Gateway Drugs

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Gateway drugs

Alcohol, marijuana, Nicotine. What are all these fancy words? They're all gateway drugs, and they're all
different kinds of gateway drugs. All of them have a different effect on our bodies, albeit some have a
stronger effect than others, but they all modify the way the body reacts. Before I go any further, allow
me to introduce myself. My name is Jowen , and I'd like to thank you all for attending today to learn
about gateway drugs and their consequences.

The gateway drug effect is a broad term for the frequently observed phenomenon in which the use of
one psychoactive substance is associated with a higher likelihood of using other psychoactive
substances. The gateway theory of substance misuse is based on the study Stages and Pathways of
gateway Drug Involvement: Examining the Gateway Hypothesis, which states that using one substance
puts people at a higher risk of abusing other substances. When the term "gateway theory" was coined in
the 1970s and 1980s to draw attention to the so-called "War on Drugs" and to single out certain drugs
like marijuana as dangerous substances, the concept became highly popular. With the legalization of
cannabis products for medicinal and even recreational purposes in a number of states, a number of
lawmakers have expressed their disapproval of the new legislation, citing the gateway hypothesis.

Is marijuana a type of medicine? Medical marijuana is used to treat diseases or disorders by using the
marijuana plant or its compounds. It's essentially the same as recreational marijuana, except it's used
for medical reasons. Is marijuana a type of medicine? Medical marijuana is used to treat diseases or
disorders by using the marijuana plant or its compounds. It's essentially the same as recreational
marijuana, except it's used for medical reasons.

Cannabinoids are a group of compounds found in marijuana plants that number in the hundreds. Each
has a distinct influence on the human body. The major compounds utilized in medicine are delta-9-
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is also responsible for the "high" that people
experience when they smoke marijuana or consume foods that contain it.

They are the things that can help you avoid using gateway drugs. Avoid temptation and peer pressure by
avoiding friends or family members who pressure you to use narcotics. People often turn to drugs and
alcohol when something in their life is missing or not working. Practicing stress management skills can
help you overcome these life stressors and will help you live a balanced and healthy life.

Develop goals and dreams for your future. These will help you focus on what you want and help you
realize that drugs and alcohol will simply get in the way and hinder you from achieving your goals.

Don’t let drugs control

Submitted by: jowen mae boluso

Submitted to :Ms. Marriza Delogar , Ms. Maria Carmen Mirador Ubal

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