeballs are going to pop out of your head. "Did you know it only takes 11 pounds of force to
cut off all blood flow through the carotid artery, and it takes 35 pounds of force to crush your
windpipe. I could do either of these things with ease." She lets up on her squeeze, giving you
a minute to breathe. She then begins to squeeze again and you grab her ass. You realize that
the once soft ass and thighs that you were touching earlier are now rock hard. Every second
she lets up and squeezes, repeatedly in rapid succession, making her ass jiggle in your face.
"You know how I have all this knowledge? Because I need to have it because I am a chi
blocker, I use pressure points to take down my enemies, just like I'm doing to you."

Ty Lee is crushing your neck with much more than that 11 pounds she was talking about.
Your carotid artery is completely collapsed in on itself and close to bursting. "Alright I think
it's about time to wrap things up, I wouldn't want you passing out on me." Ty Lee adjusts her
hands on the ground and gets ready for the final squeeze. You soon realizing that her
squeezes that nearly took you out earlier was her not even trying. She begins to squeeze with
all her strength. It feels like your neck and everything in it are gonna collapse in on itself, and
that's exactly what happens. At first your small blood vessels in your head and neck burst,
and then your carotid artery collapses in and bursts, and then your throat's cartilage cracks
and breaks, and then your airways collapse in on themselves, and then your spine starts to
crack under the pressure, and then Ty Lee lets up. "Man you're a tough one, it's gonna take
me more than one squeeze." You try to speak but all that comes out is gargles. She squeezes
one time, so hard that you can't bare the pain, and then your spines cracks and fractures all
throughout it. Your spine and the rest of your neck are completely demolished into pieces.
"Another day doing my favorite activity at the beach, trapping unsuspecting young men." Ty
Lee says happily. Looks like your friends won't be getting their drinks after all.

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