Activity 2

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Guided Activity
Name of student
Juan Miguel C. Mangaya
Year & Section
/Date: 8/26/2022

Nursing Research

Capture your key learnings about the situation below:
In your own words, answer the following in FULL explanation:
SITUATION: Many children are hospitalized annually, and many hospitalized children
experience high levels of pain. There are long lasting, harmful effects to the nervous system
when severe or persistent pain in children is untreated. Although effective analgesic and
nonpharmacologic methods of controlling children’s pain exist, and although there are
reliable methods of assessing children’s pain, nurses do not always manage children’s pain
FOCUS: What will you study/plan based on above? The children’s pain or the nurse/s? (Pick
only one and proceed below)
INSTRUCTIONS: If you are working in a pediatric hospital (ex. Phil Children’s Med Center or
National Children’s Hospital), make a detailed research plan based on the scenario above.
● Use bullet form of outline with your answers.
● Include a fictional but realistic scenario for your plan
● There should be:
1. Objective and purpose of the study

2. What do you want to find out? Why?

3. How will you address number 2?

4. How long will your study run for? (1, 2, etc. years or when there is no more
problem) Why?

5. Summarize your plan by writing an evaluation (expectation, hypothesis, will you

repeat the study (why) etc.

4 3 2 1
Content Went beyond Included Included what was What was expected
6 pts expectation what was expected but lacks is incomplete and _______
expected essential details not thoroughly _
2 discussed 24
Organization Very evident Very evident Shows weakness Not evident, not
of ideas and cohesive 3 clearly constructed _______
4 pts 16
Thoughts Original and Evidence of Little evidence of No originality or
3 pts creative originality originality or creativity _______
or creativity creativity _
3 12
Writing Clear and Has minor Lacks clarity, Significant errorst
(spelling, organized flaws organization, errors exist, unclear writing _______
grammar, 4 exist __
word usage) 8
2 pts
TOTAL Total Score 60
Title: Effectivity of Animation design peripherals (Mask, scrubs, pens, clip board) as an approach in
nursing intervention to treat pain for pediatric patient.

 Objective: This study aims to innovate an approach for pediatric patient to deliver an effective
nursing intervention.
 Purpose: To enhance the effectivity of nursing intervention to pediatric patient in relieving pain
related to social, emotional, mental or physical pain.
 According to Erick Erickson, his theory was all about the socialization of a person determines the
outcome as it developed. In the first few stages of the theory tackles about the importance of
building the psychosocial traits of the children in order for them to grow in the outcome they
deserve. This may relate to the ineffective way of coping of the pediatric patient from the pain that
they experienced. This may also determine the type of pain that the patient is experiencing, this
may include child abuse, bullying , depression, accidents and etc. this may also explain the
increase number of the pediatric patient admitted on a hospital.

 Conduct a survey to the legal guardian or parents of the patient, an interactive interview with the
pediatric patient with consent using known animation design peripherals (Mask, scrubs, pens, clip
board). Collaborate with psychologists and pediatrics.

 This study will take up to 1 year and 6 months due to legal purposes such as consent forms, letters
for approval, gathering of data, practical application and etc.

 This study is expected to be highly innovative for pediatric patients in delivering nursing
intervention as an approach. Hypothesis: If animation character designs inspire the children to
listen, then an animation characters design approach of nursing intervention in coping pain for
pediatric patient will enhanced its effectivity. If I were given a chance to repeat the study, the
limitation of it such as resources and data will be expound with collaboration to different
professionals of the same field. This may include working to different facilities and companies.

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