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For any design to work, Researchers must consider the external forces that may affect the prototype

hinder its performance.They must also figure out what are the possible issues and problems that may
arise in the interior of the prototype.

In general, for a prototype to last, it must have a durable outer shell that can handle the outside
environment it will encounter on a day to day basis. This comes down to what material and how will
that material be used in assembling the design. For the whole container of the design, A rectangular
shape has been decided on, as the researchers believe that this shape will be able to fit the equipment
needed to burn while also considering the working area of the machine. A stainless metal is used for the
outside layer of the machine as this will help the machine not to rust from any rain. The design was also
given a container to have a storage unit for the converted materials. The design was given a see-through
panel door , so that the inside of the machine is visible from the outside, without the need to open the
machine part by part. And finally, everything is welded in place.

Durability and continuous functionality was the focus of the design. As previously said, one of
the primary reasons for the community’s lack of modern technological devices is the high cost of
products. So the cpe students ensured to generate cost effective designs with excellent quality.

External factors that may affect the prototype's performances must be considered by the researchers in
order for a design to work. Researchers must also examine the prototype's interior to determine what
potential concerns and problems might occur.

To create the intended output, the researchers chose good quality yet cost-effective materials. The type
and quality of the materials have a big influence on the product's design. It is important to have good
quality materials especially for the speaker and the scoring device in order to extend the durability of
the product. For the design of the product a scoring device is placed on top of the trash can, and the
speaker is inside the trash can itself. The ring has a sensor that automatically rings when something
passes it. Everytime the sensor detects something the scoreboard will automatically record the number
of items that pass the sensor.

While designing and discussing the prototype, the researchers applied engineering ethics by holding
paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public and in a truthful manner. As planning the design
it is always possible that there is always room for improvement and that errors will occur in the
prototype, therefore the researchers made sure that it is safe for the public.

To have a good quality product, it must have good quality materials, therefore the researchers assure
that the materials that will be used are in good quality and at the same time cost-effective materials to
be certain that the final outcome will be durable and function properly.

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