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It is understandable if you are starving and end up eating more

than you should have, especially if you smell that fresh pasta with
tomato sauce, or that juicy steak. To be honest, that alluring dish
will tempt you into grabbing a bite even though you may not be
Your brain will somehow signal that your cells are complaining
that your blood is running out of nutrients and this message will
register in your mind as, “I’m hungry”. A short delay in catering to
its demands will intensify that message and make you think, “I am
starving”, even if you had a three-course meal not too long ago.
Feasting on the most scrumptious recipes arranged in front of you
and devouring every piece of edible treat you see may sound
fantastic, but you are only imagining that it is healthy.
Do you enjoy every bite you take or do you just wolf down you
breakfast, lunch and dinner? Who knows what you do to your
snacks? Remember that regardless of how much and how fast
you eat, your stomach signals back to your brain that you’re
felling satiated only 20 to 30 minutes after eating. Then the
empty stomach alarm goes off again after hours, and this cycle
continues on and on. Even in fast food restaurants, you don’t
need to eat fast as the food is made.
Take your time and enjoy the meal you’re eating. Taste the spice
and savor the texture. Observe it and name it. Is it crunchy, crispy,
chewy or soft? Does it melt in your mouth? Does it want you to
eat more?
Your eating habits can be changed and should include foods of
varied and deep colors, which are good source of nutrients. Such
foods should be eaten every day, not just because they are
delicious or to gain or lose weight, but to eat healthy.
give your opinion about the text you’ve read.
1. Do you eat healthy?
2. How is your relationship with fast-food?
3. How often do you prepare a healthier meal?
4. What is your favourite food at all?
5. For you, what does a good dish need to have?
6. Are you on a diet? Do you have a nutritionist?

✓ I have got to grab a few books at the library.
✓ She signaled me to stay quiet.
✓ These donuts are tempting me.
✓ I just wolfed my breakfast down because I was in a hurry.
✓ Every creature plays an important role in the food chain.
✓ What comes to kind when you hear the word “food”?
✓ They showed us their wedding album. It’s amazing.


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