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In the Crucible with Christ

Quarter 3, Lesson 9
“A Life of Praise”

MEMORY VERSE: “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice!” Philippians 4:4, NKJV
• This week we’ll examine the role of praise in our lives,
particularly in times of difficulty.
o Why is praising God so vital, and what effects does it really have?
1. Praise isn’t natural, but it is essential (Sab, Sun)
• What is praise?
o The dictionary definition of praise is “the expression of approval or
admiration for someone or something”—in our case, God.
o The Apostle Paul uses the word “rejoice” to convey the same idea of
being conscious of and expressing our appreciation to God (Phil. 4:4).
• Praise takes faith.
o Paul exhorts us go beyond occasional or even frequent praise to God.
His instruction is to “rejoice always.”
o The subsequent verses (Phil 4:4-7) make it clear that he was
specifically telling us to praise when God’s blessings may not be so
obvious—when it would likely run counter to our natural inclination
to doubt or even despair.
• This is why the lesson says that “Praise is faith in action” (Qtly,
Sab, par 3) and that “Praise is an act of faith” (Qtly, Sun, par 4).
• “Just as faith is based not on our circumstances but rather on the
truth about God, so praise is something we do not because we
feel good but because of the truth of who God is and what He
has promised us” (Qtly, Sun, par 5).

2. True praise is an attitude, not just an action (Mon, Tue)

• Praise takes practice.
o We need to establish the habit of thinking about and expressing
praise to God routinely. This practice will become a habit, which will
in turn become an attitude of praise that will help make up our
• “Praise is something that we must practice until it changes from
being an activity done at a particular time to an atmosphere in
which we live. Praise shouldn’t so much be a specific act but a
specific way of life itself” (Qtly, Tue, par 1).
• The lesson recommends three ways we can consciously begin to
develop this attitude of praise:
o Consciously observing the many evidences of God’s power and
care around us every day.
o •
Purposefully recalling God’s many blessings in our lives.
o Regularly expressing our praise aloud.
• The lesson points to Israel’s conquest of Jericho as an example
of how praising God aloud is an act of faith in the face of
otherwise insurmountable opposition (Josh. 6:15, 16, 20).
o “ Shouting loudly was not going to cause vibrations to trigger
the walls to collapse. When God called the Israelites to
“shout,” it was the same type of shouting that David writes
about in Psalm 66: “Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the
glory of his name; make his praise glorious!” (Ps. 66:1, 2, NIV).
This shouting was praise!
• Interestingly, Ellen White give us strikingly similar counsel for
facing obstacles in our daily lives.
If any one comes to you and begins to tell you of the faults of another, if you cannot
stop that voice in any other way, lift your voice and sing the Doxology. 5MR 6
3. Praise works (Wed, Thu)
• Perhaps there is no clearer example of the effect of faithful
praise than the story of Jehoshaphat found in 2 Chron. 20:13f.
o The lesson points out that even though God was fighting for
them, they still had to get up, go out, and face their enemy.
o Yet, like the lepers who were healed “as they went” (Luke
17:14), as soon as they began praising God in faith, the Lord
delivered (2 Chron. 20:22).
• This practice of praise, even in difficult times, has the power not
only to transform our characters but to turn the hearts of other
to God as well.
o This is evident in the story of Paul and Silas found in Acts
• “It is amazing to think that our praise can transform the eternal
destinies of those around us. If Paul and Silas had sat in the dark
mumbling and complaining as prisoners often do, do you think
anyone would have been saved that night?” (Qtly, Wed, par 3).
Then let us educate our hearts and lips to speak the praise of God for His
matchless love. Let us educate our souls to be hopeful and to abide in the
light shining from the cross of Calvary. Never should we forget that we are
children of the heavenly King, sons and daughters of the Lord of hosts. It is
our privilege to maintain a calm repose in God. MH 253 (Qtly, Fri, par 1)

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